Star Trek Rpg - Decipher - Ebook - A Divine Treasury of Ferengi Character Options v1.0.pdf

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Credits :
Written by Steven A. Cook
Special thanks to Brian K for suggestions, rules bashing and contribution of the Material River
Evangelist and Executive Courier professional packages.
Please send all inquiries and comments to Steve at
This document is not for retail sale, and no copyright infringements are intended.
The Star Trek® Role Playing Game™ is published by Decipher, Inc.
Star Trek® is a trademark of Paramount Pictures, Inc. All rights reserved.
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’Welcome to our home. Please place your
imprint on the legal waivers and deposit your
admission fee in the box by the door. Remember,
my house is my house [cringe].’
metaphorically seen as a great flowing river comprised
of material acquisitions. If wanting gains dominance
over having—or vice versa—then the great river churns
and overflows, becoming dangerously unstable. And as
the river goes, so does society. Instability is not
prosperous in the long term.
A Ferengi in financial trouble often finds
himself tossed to the shores of the great river by a wave
of inflation. Similarly, he might run aground on a shoal
of hardship and have to swim to safety. Finding his way
back onto the river requires a Ferengi to seek financial
consolidation, a realigning of his investments, the
selling of his property, or even a loan.
To stay afloat on the river, a Ferengi carefully
navigates by balancing profit and loss, acquisition and
liquidation, while also keeping an eye out for
opportunities farther along the river’s course. One who
deftly navigates the great river can, in effect, steer the
river’s course toward opportunity. The skilled
Ferengi—one with the “lobes for business”—earns
great prosperity, and a second chance to pursue profit in
the afterlife.
‘As are its contents.’
Family Business, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine® .
The easily duped pirate, the swindling merchant, the
power hungry DaiMon, the cowardly gunrunner—all
are Ferengi stereotypes seen repeatedly on the various
Star Trek® shows. They are useful to the Narrator as
adversaries and enemies, but are they decent player
character archetypes? Probably not. Not until Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine® did we see well-developed
characters on screen worthy of the moniker “Player
This article expands the options available to
players desiring to create Ferengi characters for the Star
Trek Roleplaying Game™ . Included are expansions to
the Ferengi species description covering eras, providing
sample characters, and introducing a new species
ability; new personal and professional development
packages; a liquidator elite profession; new edges and
flaws; and two pieces of Ferengi technology, the locator
bomb and energy whip.
The Divine Treasury
The Divine Treasury is the sacred palace of the Ferengi
afterlife. The walls, furnishings and doors—and
everything else—are made of gold-pressed latinum. A
sign above the entrance to the Divine Treasury reads:
“Please have your profit-and-loss statement ready for
inspection before entering the Divine Treasury.”
When a Ferengi dies, his spirit goes before the
Registrar of the Divine Treasury, who decides whether
the Ferengi deserves to enter. This involves much
cringing, bribery, and obsequious groveling. If the
Registrar is impressed by the Ferengi’s actions, he is
allowed to enter the Divine Treasury.
Once inside, the Ferengi bids on a new life
under the supervision of the Blessed Exchequer and
Celestial Auctioneers. If the Ferengi has acquired
enough profit in life, he pays for a new one and is
reborn, earning the chance to gain yet more profit. If the
Ferengi did not earn enough profit, his bid fails and his
spirit is banished from the Divine Treasury and locked
in the Vault of Eternal Destitution forever.
Thus, a Ferengi gets only once chance at a
profitable afterlife. A prosperous Ferengi gains a
second life, and if he earns enough profit again, a third,
and even a fourth. Ferengi myth purports that the
richest, most powerful Ferengi throughout history—the
Update to Ferengi Species Description
Add the following section to the Ferengi species
description found on pages 36-37 of the Player’s
Guide .
Profit, the Material Continuum, and the
Profit is at the core of Ferengi culture. Something isn’t
worth doing unless there is profit to be made. To the
Ferengi mind, why would you give away something for
free when you could charge a price for it, and therefore
gain something you didn’t have—a profit. For Ferengi,
this is just the way life and the universe works. Greater
profit equals greater life—and a greater afterlife.
The Great Material Continuum
The Great Material Continuum governs all aspects of
Ferengi life. This belief system posits that all societies
exist in alternating states of having and wanting, and is
Grand Nagi—are sometimes actually reincarnations of
Gint, the first Nagus and creator of the Rules of
a Profit of 0—a lobe-challenged fool of uninspiring
potential and influence (with horrible taste in literature).
