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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Full Spell List by Class
Collected by Chet Erez ( cerez@crystalkeep.com )
Report Suggestions or Errors at http://www.crystalkeep.com/forums/index.php
December 9, 2005
Bard Spell List.............................................2
0 th Level .......................................................... 2
1 st Level........................................................... 2
2 nd Level .......................................................... 3
3 rd Level .......................................................... 4
4 th Level .......................................................... 4
5 th Level .......................................................... 5
6 th Level .......................................................... 5
Sorcerer / Wizard Spell List ........................6
0 th Level .......................................................... 6
1 st Level........................................................... 7
2 nd Level .......................................................... 9
3 rd Level ........................................................ 11
4 th Level ........................................................ 13
5 th Level ........................................................ 15
6 th Level ........................................................ 17
7 th Level ........................................................ 18
8 th Level ........................................................ 19
9 th Level ........................................................ 20
Clerical Domains.......................................21
Air ................................................................. 21
Animal........................................................... 21
Artifice .......................................................... 21
Balance.......................................................... 21
Cavern ........................................................... 21
Celerity.......................................................... 21
Celestial ........................................................ 21
Chaos............................................................. 21
Charm............................................................ 21
City................................................................ 22
Cold............................................................... 22
Commerce ..................................................... 22
Community ................................................... 22
Community’ .................................................. 22
Competition .................................................. 22
Courage ......................................................... 22
Craft .............................................................. 22
Creation......................................................... 22
Darkness........................................................ 23
Death ............................................................. 23
Deathless ....................................................... 23
Decay ............................................................ 23
Destiny .......................................................... 23
Destruction.................................................... 23
Dominion ...................................................... 23
Dragon Below ............................................... 23
Dream............................................................ 23
Drow ............................................................. 24
Dwarf ............................................................ 24
Earth .............................................................. 24
Elf.................................................................. 24
Endurance ..................................................... 24
Evil ................................................................ 24
Exorcism ....................................................... 24
Family ........................................................... 24
Fate................................................................ 24
Feast .............................................................. 25
Fey................................................................. 25
Fire ................................................................ 25
Force ............................................................. 25
Glory ............................................................. 25
Gnome........................................................... 25
Good.............................................................. 25
Halfling ......................................................... 25
Hatred............................................................ 25
Healing .......................................................... 26
Herald............................................................ 26
Hunger........................................................... 26
Illusion .......................................................... 26
Inquisition ..................................................... 26
Joy ................................................................. 26
Knowledge .................................................... 26
Law................................................................ 26
Liberation ...................................................... 26
Life ................................................................ 27
Luck .............................................................. 27
Madness ........................................................ 27
Magic ............................................................ 27
Meditation ..................................................... 27
Mentalism ..................................................... 27
Metal ............................................................. 27
Mind .............................................................. 27
Moon ............................................................. 27
Mysticism...................................................... 28
Necromancy .................................................. 28
Nobility ......................................................... 28
Ocean ............................................................ 28
Oracle ............................................................ 28
Orc................................................................. 28
Pact................................................................ 28
Passion .......................................................... 28
Pestilence ...................................................... 29
Planning ........................................................ 29
Plant .............................................................. 29
Pleasure ......................................................... 29
Portal ............................................................. 29
Portal’............................................................ 29
Protection ...................................................... 29
Purification.................................................... 29
Renewal......................................................... 29
Repose........................................................... 30
