WFRP 2Ed - Grauschloss.pdf

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A scenario for
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Inspired by the literary works of Mervyn Peake, H.P.
Lovecraft and Marquis de Sade
By Daniel Niklas J¾rgensen
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WFRP: Grauschloss
Holy Father Eschenbach,
I write to you, for I know not what else to do. I am faced with an entity too formless to fight,
but too malevolent to respite against. But let me recount the full story: a year past, I was sent
to Almburg, an isolated community in the Grey Mountains, upon the request of the Count
Wilhelm von Lanecker. I welcomed the opportunity; to nurture the faith in Sigmar where it
is most needed, on the very rim of our great Empire. I imagined I could be not just an icon of
the Faith, but also a ward against undesirable foreign influence. Upon arrival, I found to my
satisfaction that the people of Almburg had forgotten neither their God nor Emperor, but I
found myself at unease nonetheless. Initially, I attributed the feeling to the change of climate
(the mountain air is quite different from that of lowlands), but my disquiet has but grown with
Then there was the murder. A young peasant girl, no more than fifteen summers, was
gruesomely violated and slain by a stablehand, himself no more than eighteen. There seemed no
motivation for the killing, and the culprit did not attempt to hide, flee, not even to resist
arrestation. He was hanged but a few days later, under frightfully curious circumstances, for
while he showed no sign of fear or regret, he did spew forth words too heretical to be repeated
here; not in Reikspiel, but in the Classical tongue. I remind you, this was a man who had
never learned his letters. By Sigmar, I should have seen the signs then, but I did not. This
lies six months back, and since then, a dark shadow seems to have fallen on Almburg, a palpable
sense of evil that I cannot put into words. We have suffered a suicide, an accidental death due
to drunkenness, and just now, the heinous, unspeakable murder of a boy of ten, under
circumstances too grim to be put in writing. Of the killer, I can but repeat what I described of
the stablehand; the sudden bloody madness, the uninterest in his own fate, and the knowledge of
things that the man has never expressed knowledge of previously. Possession is the only
explanation I can find, and that is why I write you. I am truly at my witÔs end. The culprit is,
at my advice, kept under lock and key at the fastness Grauschloss, fiercely guarded, awaiting
either salvation or death. I implore you to assist me, lest I fear we all be consumed by this evil.
Yours in faith,
Brother Pieter Schtt
WFRP: Grauschloss
WFRP: Grauschloss
Ind e e x x
Page 4 : : Introduction
A brief history of Grauschloss and the basics of the scenario.
Page 5 : : The Grauschloss Ensemble
Descriptions and profiles of the essential NPCs of the scenario.
Page 8 : : The Deaths ; ; Truth & Lies
Background on the murders.
Page 9 : : Investigation ; ; Action & Consequence
The course of the scenario laid out; the PCsÓ choices and their outcomes.
Page 12 : : A Joining of Fates
Descriptions and profiles of the player characters.
Page 21 : : In Sickness and in Dreams
The nightly terrors of Grauschloss presented as handouts.
WFRP: Grauschloss
WFRP: Grauschloss
In t t r rodu c c t t i ion
The Grey Keep
High in the Grey Mountains, on the EmpireÓs very border,
stands a fortress. Grauschloss was erected to guard a pass
that has since been blocked by the raging of mountain
storms. Its purpose all but gone, it has become an isolated,
desolate place, with limited contact to the outside world.
And it is perhaps thus that its history has been forgotten.
Two hundred years past, Grauschloss bore witness to
unspeakable crimes committed in the worship of the great
Deceiver, the Chaos god Slaanesh. Orchestrated by four
influential men, the debauchery spanned four months and
claimed more than thirty lives. Despite this, the crimes
were never fully uncovered Î the Empire was in tumult
after the Great War against Chaos Î and each of the four
men walked away free.
The Scenar i iio
Grauschloss is a bleak, gothic scenario of investigation and
intrigue, ideally run as a stand-alone adventure with four
players. In it the players assume the roles of an
inquisitorial assembly heeding a call for help by the priest
Pieter Schtt, who rightly senses that something is terribly,
terribly wrong at the keep and in the nearby village of
Almburg. Their task is to investigate the murders that have
occurred there, discern truth from lies, and hopefully
uncover the dark truth of GrauschlossÓs history. The
central idea behind the scenario is not puzzle-solving,
however, but realising a sense of gothic horror that should
leave the players squirming in their seats, all the while
pushing them to roleplay their characters to the fullest.
Indeed, one of the greatest obstacles for the party may be
simply cooperating. For this purpose, four very different
PCs are included for use with the scenario. While you
could go with other characters, it is not recommended Î
the group is designed to play an integral part in
GrauschlossÓs plot.
And yet, each of them came to an abrupt end. Johannes
von Karlstein, a Sigmarite priest, was found drowned in a
vat of holy water. Markus Alderheim, a Nulner politician,
fell victim to a poisoned cognac, while Maximillian
Freisler, a judge, was found hanged in the same noose that
he had just sentenced a murderer to. Lastly, the count Otto
von Karlstein, elder brother of Johannes and ruler of
Grauschloss, vanished upon the same stormy night that
saw the pass to Bretonnia permanently blocked.
Depending on the attitude of your players, it may be a
good idea to stress that their primary goal should be to
roleplay their characters faithfully, not to act as efficiently
as possible. It is not uncommon for players to forsake their
charactersÓ personalities (or intellectual capabilities) when
faced with murder mysteries, attempting rather to crack
the case as surely and swiftly as possible. This is not what
the scenario is about, and it should be avoided at all costs.
