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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Skills & Actions
Collected by Chet Erez ( cerez@crystalkeep.com )
Report Suggestions or Errors at http://www.crystalkeep.com/forums/index.php
October 1, 2007
Table of Contents
Skill Basics ....................................................2
Appraise...................................................... 3
Balance ....................................................... 4
Bluff............................................................ 7
Climb .......................................................... 9
Concentration............................................ 11
Control Shape ........................................... 12
Craft.......................................................... 13
Decipher Script ......................................... 18
Diplomacy ................................................ 19
Disable Device.......................................... 20
Disguise .................................................... 21
Escape Artist............................................. 22
Forgery ..................................................... 23
Gather Information ................................... 24
Handle Animal.......................................... 26
Heal .......................................................... 30
Hide .......................................................... 31
Intimidate.................................................. 32
Jump ......................................................... 33
Knowledge ............................................... 35
Listen........................................................ 46
Move Silently ........................................... 48
Open Lock ................................................ 49
Perform..................................................... 50
Profession................................................. 52
Ride .......................................................... 56
Search....................................................... 58
Sense Motive ............................................ 59
Sleight of Hand......................................... 60
Spellcraft .................................................. 62
Spot .......................................................... 64
Survival .................................................... 66
Swim ........................................................ 70
Tumble ..................................................... 71
Use Magic Device .................................... 73
Use Rope .................................................. 75
Skill Synergies Summary ......................... 77
Combat Actions .......................................... 78
Bull Rush ..................................................78
Feint ..........................................................78
Overrun .....................................................80
Sunder .......................................................80
Trip ...........................................................80
Mounted Combat.......................................81
Garrote Attack...........................................81
Teamwork Benefits .................................... 82
Skill Tricks .................................................. 84
Sorted by Type ..........................................84
Sorted by Prerequisite ...............................86
Appendix ..................................................... 91
Revision History .......................................91
Key to Sourcebooks ..................................91
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Skills & Actions
October 1, 2007
Skill Basics
Unopposed Checks
Take 10 and Take 20
Unopposed skill checks are made by rolling against a Difficulty Class (DC).
You roll 1d20 + skill modifier .
Your skill modifier is your rank plus the ability modifier of the skill’s key
ability plus any special modifiers as noted on the skill, in feats, in spell
effects, or with items.
Difficulty Class (DC) is defined by the Game Master as follows:
When you are performing a skill where you can take your time, you can skip
your die roll and simply assume you had rolled a 10. This is called “taking
10”. You cannot take 10 in situations where you are threatened, hurried, or
otherwise distracted.
When you are performing a skill that has no repercussions due to failure, so
you could try again and again until you succeed, you are allowed to simply
assume you will roll a 20 and calculate your skill roll that way. This is
called “taking 20”. The skill takes 20 times as long as normal to complete
when you do this.
This document includes hints on whether or not a skill lends itself to Taking 10
or Taking 20.
Very Easy (just about anyone could succeed)
Easy (even untrained people succeed half of the time)
Very Difficult (you need to be trained to even have a chance)
Aid Other
Extremely Difficult
A natural 20 is not an automatic success and a natural 1 is not an automatic
The Game Master may modify the DC due to favorable or unfavorable
Multiple characters can combine their efforts to succeed at a task. To aid
someone else with a skill, make a skill check DC 10. If you succeed, you
grant a +2 circumstance bonus to the person you are helping. The Game
Master decides the maximum number people can help on any given task,
and this is the maximum number of people that can attempt to help.
Opposed Checks
The DM may use an optional rule (CAdv p96) to allow higher bonuses. To
qualify, the helper must have at least 5 ranks in the target skill. The bonus is
+2 for a success, with an additional +1 for each 10 the success was made by.
Sometimes a skill check is made against someone else instead of against a
fixed difficulty. When this happens, your skill roll (1d20 + skill modifier) is
made against their skill roll. The higher total wins. In the case of a tie, the
character with the higher key ability score wins. If these are a tie, flip a coin
or otherwise randomly determine who wins.
Check Value Circumstance Bonus
10 – 19
20 – 29
30 – 39
Primary Ability
Assist Allies
(CAdv p96)
By making suggestions and/or showing the optimal route, a character with at
least 5 ranks in a target skill can accept a penalty to grant a bonus to his/her
allies within 30’ who can see or hear him/her.
Every skill has a primary ability. The modifier from this ability is applied to all
checks for use of the skill.
Time and Retries
Only the following skills may benefit from this ability: Balance, Bluff, Climb,
Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Move Silently, Ride,
Search, Survival, & Swim.
Most skills define how long it takes to perform them. If this information is
missing, the skill is most likely performed as a standard action.
Most skills allow you to try again if you fail, but some of them specifically say
you cannot try again. Also, some skills have repercussions due to failure.
For example, failing to disarm a trap may set it off and failing to convince
someone of something may make it even more difficult to try again.
Ranks in Skill
Circumstance Bonus Accepted Penalty
up to 4
5 – 14
Untrained Checks
Ability Checks
Most skills allow you to try them even if you have no ranks in the skill. This is
called making an untrained check. Your skill modifier for this check is
calculated as normal and with zero ranks.
Some skills can only be attempted if you have at least one rank. These skills are
marked as TRAINED ONLY in this document.
Sometimes you need to make a check and no specific skill seems to apply. In
this case, choose the most appropriate ability score and make a check as if
you were using a skill with 0 ranks that has that ability as the primary
Skill Basics
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Skills & Actions
October 1, 2007
Base Ability:
Must be Trained?:
Armor Check?:
Synergy bonus:
+2 bonus if you have 5+ ranks in the Craft skill used to create the item.
+2 bonus if you have 5+ ranks in the Perform skill that is the basis for the performance being appraised.