Retribution .................................................... 30
Rune .............................................................. 30
Scalykind....................................................... 30
Shadow.......................................................... 30
Slime ............................................................. 30
Spell .............................................................. 30
Spider ............................................................ 31
Spirit.............................................................. 31
Storm............................................................. 31
Strength ......................................................... 31
Suffering ....................................................... 31
Summoner ..................................................... 31
Sun ................................................................ 31
Time .............................................................. 31
Trade ............................................................. 32
Transformation.............................................. 32
Travel ............................................................ 32
Trickery......................................................... 32
Truth.............................................................. 32
Tyrant ............................................................ 32
Undead .......................................................... 32
Undeath ......................................................... 32
War................................................................ 32
Water ............................................................. 33
Watery Death ................................................ 33
Weather ......................................................... 33
Weather’........................................................ 33
Wrath............................................................. 33
Cleric Spell List........................................ 34
0 th Level......................................................... 34
1 st Level ......................................................... 34
2 nd Level ........................................................ 35
3 rd Level ........................................................ 36
4 th Level......................................................... 37
5 th Level......................................................... 38
6 th Level......................................................... 39
7 th Level......................................................... 40
8 th Level......................................................... 40
9 th Level......................................................... 40
Druid Spell List ........................................ 41
0 th Level......................................................... 41
1 st Level ......................................................... 41
2 nd Level ........................................................ 42
3 rd Level ........................................................ 43
4 th Level......................................................... 44
5 th Level......................................................... 44
6 th Level......................................................... 45
7 th Level......................................................... 45
8 th Level......................................................... 46
9 th Level......................................................... 46
Paladin Spell List...................................... 47
1 st Level ......................................................... 47
2 nd Level ........................................................ 47
3 rd Level ........................................................ 47
4 th Level......................................................... 48
Ranger Spell List ...................................... 49
1 st Level ......................................................... 49
2 nd Level ........................................................ 49
3 rd Level ........................................................ 50
4 th Level......................................................... 50
Artificer Infusion List............................... 51
1 st Level ......................................................... 51
2 nd Level ........................................................ 51
3 rd Level ........................................................ 51
4 th Level......................................................... 52
5 th Level......................................................... 52
6 th Level......................................................... 52
Assassin spell list...................................... 53
1 st Level ......................................................... 53
2 nd Level ........................................................ 53
3 rd Level ........................................................ 53
4 th Level......................................................... 53
Skipped Spells .......................................... 54
War Spells ..................................................... 54
Sanctified Spells............................................ 54
Spells for Celestials ...................................... 54
Spells for Archons......................................... 54
Earth Node Spells ......................................... 54
Cerebrotic Spells ........................................... 54
Appendix .................................................. 55
Revision History ........................................... 55
Key to Sourcebooks ...................................... 55
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Full Spell List
December 9, 2005
Bard Spell List
Charisma-based Impromptu Arcane Spells
0 th Level
Dancing Lights (PH p216) – Creates torches or other
Daze (PH p217) – Humanoid creature of 4HD or less
loses next action.
Detect Crossroads (MoF p88) – Detect fey crossroads
within 60’.
Detect Magic (PH p219) – Detects spells and magic
items within 60’.
Flare (PH p232) – Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack
Fleeting Flame (DR326 p73) – Gives you a +2 bonus
on one Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.
Ghost Sound (PH p235) – Figment sounds.
Ghostharp (MoF p97) – Object records, plays a song
at your command.
Glimpse of Fear (DR333 p71) – A flash of horror
causes the target to become shaken.
Know Direction (PH p246) – You discern north.
Light (PH p248) – Object shines like a torch.
Lullaby (PH p249) – Makes subject drowsy; –5 on
Spot & Listen checks, –2 Will saves against
Sleep .
Mage Hand (PH p249) – 5 pound telekinesis.
Mending (PH p253) – Makes minor repairs on an
Message (PH p253) – Whispered conversation at
Minor Disguise (MoF p108) – Makes slight changes to
your appearance.
Open/Close (PH p258) – Opens or closes small or
light things.
Prestidigitation (PH p264) – Performs minor tricks.
Read Magic (PH p269) – Reads scrolls and
Resistance (PH p272) – Subject gains +1 resistance
bonus on all saving throws.
Seeker’s Chant (DR326 p74) – Gives you a +1 bonus
on Search checks, but a –2 penalty on Move
Silently checks.
Songbird (MoF p120) – Perform and gain +1
Competence bonus on your next Charisma
Stick (Und p61) – Glues an object weighting 5 pounds
or less to a larger object.