Vault of Eternal Destitution
The Ferengi are one of the most well traveled species in
the galaxy. Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld, is
located in the Bajor sector, and Ferengi are most often
encountered in this region of space. Ferengi also travel
throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants, especially
along the valuable trade routes near Cardassian and
Federation space. They commonly ply their wares in the
Gamma Quadrant too, although traders have focused on
systems near the Idran end of the Bajoran wormhole.
Reports indicate that entrepreneurs have even found
their way to the Delta Quadrant, likely via unstable
wormholes or other similar phenomena.
An afterlife in the Vault of Eternal Destitution is the
worst possible fate. Every Ferengi banished to the Vault
becomes the property of a Vault Auditor. The Auditors
form a council called the Regulation Committee, which
is lead by the Desecrated Auditor—the most powerful
and influential Auditor. The Committee oversees every
aspect of business and life in the Vault. These policies,
known as the Laws of Destitution, are harsh.
The Auditors charge outrageous accommodation
expenses, high income taxes, service charges, and
strictly regulate transactions. Painstaking financial
audits and fines await Ferengi who break the Laws.
Though it is possible, few Ferengi ever manage to bribe
their Auditor to overlook transgressions. Fewer still
gain enough wealth to buy the title of Auditor and get to
own slaves themselves.
To scare their children into behaving, Ferengi
mothers recite stories of the Demons of Despair. The
demons are evil spirits from the Vault of Eternal
Destitution—Ferengi who were generous and
charitable, unconcerned with profit, or otherwise
heretical. Legends say that the demons take shadowy
forms and escape the Vault for a time, stealing latinum
and other valuables from miscreant children.
Ferengi Free Trader
The Ferengi free trader travels the spacelanes
throughout the galaxy, seeking opportunities for profit.
He could be a shifty thief out to bilk unsuspecting
locals of their valuables or an honest (as honest as
Ferengi get) trader dealing Vulcan mocha beans at a
modest price (as modest as Ferengi prices get). He may
have his own ship and crew or he could be part of a
merchant consortium.
Profession : Merchant
Elite Profession : Free Trader
Advancements : 15
Attributes : Agl 8 (+1), Int 12* (+3), Per 10 (+2), Prs
10* (+2), Str 5 (+0), Vit 6 (+0)
Reactions : Quik +2, Savv +3*, Stam +0, Will +2
Defense : 8
Health : 6
Courage : 3
Renown : 3 [Renown was assigned to NPC, not gained
through advancements]
Species Abilities : Bonus Edge (Skill Focus), Eye for
Profit, Four-lobed Brain, Head for Numbers, Lobes for
Business, Profit Margin (3)
Personal Development : Mercantile Upbringing
Professional Development : Trader
Species Ability: Ferengi Profit Margin
Profit is the driving force of Ferengi culture. All
Ferengi seek it—whether it’s latinum, property,
jewelry, starships, or other material possessions. The
more profit a Ferengi has, the greater he is respected—
and envied—by his peers. Also greater is his chance of
influencing fellow Ferengi.
Ferengi characters have a Profit Margin score
(or simply Profit) which gains them enhanced benefits
and is based on Renown. When making Influence,
Intimidate, Negotiate, and Persuade tests involving
other Ferengi, a character automatically gains his full
Renown modifier to the skill test. No recognition test is
For instance, Nilva, the chairman of Slug-O-
Cola, probably has a Profit of at least 8 or 10—marking
him with high favor and influence. Conversely, Blog, a
Ferengi who publishes Pakled love poetry, probably has
[The simple version of the skills detail, including
*only* actual skill levels]
Skills :
Appraise +5 (Antiques)
Armed Combat: Simple +1
Athletics +3
Computer Use +3
Enterprise: Administration +2
Enterprise: Business +6
Influence +6
Inquire +5 (Fraternize)
Knowledge: Culture +6 (Ferengi)
Knowledge: History +6 (Ferengi)
Knowledge: Specific World +6 (Ferenginar)
Language: Federation Standard +3
Language: Ferengi +4
Negotiate +10 (Bargain)
Observe +1 (Listen)
Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons +5
Repair +3
Science: Physical Science +1 (Mathematics)
System Operations +4 (Flight Control)
Edges : Cultural Flexibility, Friendly, Shrewd, Skill
Focus: Keen Hearing, Wealth 1
Flaws : Coward
Professional Abilities : Merchant—Horse-trading,
Connections, Pandering, Merchant Knowledge (T2),
Procurement (T3); Free Trader—Business Savvy,
Species Abilities : Bonus Edge (Skill Focus), Eye for
Profit, Four-lobed Brain, Head for Numbers, Lobes for
Business, Profit Margin (2)
Personal Development : Bankrupt Family*
Professional Development : Corporate Espionage
*New packages, see this article
[The simple version of the skills detail, including
*only* actual skill levels]
Skills :
Appraise +4
Armed Combat: Simple +2
Computer Use +5 (Invasion)(Sabotage)
Conceal +3 (Cache)
Enterprise: Streetwise +4
Forgery +5
Influence +3
Inquire +4 (Fraternize)
Investigate +2
Knowledge: Culture +3 (Ferengi)
Knowledge: History +2 (Ferengi)
Knowledge: Specific World +4 (Ferenginar)
Language: Federation Standard +4
Language: Ferengi +5
Observe +5 (Listen)
Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons +4
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +4
Edges : Cultural Flexibility, High Pain Threshold,
Innovative (Reconnaissance, Soldier ability), Quick
Shot, Skill Focus (Keen Hearing)
Flaws : Dark Secret (bankrupt family)
Professional Abilities : Con Artist, Scoundrel’s Fortune
(Stealth skill), Sabotage (Computer Use) (T2),
Streetsmart (T2)
Ferengi Rogue
This rogue is not your sniveling, cowardly Ferengi.
