Handjobs Magazine - Anthology Vol. 23.pdf

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“You want a ride
or not?”
or not?”
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Handjobs Anthology Volume 23
©Copyright 2010 by Avenue Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Handjobs Anthology Volume 23 is a collection of stories
from the our late 2000 and early 2001 issues of our monthly
magazine, Handjobs .
A special thank you to those who contributed artwork:
Craig Esposito
Ira Smith
Just A. Buoy with E. Rex Shawn
Michael Mitchell
For more information about Handjobs publications, please write:
Avenue Services, Inc.
PO Box 2000
Bow, WA 98232-2000
Or call us toll free at: 1-866-304-7848
Handjobs Anthology Volume 23
ISBN 978-1-886458-81-9
US 20.00
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Anthology Volume 23
Pastor’s Boy by Reverend T. D. Dickson
Tasty Cake
Department Store Santa by Jimbo
Family Trade
Making My Dreams Come True by Peter
Barney The Sojer Boy by Valentine
Papa Bradely by John Tyndall
Dick Draining Brian by Sanchez
Favorite Sport by MEC
All in the Name of Science
New Year’s Poker Party by Grant Leeder
The Poker Party Isn’t Over by Grant Leeder
A Gift from Coach by Davey Ingresso
In the Name of Love by Ronnie
Dad and Me by Michael E.
My New Stepbrother by Peter
My New Stepdad by Peter
Doing Whatever It Takes by Bryan Daniels
Prepping My Nephew for Marriage
The Pact by John Tyndall
How I Grew Up by Treston
Cody’s Fat Cock by Sanchez
Ski Instructor by Phil Dyer
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Boarding School Boiler Room by Monty
Daddy’s Big Dick by Jimmy
School for Boys by John Tyndall
The Hitchhikers
The Proposition by Big Al
Dad’s Turn by Big Al
Daddy Bait by Big Al
Troubled Teen by Kent T. Scott
Country Store Cock by Robin Walden
Birthday Fuck by Paul E. Landry
Plumbing Holes
A Priestly Confession by Gene Richards
Old Salt by Jon Hold
Rusty’s Wrestling Lesson
Visiting Dad by Jake Robertson
Grandpa’s Lesson by Ian McDermott
Copyright © 2010 by Avenue Services, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publica-
tion may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher,
Avenue Services, Inc., a gay-owned and operated business. Published by Avenue Services,
Inc., PO Box 2000, Bow, WA 98232-2000.
Handjobs is a trademark of Avenue Services, Inc.
Safe and sane sexual behavior is encouraged by the publisher. The publisher, editor
and contributors to Handjobs cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries or
any other misfortunes that result from proper or improper application of information
imparted or ideas generated by material in Handjobs. Handjobs is designed to be used
only as an aid for masturbation. Any similarity between people and places in the fiction
in Handjobs and any real people and places is purely coincidental.
No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. All rights in letters sent to
Handjobs will be treated unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes
and are subject to Handjobs’ right to edit and comment upon editorially.
Printed in the US.
You must be 18 or older to purchase this book.
Despite the terms such as “boy” or “son”, all characters in the fiction of
Handjobs are 18 years of age or older. It may be against the law to have
sexual intercourse with people under the age of 18, but we do print memoirs
of men talking about their own boyhood experiences.
This book is in compliance with the so-called “Child Protection Act of
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Pastor’s Boy by Reverend T. D. Dickson
Mom was pleased when Pastor Davis took an interest in me. He took
me under his wing and became sort of a surrogate dad, replacing the
one that I’d never known. I would take care of his lawn on Saturdays,
and he would help me with my homework during the week. Every
once in a while we would see a ball game or take in a movie.
His wife was a pleasant woman She was several years older than he
was, but still very attractive. She was always very friendly toward me
and I liked her a lot. One room of their house was set up as Pastor’s
study, and sometimes when he was instructing me in some area of
ministry or in some passage of scripture, Mrs. Davis would bring in
coffee for Pastor Davis, and cookies and milk for me.
Later on, Mrs. Davis became ill and was soon confined to bed. I
never knew what the problem was, but she seemed to get worse as each
week went by. The ladies of the church would come by the house to
help out, but when they could not make it, I was pressed into service
to help with the cooking and cleaning.
“I thank God for you, Tyrone,” Pastor Davis said to me one day.
“You’ve been a great help to me these last few weeks.”
“No problem, sir,” I said. “I’m glad to help out.”
“I’m … ah … going to need some special help from you today,
Tyrone,” he replied. “Come into the study with me and let me tell
you about it.”
I followed Pastor Davis through the house to the little room over-
looking the backyard. We sat on the sofa and Pastor Davis pulled a
Bible from the book shelf behind us.
“Mrs. Davis is very ill, and there are things that I need that she
can’t do for me.”
“Like what?” I said.
“Well,” Pastor started, “there are a lot of things that a woman does
for a man. For example, Mrs. Davis used to suck my dick at least once
a day.”
I was shocked. I’d never heard him talk like that. He stood in front
of me and dropped his pants. His big dick was as stiff as an iron rod
and just inches from my mouth.
“Open up your mouth and suck my dick, Tyrone,” Pastor asked.
I wasn’t sure what to do. I had always liked Pastor Davis and even
thought about him sometimes when I played with myself, but I always
felt ashamed afterwards. “I can’t do it, sir. It’s wrong,” I finally replied,
even though I could feel my own cock start to harden in my pants.
“I’m your pastor, son,” he said while stroking his big prick with
his right hand. “I would not ask you to do anything wrong. Besides,
the Bible says, ‘Obey them that have the rule over you and submit
yourselves’ (Heb. 13:17).”
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