Summon Instrument (PH p285) – Summons one
instrument of the caster’s choice.
1 st Level
Accelerated Movement (CAdv p142) – Swift. Balance,
Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with
no penalty on skill check.
Alarm (PH p197) – Wards an area for 2 hours per
Amplify (MoF p77) – Lowers Listen DC by 20.
Animate Rope (PH p199) – Makes a rope move at your
Appraising Touch (DR325 p70) – Grants a bonus on
Appraise checks.
Balagarn’s Iron Horn (MoF p79) – Intense vibrations
trip those in the area.
Cause Fear (PH p208) – One creature of 5HD or less
flees for 1d4 rounds.
Charm Person (PH p209) – Make one person your
Comprehend Languages (PH p212) – You understand
all spoken and written languages.
Confusion, Lesser (PH p212) – One creature acts
randomly for 1 round.
Cure Light Wounds (PH p215) – Cures 1d8 + 1 per
level damage (max +5).
Dead End (DR325 p71) – Illusions conceal the targets’
Detect Secret Doors (PH p220) – Reveals hidden
doors within 60’.
Discern Bloodline (RoD p165) – Know the race of one
creature per level.
Disguise Self (PH p222) – Changes your appearance
Disquietude (MoF p90) – Target avoids physical
contact with others.
Distort Speech (CAdv p145) – Subject’s speech is 50%
unintelligible; subject may miscast spells.
Distract (DR314 p20) – One creature per level has
trouble concentrating & receives a –4 penalty on
Concentration, Search, Spot, & Listen checks.
Empathy (DR313 p93) – Read the emotions of one
living creature; gain a +2 Competence bonus on
Charisma-based skill checks against the target.
Erase (PH p227) – Mundane or magical writing
Expeditious Retreat (PH p228) – Your land speed
increases by 30’.
Expeditious Retreat, Swift (CAdv p149) – Swift. Your
speed increases by 30’ for 1 round.
Feather Fall (PH p229) – Objects or creatures fall
Focusing Chant (CAdv p149) – Gain +1 on attack
rolls, skill checks, and ability checks, so long as
you don’t speak or cast other spells.
Friendly Face (RoD p166) – Gain a +5 Circumstance
bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information
Grease (PH p237) – Makes 10’ square or 1 object
Harmony (PGF p104) – Increases Inspire Courage
ability to +4/+2.
Healthful Rest (CAdv p151) – Subjects heal at twice
the normal rate.
Herald’s Call (CAdv p151)(MoF p100) – Swift.
Creatures of 5HD or less within 20’ are Slow ’d
for 1 round.
Hypnotism (PH p242) – Fascinates 2d4 HD of
Identify (PH p243) – Determines properties of a magic
Inspirational Boost (CAdv p153) – Swift. The bonuses
granted by you Inspire Courage ability are
increased by 1.
Joyful Noise (CAdv p154) – You negate Silence in a
10’ radius Emanation for as long as you
Know Protections (MoF p104) – Determine target’s
Locate City (RoD p166) – Find nearest city.
Magic Mouth (PH p251) – Speaks once when
Master’s Touch (CAdv p154) – Swift. You gain
proficiency in a touched weapon or shield for 1
minute per level.
Nystul’s Magic Aura (PH p257) – Alters object’s
magic aura.
Obscure Object (PH p258) – Masks object against
Phade’s Fearsome Aspect (DR333 p72) – The target
looks like a demon, gaining a +5 bonus on
Intimidate checks and can Demoralize as a Swift
Ray of Hope (BoED p105) – Subject gains +2 Morale
bonus on attacks, saves, & checks.
Remove Fear (PH p271) – Suppresses fear or gives +4
on saves against fear for one subject + one per
four levels.
Scholar’s Touch (RoD p167) – Read book in seconds.
Serene Visage (DR325 p72) – Grants a bonus on Bluff
Shock and Awe (DR325 p72) – Reduces a surprised
creature’s initiative roll.
Silent Image (PH p279) – Creates a minor illusion of
your design.
