present simple I, you, we, they.doc

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You work in an office

You work in an office.

You don’t work here.

Do you work in an office?

Where do you work?



I like books.

I ______________ spiders.

____ you __________ books?

What ______________?




They mend cars.






We live in Oleśnica.






I get p at 7:30.







You begin lessons in the morning.









“Do” czy “to be”?


1 Are you a boy or a girl?

2 What type of music _________you like?

3 How old_______ you?

4 ________you good at maths?

5 _______your father drive a car?

6 _______you good at drawing?

7 ________you know any famous people?

8 ________you good at sport?

9 ________you play tennis?

10 ________you live in a house or a flat?

11_________ you tall?

12 __________your grandparents live with you?

13 ________your best friend older than you?

14 ________you ever visit other countries on holiday?

15 ________you play a musical instrument?

16 ________ you walk to school?

17 ________ your surname more than seven letters long?

18 ________your eyes blue?

19 ________you like horror films?

20 How many languages ________ you speak?



Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.


face, clean, watch, hair, eat , home, play, breakfast, bed, brush, study, homework, clothes, morning, school


First, I get up early at 6 o'clock in the _________ . Next, I _________ my teeth and wash my _________ . Then, I put on my _________ and comb my _________ . After that, I eat _________ . Next I go to _________ . At school we _________ different subjects. I also _________ with my friends at school. After school, I go _________ . At home, I _________ the room and do my _________ . Later, I _________ dinner with my family. After dinner, I _________ TV. Finally, I go to_________ .





Adverbs of frequency - position in the sentence.


1) He listens to the radio. (often)


2) They read a book. (sometimes)


3) Pete gets angry. (never)


4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)


5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)


6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)


7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)


8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)


9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)


10) Christine smokes. (never)


11) Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)


12) They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes)


13) The weather is bad in November. (always)


14) Peggy and Frank are late. (usually)


15) John watches TV. (seldom)


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