Dwarves receive a +2 Racial bonus when determining the value of objects made of metal or stone.
Master of a Raven familiar receives a +3 bonus.
Feat: Diligent grants a +2 bonus.
Feat: Appraise Magic Value (CAdv p97) allows use of the Appraise skill to determine magical properties.
In Class For
Bard, Rogue
This skill is used to determine the value of objects.
Determine Value
(PH p67) (RoS p129)+
Time: 1 Minute
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
You can determine the value an Object (PH p67) or a Performance (RoS p129) .
A Magnifying Glass grants a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks for small or highly detailed items. A Merchant’s Scale grants a +2 circumstance bonus for
items that are valued by weight. These bonuses stack.
Type of Item being Appraised
Estimated price,
if Successful
Estimated price,
on a Failure
Estimated price, on a
Failure and Untrained
Common (trade goods, livestock,
mundane items)
50% – 150%
<no guess>
Rare (gems, unworked precious
metals, fine clothing)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
50% – 150%
Exotic (unusual gems, spell
components, jewelry)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
50% – 150%
Unique (masterpiece artwork,
royal jewels, crowns)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
50% – 150%
Determine Value Quickly
(CAdv p97) Time: 1 Full Round
Retry? No (but see below)
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
Similar to ‘Determine Value’, but the check take 1 Full Round instead of 1 Minute and is at a higher DC.
Although you cannot retry a ‘Determine Value Quickly’ check, you make a ‘Determine Value’ check at a later time.
Type of Item being Appraised
Estimated price,
if Successful
Estimated price,
on a Failure
Common (trade goods, livestock,
mundane items)
<no guess>
Rare (gems, unworked precious
metals, fine clothing)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
Exotic (unusual gems, spell
components, jewelry)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
Unique (masterpiece artwork,
royal jewels, crowns)
70% – 130%
<no guess>
Identify Dwarven Crafted Objects (RoS p130)
Time: 1 Minute
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
By making a DC 10 check, you may determine if a specific object was made by Dwarves, and if it is of ‘Dwarvencraft’ quality.
Skill – Appraise
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Skills & Actions
October 1, 2007
Base Ability:
Must be Trained?:
Armor Check?:
Synergy bonus:
+2 bonus if 5+ ranks in Tumble
Feat: Agile grants a +2 bonus.
In Class For:
Bard, Monk, Rogue
This skill is used to keep your balance while moving on tightropes and ledges –or– when running or charging on an uneven floor.
Moving on a Narrow Surface
(PH p67)
Time: <part of movement>
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
Used when walking upon a ledge, tight-rope, etc.
Narrow Surface
7 to 12 inches wide
2 to 6 inches wide
Up to 2 inches wide
Narrow Surface Modifiers
Light Obstructed (scree, light
Severely Obstructed (natural
cavern floor, dense rubble)
Severely Slippery (ice sheet)
Sloped or Angled
Rate Modifier
Move at ½ speed
Move at full speed
Move at a Charge (DR350 p85)
Move at a Run (CAdv p97)
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default) for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
If you have less than 5 ranks in Balance, you also lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
While on a tightrope (or similar surface), you are considered to be off balance, so opponents receive a +2 attack bonus.
You also make a check each time you take damage.
Charging or Running on a Difficult Surface
(PH p67)
Time: <part of movement>
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
Success: Run or Charge.
Failure by 4 or less: Can’t Run or Charge, but may double move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Prone.
Uneven Flagstone
Hewn Stone Floor
Sloped or Angled Floor
Skill – Balance
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Skills & Actions
October 1, 2007
Balance (continued)
Resist Trip
(CAdv p97)
Time: n/a
Retry? n/a
Take 10? No
Take 20? No
Requirement: Balance 10 ranks.
When you are targeted with a Trip action, you may make a Balance check with a –10 penalty instead of a Strength or Dexterity check to remain standing.
If you succeed, you may not attempt to trip your opponent.
Moving through Trees
(RotW p145) Time: <part of movement>
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
Used when moving horizontally along tree branches and trunks with an angle of up to 60 degrees (greater than 60 degrees requires Climb checks).
Forest Type
DC Result
Dense Forest
Success: Can Run or Charge.
Failure by 4 or less: Can’t Run or Charge, but may
double move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Trees are older with strong branches and are close
together, including many massive trees. There are lots
of branches to choose from, letting the character select
the widest, flattest branches with the most support or
hand holds.
Medium Forest
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Trees are farther apart or not as old and the selection of
branches is not as great, forcing the character to sue
some narrow branches or branches without support.
Sparse Forest
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Trees are farther apart and not very old. The character has
to use a lot of narrow branches without support or hand
holds. The character is often moving across branches
that are barely wide enough to move on.
Modifier DC
Moss, Fungi, Slightly Wet, etc. +2
Snow, Ice, etc.
Moving Along an Unstable Surface
(RotW p145) Time: <part of movement>
Retry? No
Take 10? Yes
Take 20? No
Used when moving horizontally along tree branches and trunks with an angle of up to 60 degrees (greater than 60 degrees requires Climb checks).
Unstable Surface
DC Result
Loose Graven, Wobbly Bricks
or Stones
Success: Can Run or Charge.
Failure by 4 or less: Can’t Run or Charge, but may
double move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Awning, Dune Face, Snowdrift 15
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Top of a vehicle traveling over
a fairly smooth road
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Top of a vehicle traveling over
a rough road
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Top of a vehicle traveling over
a poor road, trail, or
unimproved surface
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Ship’s deck in a storm, a
Galloping Horse, Top of a
vehicle traveling over a
rocks, potholes, or rubble
Success: Move at ½ speed (by default)
for 1 Move Action.
Failure by 4 or less: No Move.
Failure by 5 or more: Fall Down.
Skill – Balance
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