Sleep (PH p280) – Puts 4HD of creatures into magical
Summon Monster I (PH p285) – Summons an
extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter (PH p292) – Subject loses
actions for 1 round per level.
Undersong (DR328 p72) – You may make Perform
checks in place of Concentration checks.
Undetectable Alignment (PH p297) – Conceals
alignment for 24 hours.
Unseen Servant (PH p297) – Invisible force obeys
your commands.
Ventriloquism (PH p298) – Throws voice for 1 minute
per level.
Bard Spell List – 0 th – 1 st level
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Full Spell List
December 9, 2005
2 nd Level
Alter Self (PH p197) – Assume the form of a similar
Animal Messenger (PH p198) – Sends a Tiny animal
to a specific place.
Animal Trance (PH p198) – Fascinates 2d6 HD of
Bladeweave (CAdv p144) – Swift. Your melee attacks
Daze your opponent.
Blindness/Deafness (PH p206) – Makes subject blind
or deaf.
Blur (PH p206) – Attacks miss subject 20% of the
Calm Emotions (PH p207) – Calms creatures, negating
emotion effects .
Cat’s Grace (PH 3.5 p208) – Subject gains +4
Dexterity for 1 minute per level.
Circle Dance (MoF p84) – Indicates direction to
known target.
Cloud of Bewilderment (PGF p101) – Stun and blind
Cure Moderate Wounds (PH p216) – Cures 2d8
damage +1 per level (max +10).
Darkness (PH p216) – 20’ radius of supernatural
Delay Poison (PH p217) – Stops poison from harming
subject for 1 hour per level.
Delusions of Grandeur (DR324 p71) – Subject
becomes overconfident and careless.
Detect Thoughts (PH p220) – Allows “listening” to
surface thoughts.
Eagle’s Splendor (PH p225) – Subject gains +4
Charisma for 1 minute per level.
Elation (BoED p98) – Allies gain +2 Morale bonus to
Strength & Dexterity, and +5’ movement.
Enthrall (PH p227) – Captivates all within 100’ + 10’
per level.
Faerinaal’s Hymn (BoED p99) – Up to one creature
per level cannot take attacks of opportunity.
Fly, Swift (CAdv p149) – Swift. Gain Fly speed of 60’
for 1 round.
Force Whip (CArc p108) – Whip of magical force
keeps animals at bay and can frighten animals as
a ranged touch attack.
Fox’s Cunning (PH p233) – Subject gains +4
Intelligence for 1 minute per level.
Glitterdust (PH p236) – Blinds creatures, outlines
invisible creatures.
Harmonize (RoS p162) – Bardic Music can be started
as a Move Action, instead of a Standard Action.
Heartfire (DR314 p20) – Intelligent creatures in a 5’
burst are covered with flames, which cause
damage and negate Blur, Invisibility , etc.
Heroism (PH p240) – Gives a +2 on attack rolls,
saves, & skill checks.
Hold Person (PH p241) – Paralyzes one person for up
to 1 round per level.
Hypnotic Pattern (PH p242) – Fascinates (2d4 + level)
HD of creatures.
Insidious Insight (RoE p187) – Gain Insight bonus on
Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, & Sense Motive
checks against a target creature.
Insidious Rhythm (CAdv p152) – Subject has –4
penalty on Intelligence-based skill checks and
Concentration checks, and must make
Concentration check to cast spells.
Insignia of Alarm (RoD p166) – Alert the bearers of a
special insignia.
Invisibility (PH p245) – Subject is invisible for 1
minute per level or until it attacks.
Invisibility, Swift (CAdv p153) – Swift. You are
invisible for 1 round or until you attack.
Iron Silence (CAdv p153) – Armor touched has no
Armor Check penalty on Hide and Move
Silently checks for 1 hour per level.
Lively Step (PGF p106) – You and you allies gain a
+10’ increase to speed and can ‘hustle’ for an
extra hour per day per level.
Locate Object (PH p249) – Senses direction toward
object (specific or type) .