Of the four, Otto von Karlstein was the only one to leave
behind a child, Katarina. She married a minor,
impoverished nobleman eager to claim the keep that was
her inheritance, though he died only a year later. The
widow soon after married a cousin of her own, regaining
the von Karlstein name. Both of them were later found to
be worshippers of dark powers, and burnt at the stake. A
son survived, though of which husband is uncertain. The
infant was stripped of every noble right, and was sent to be
reared at a monastery. The line survived, though only
barely, and its history remains tumultuous. A later
descendant proved himself as a great warrior and skilled
commander during the Warlord GromÓs invasion of the
Empire, and the noble name that had not been in use for
generations was returned to the family.
The Chron i iic l lle
A central part of GrauschlossÓs plot is the presence of an
account, the Quatre Mois dans le Service de Slaanesh,
detailing the events that unfolded at the keep. It was
written by the Bretonnian Duc dÓMpris, a notorious
heretic, author of countless banned works. The Order of
the Silver Hammer knows of this chronicle, though most
witch-hunters believe it lost or destroyed, and none know
of its contents. But even if such a fate has befallen the
original, at least one copy exists, and it is currently in the
possession of count Wilhelm von Lanecker, the new lord
of Grauschloss. As for its contents, this scenario remains
mercifully vague (sometimes the power of suggestion is
stronger than explicit detail), but an observant reader
should realise that it is readily available on the web.
Though the family history lost, the von Karlstein line
persists, and with it a guilt that transcends time and space.
And Grauschloss has not forgotten.
WFRP: Grauschloss
WFRP: Grauschloss
Th e e G r rau s s c ch l lo s s s s En s s e emb l l e e
W i ii l llhe l llm von Lanecker
He did not, though. A decade past, he and a company of
knights were ordered to recapture a keep on the EmpireÓs
western border. Long since abandoned, it had become
home to a band of greenskins who were deemed too big of
a threat to ignored. Wilhelm suggested a plan to lure the
enemy out in the open where they would be easy prey,
and it ensured swift and sure victory. For his effort, he was
awarded the liberated keep, ensuring that no enemy could
shelter there again. It was, of course, a political decision; a
permanent garrison was needed at the keep, and Wilhelm
proved the perfect candidate to oversee the restoration, for
while its strategic importance is limited, ownership of the
fastness would nonetheless elevate him to a much higher
position in the hierarchy of the EmpireÓs nobility. This is
how Wilhelm von Lanecker came to be lord of
Career: Noble Lord (ex-Knight, ex-Squire)
Main Profil e
Main Profile
57% 38% 45% 48% 51% 49% 46% 37%
Secondary Profile
Ag Int
Int WP
WP Fel
Secondary Profile
2 16 4 4 4 0 6 0
TB M Mag
Mag IP
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry +10%,
History, Strategy/Tactics, Theology), Animal Care, Animal
Training, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the
Empire), Dodge Blow, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write,
Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language
(Breton, Classical, Reikspiel +10%)
Talents: Etiquette, Lightning Reflexes, Public Speaking,
Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Cavalry, Flail, Two-
handed), Strike Mighty Blow
During the following three years he remained in Altdorf,
from where he arranged the reconstruction of the village
Almburg, on which the keep remains dependant. He
offered homes and livestock to peasants willing to populate
the heights, and soon enough life returned to Grauschloss.
The title of Count meant that many noblemen were
suddenly eager to offer him their daughterÓs hand, and
once heÓd settled for a bride, he and his wife relocated to
the keep. The future was looking bright for the young
nobleman, but not for long.
Armour: None
Armour Points:
Armour Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Best Craftsmenship Sword (Hand Weapon)
Trappings: Grauschloss keep, a copy of the Quatre Mois
dans le Service de Slaanesh
Apart from the noble name, Wilhelm von Lanecker was
not born with great privileges. The younger son of a minor
family, he was entitled to no
wealth or power worth
mentioning. HeÓd hoped to
become a priest, but his
father had different plans,
and at an early age he was
squired to a knight of the
Fiery Heart. Despite his
initial discomfort with the
situation, he did well, and
soon became a full-fledged
templar. It was in this
function that he first
encountered the forces of
Chaos, and a fierce hatred for
the ruinous powers soon hatched
within him. If things had played
out differently, he might have become
a witch-hunter.
A year later his wife died during childbirth, claiming also
the child. Wilhelm bore the loss with dignity, though he
became increasingly shut-in. Some would say he gave up
on the future, seeking solace instead with the past. At least
he took to studying it, pouring over old tomes at all hours
of day. And of such there were plenty at Grauschloss;
when the keep was restored, a cache of books were
found, having lain miraculously undisturbed for the
past two hundred years Î a virtual goldmine for any
historian. It was among these works that he eventually
came across a dusty old copy of the Quatre Mois dans
le Service de Slaanesh.
In perusing the text, Wilhelm found that his gift was
tainted, though it didnÓt surprise him. HeÓd sensed the
corruption for a long time, only now he knew the
cause. He swore to himself that he would never see
history repeat itself, not as long as he remained lord of the
grey keep. He has been subjecting his servants to strict
discipline and piety, though he fears it is not enough. He
wrote to the temple at Altdorf, asking for a priest to be sent
WFRP: Grauschloss
Race: Human
Main Profile
Secondary Profile
Armour Points:
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