Mindless Rage (CAdv p155) – Target compelled to
attack you physically for 1 round per level.
Minor Image (PH p254) – As Silent Image , plus some
Mirror Image (PH p254) – Creates decoy duplicates of
you (1d4 + 1 per three levels (max 8)).
Misdirection (PH p254) – Misleads divinations for one
creature or object.
Misrepresent Alignment (RoE p188) – Projects a false
alignment for an object or creature.
Phantom Threat (CWar p118) – Subject thinks it’s
Proud Arrogance (RoD p167) – Targets (who must be
the same race as the caster) gain +4 Resistance
bonus on saves vs. charm, compulsion, and fear.
Pyrotechnics (PH p267) – Turns fire into blinding
light or choking smoke.
Rage (PH p268) – Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on
Will saves, –2 to AC.
Reflective Disguise (Und p60) – Viewers see you as
their own species and gender.
Scare (PH p274) – Panics creatures of less than 6HD.
Shatter (PH p278) – Sonic vibration damages objects
or crystalline creatures.
Silence (PH p279) – Negate sound in 15’ radius.
Sonic Weapon (CAdv p157) – Touched weapon deal
+1d6 Sonic damage with each hit.
Sound Burst (PH p281) – Deals 1d8 sonic damage to
subjects; may stun them.
Suggestion (PH p285) – Compels subject to follow
stated course of action.
Summon Monster II (PH p286) – Summons an
extraplanar creature to fight for you .
Summon Swarm (PH p289) – Summons a swarm of
bats, rats, or spiders.
Tactical Precision (CAdv p157) – Allies gain an
additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and +1d6
additional damage against flanked foes.
Tongues (PH p294) – Speak any language.
Tvash-Prull’s Bonefiddle (DR328 p72) – A spectral
bow plays upon the target’s bones, dealing sonic
Unseen Crafter (RoE p191) – Invisible force obeys
your command and can use the Craft skill.
Wave of Grief (CDiv p188) – All in cone receive a –3
penalty on attacks, checks, and saves.
Whirling Blade (CArc p129) – Hurled slashing weapon
magically attacks all foes in a 60’ line.
Whispering Wind (PH p301) – Sends a short message
one mile per level.
Bard Spell List – 2 nd level
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Full Spell List
December 9, 2005
3 rd Level
Allegro (CAdv p142) – You and your allies gain +30’
speed for 1 minute per level.
Analyze Portal (FR p66) – Detects and analyzes
Portals within 60’.
Anamensis (DR338 p77) – Taps into an alien
unconscious, providing a bonus on Knowledge
skill checks.
Blink (PH p206) – You randomly vanish and reappear
for 1 round per level.
Charm Monster (PH p209) – Makes monster believe it
is your ally.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (PH p209) – Hear or see
at a distance for 1 minute per level.
Confusion (PH p212) – Makes subject behave oddly
for 1 round per level.
Crushing Despair (PH p215) – Subject takes –2 on
attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, & checks.
Cure Serious Wounds (PH p216) – Cures 3d8 damage
+ 1 per level (max +15).
Daylight (PH p216) – 60’ radius of bright light.
Deep Slumber (PH p217) – Puts 10HD of creatures to
Dirge of Discord (CAdv p145) – All within 20’ take –4
on attack rolls, Concentration checks, and
Dexterity, and reduce speed by 50%.
Dispel Magic (PH p223)(PH3.5e)+ – Cancels magical
spells and effects.
Displacement (PH p223) – Attacks miss subject 50%
of the time.
Dissonant Chord (CAdv p145) – Deals 1d8 per two
levels of Sonic damage in a 10’ burst.
Fear (PH p229) – Subjects within cone flee for 1
round per level.
G’elsewhere Chant (MoF p96) – Teleport target to
random safe place within 100’.
Gaseous Form (PH p234) – Subject becomes
insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Geas, Lesser (PH p235) – Commands subject of 7 HD
or less.
Glibness (PH p235)(PH3.5e)+ – You gain +30 bonus on
Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical
Good Hope (PH p237) – Subjects gain +2 on attack
rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Harmonic Chorus (CAdv p150) – Give another caster
+2 caster levels and a +2 on save DC’s as long
as you concentrate.
Haste (PH p239) – One creature per level moves
faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Haunting Tune (MoF p99) – 1 target per level
becomes shaken.
Hymn of Praise (CAdv p152) – Add +2 caster levels to
all Good Divine casters within range.
Illusory Script (PH p243) – Only intended reader can
Infernal Threnody (CAdv p152) – Add +2 cater levels
to all Evil Divine casters within range.
Insignia of Healing (RoD p166) – Bearers of a special
insignia are healed 1d8 + 1/lvl hit-points (max
Invisibility Sphere (PH p245) – Makes everyone
within 10’ invisible.
Leomund’s Tiny Hut (PH p247) – Creates shelter for
ten creatures.
Love’s Lament (DR328 p70) – A cone of disheartening
music deals 1d6 Wisdom damage and Nauseates
those affected.
Major Image (PH p252) – As Silent Image , but sound,
smell, and thermal effects.
Phantom Steed (PH p260) – Magical horse appears for
1 hour per level.
Puppeteer (MoF p112) – Target mimics your actions.
Refreshment (BoED p105) – Cures all non-lethal
damage on creatures in a 20’ radius of the caster
Remove Curse (PH p270) – Frees person or object
from a curse.
Scrying (PH p274)(PH3.5e)+ – Spies on subject from a
Sculpt Sound (PH p275) – Creates new sounds or
changes existing ones.
Secret Page (PH p275) – Changes one page to hide its
real contents.
See Invisibility (PH p275) – Reveals invisible
creatures or objects.
Sepia Snake Sigil (PH p276) – Creates text symbol
that immobilizes reader.
Slow (PH p280) – One subject per level takes only one
action per round, –1 AC and attack rolls.
Speak with Animals (PH p281) – You can
communicate with animals.
Speechlink (CAdv p157) – You and one other creature
can talk, no matter how far apart.
Summon Monster III (PH p286) – Summons an
extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Verraketh’s Shadow Crown (RoF p191) – +4
Competence bonus on Perform checks that
doesn’t stack with Feat: Shadow Weave Magic .
Vision of Fear (DR333 p73) – You gain knowledge of
the target’s greatest or most recent fear.
Warcry (BoED p111) – Creatures within a 30’ cone
cower for 1d4 rounds.
Winding Alleys (RoD p169) – Trap foe in phantasmal
Wounding Whispers (MoF p134) – Sonic aura
damages foes that strike you.
4 th Level
Blinding Beauty (BoED p92) – You become as
beautiful as a nymph, and can blind humanoids
who look at you.
Break Enchantment (PH p207) – Frees subject from
enchantments, alterations, curses, and
Celebration (MoF p84) – Intoxicate subjects.
Charm Person, Mass (RoD p164)(DR312 p51) – As
Charm Person , but up to 2 * Caster level of HD.
Cure Critical Wounds (PH p215) – Cures 4d8 + 1 per
level (max. +20).
Detect Scrying (PH p219) – Alerts you to magical
Dimension Door (PH p221) – Teleports you a short
Dolorous Motes (BoED p97) – Creates clouds of
flickering light (one 10’ cube per level) that
dazes creatures.
Dominate Person (PH p224) – Controls humanoid
Freedom of Movement (PH p233) – Subject moves
normally despite impediments.
Fugue of Tvash-Prull (DR328 p71) – Targets in a 30’
radius are hindered or harmed in a manner
dictated by the caster’s Perform check.
Hallucinatory Terrain (PH p238) – Makes one type of
terrain appear like another (field into forest, or
the like).
Harmonize, Greater (RoS p162) – Bardic Music can
be started as a Move Action, instead of a
Standard Action. Also, maintaining Bardic
Music is only a Move Action.
Hold Monster (PH p241) – As Hold Person , but can
effect any creature.
Insidious Suggestion (RoE p187) Suggestion repeats
over and over in the target creature’s mind.
Inspired Aim (BoED p101) – Allies within 40’ gain +2
Insight bonus on ranged attack rolls.
Invisibility, Greater (PH p245) – As Invisibility , but
subject can attack and stay invisible.
Know Vulnerabilities (MoF p104) – Determine target’s
vulnerabilities and resistances.
Legend Lore (PH p246) – Lets you learn tales about a
person, place, or thing.
Leomund’s Secure Shelter (PH p247) – Creates study
Listening Coin (CAdv p154) – You can eavesdrop
through a magic coin.
Locate Creature (PH p249) – Indicates direction to
familiar creature.
Modify Memory (PH p255) – Changes 5 minutes of
subject’s memories.
Neutralize Poison (PH p257) – Immunizes subject
against poison, detoxifies venom in or on
Portal View (Und p60) – Turns target Portal
Rainbow Pattern (PH p268) – Lights fascinate 24 HD
of creatures.
Repel Vermin (PH p271) – Insects, spiders, and other
vermin stay 10’ away.
Resonating Bolt (CArc p121) – Sonic energy deals 1d4
damage per level (max 10d4).
Shadow Conjuration (PH p276) – Mimics conjuring
below 4 th level, but only 20% real.
Shout (PH p279) – Deafens all within cone and deals
5d6 damage.
Speak with Plants (PH p282) – You can talk to normal
plants and plant creatures.
Spectral Weapon (CAdv p157) – Swift. Use quasi-real
weapon to make touch attacks.
Speechlink (MoF p121) – You and the target can
verbally communicate at any distance.
Stone Shatter (MoF p124) – Shatter a stone object or
Summon Monster IV (PH p286) – Calls an extraplanar
creature to fight for you.
Unluck (CArc p128) – Target remakes all rolls, uses
worst result for 1 round per level.
Wall of Dispel Magic (Und p63) – Creatures passing
through a transparent wall become subjects of
targeted Dispel Magic .
War Cry (CAdv p158)(MoF p132) – Swift. Gain +2
Morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, or +4
if you Charge, for 1 round per level. Any
opponent you damage must save or become
panicked for 1 round.
Zone of Silence (PH p303) – Keeps eavesdroppers
from overhearing conversations.
Bard Spell List – 3 rd –4 th level
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December 9, 2005
5 th Level
Blink, Improved / Greater (CArc p99)UE p50)(CDiv p154)
– Controlled blinking between the Material and
Ethereal Planes grants defenses for 1 round per
Body Harmonics (DR314 p45) – Target creature’s
body vibrates, causing ability damage each
Cure Light Wounds, Mass (PH p216) – Cures 1d8
damage +1 per level for many creatures.
Dispel Magic, Greater (PH p210)(PH3.5e)+ – As Dispel
Magic , but up to +20 on the check.
Dream (PH p225) – Sends message to anyone
False Vision (PH p229) – Fools scrying with an
Heroism, Greater (PH p285) – Gives +4 bonus on
attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to
fear; temporary hp.
Improvisation (CAdv p152) – You gain a pool of Luck
bonus points equal to twice your caster level and
can spend them to improve attack rolls, skill
checks, and ability checks.
Inescapable Swarm (DR333 p72) – Targets feel as
though they are covered by an invisible swarm
of insects.
Leomund’s Hidden Lodge (CArc p113) – Creates a
sturdy cottage camouflaged to blend into natural
Mind Fog (PH p253) – Subjects in fog get a –10 on
Will saves & Wisdom checks.
Mirage Arcana (PH p254) – As Hallucinatory
Terrain , plus structures.
Mislead (PH p255) – Turns you invisible and creates
illusory double.
Nightmare (PH p257) – Send vision dealing 1d10
damage, fatigue.
Persistent Image (PH p260) – As Major Image , but no
concentration required.
Reflective Disguise, Mass (Und p61) – Viewers see
subjects as their own species and gender.
Seeming (PH p275) – Changes the appearance of one
person per two levels.
Shadow Evocation (PH p277) – Mimics evocation of
lower than 5 th level, but only 20% real.
Shadow Walk (PH p277) – Step into shadow to travel
Song of Discord (PH p281) – Forces targets to attack
each other.
Suggestion, Mass (PH p285) – As Suggestion , plus
one subject per level.
Summon Monster V (PH p287) – Summons an
extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Telepathy Block (BoED p109) – Blocks all telepathic
communication within an 80’ radius.
Unfettered Heroism (RoE p190) – Spend more than
one Action Point per round, plus gain one free
Action Point per round.
Wail of Doom (CAdv p158) – Deal 1d4 per level
damage in a 30’ cone, plus targets are panicked
or shaken.
Wall of Greater Dispel Magic (Und p63) – Creatures
passing through a transparent wall become
subjects of targeted Greater Dispel Magic .
6 th Level
Analyze Dweomer (PH p197) – Reveals magical
aspects of subject.
Animate Objects (PH p199) – Objects attack your
Bestow Curse, Greater (CDiv p153)(CDivErrata)+
(RoD p164) – As Bestow Curse , but more severe
Cacophonic Shield (CAdv p144)(MoF p83) – Shield 10’
from you blocks sound, deals 1d6+1 per level
Sonic damage, and deafens creatures passing
Cat’s Grace, Mass (PH p208) – As Cat’s Grace ,
affects one subject per level.
City Stride (RoD p164) – Teleport between two cities.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (PH p216) – Cures 2d8
damage + 1 per level for many creatures.
Dirge (MoF p89) – Enemies suffer 2 points of
Strength & Dexterity damage per round.
Dominate Person, Mass (DR312 p51) – As Dominate
Person , but up to 2 * Caster level of HD.
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass (PH p225) – As Eagle’s
Splendor , affects one subject per level.
Empyreal Ecstasy (BoED p98) – Targets become
immune to pain and mind-influencing effects,
and take half damage from melee and ranged
attacks; –4 to skill checks.
Eyebite (PH p228) – Target becomes panics, sickened,
and comatose.
Find the Path (PH p230) – Shows most direct way to a
Fox’s Cunning, Mass (PH p233) – As Fox’s Cunning ,
affects one subject per level.
Gate Seal (FR p70) – Permanently seals a Gate or
Portal .
Geas, Mass Lesser (DR312 p51) – As Lesser Geas , but
affects one subject per level.
Geas/Quest (PH p234) – As Lesser Geas , plus it
affects any creature.
Heroes’ Feast (PH p240) – Ford for one creature per
level, cures, and grants combat bonuses.
Hindsight (CAdv p151) – You see into the past.
Nixie’s Grace (DR314 p46) – Caster gains attributes of
a Nixie, including enhancements to Charisma,
Dexterity, & Wisdom, the ability to breath
water, and Damage Reduction 5 / cold iron.
Otto’s Irresistible Dance (PH p259) – Forces subject
to dance.
Permanent Image (PH p260) – Includes sight, sound,
and smell.
Programmed Image (PH p265) – As Major Image ,
plus triggered by an event.
Project Image (PH p265) – Illusory double can talk
and cast spells.
Protégé (CAdv p155) – Subject can use Bardic Music
and Bardic Knowledge as a Bard of half your
Scrying, Greater (PH p275)(PH3.5e)+ – As Scrying , but
faster and longer.
Shout, Greater (PH p279) – Devastating yell deals
10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages
Summon Monster VI (PH p287) – Summons an
extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sympathetic Vibration (PH p291) – Inflicts 2d10
damage per round on a free-standing structure.
Symphonic Nightmare (DR328 p72) – Disruptive
music fills the target’s sleep, preventing him
from resting, regaining spells, etc.
Veil (PH p298) – Changes appearance of group of
Bard Spell List – 5 th – 6 th level
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