He’s an efficient, street savvy criminal with the lobes to
get lucrative jobs and the guts to let it rip with a pistol.
He works alone and he’s a skilled saboteur and
computer hack. Just don’t ask him about his past—
you’ll get a cover story if you’re lucky. If you’re
unlucky, you’ll wind up on the wrong end of a Varon-T
Additional Ferengi Characters
Diplomat : The diplomat believes the Ferengi can bring
civilized ideals to the galaxy. Mercantilism, not war, is
the Ferengi way, and many others will benefit from this
philosophy. Perhaps he serves on a Gamma Quadrant
mission to establish relations with new cultures, or he
works to expand relations with the Federation or other
Alpha-Beta Quadrant powers.
Profession : Rogue
Advancements : 8
Attributes : Agl 12* (+3), Int 8 (+1), Per 12* (+3), Prs
9 (+1), Str 4 (+0), Vit 6 (+0)
Reactions : Quik* +3, Savv +3, Stam +0, Will +1
Defense : 10
Health : 6
Courage : 3
Renown : 2 [Renown was assigned to NPC, not gained
through advancements]
Scientist : The scientist is brilliant but misunderstood.
She’s an expert in her field out to prove her talents and
gain the respect of prominent scientists in the galaxy.
However, her lust for profit tarnishes her reputation and
involves her with unsavory scoundrels. A criminal
background haunts her.
Enterprise : Ferengi are rarely encountered and
virtually nothing is known of their culture or
technology. Ferengi encountered outside their own
territory in this era are likely merchants seeking
untapped markets or raiders with stolen warp-capable
ships. Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew
successfully repel a group of Ferengi privateers from
taking over the starship Enterprise —although, at the
time, the crew has no idea the raiders are Ferengi.
Merchant : He’s an economic thrill-seeker who isn’t
obsessed with profit—he’s already wealthy—but rather
driven by the risks and rewards of the financial game.
He’ll lose a deal without gripe so long as the
negotiations and adventure surrounding it excite him.
He’s a big spender, hard drinker, and fast lover. He
knows someone in every port of call.
Rogue : Mercantile affairs are beyond his ken—he’d
barely know a merger from a take-over from a
bankruptcy. However, he knows people, their desires
and their secret vices, so he’s a master manipulator.
Perhaps he’s a spy in training for a secret organization
like the Orion Syndicate or maybe he’s a Starfleet
Intelligence informant?
TOS : The Ferengi remain an enigmatic species. Those
encountered are merchants, free traders, rogues,
prospectors and pirates. The state of Ferengi-developed
technology remains unknown, but myriad alien
technologies are available to rich Ferengi entrepreneurs.
Those who can’t afford to pay for technology steal it.
Small and organized pirate “fleets” form under
powerful crime bosses, first staking Ferengi influence
within wide-ranging interstellar black markets and
laying the groundwork for what becomes the Ferengi
Alliance fleet. The Ferengi reputation for treachery
becomes widely known among species ensnared by
their business acumen.
Starship Officer : The starship officer sees a nobler role
for Ferengi at large than profiteering. He also wants to
show his Starfleet superiors that he’s a team player and
a leader. Other Ferengi see his lack of latinum lust as
weakness, an example of the poison other cultures,
particularly the Federation, feed to Ferengi to control
them. But he’s proud of his goals.
TNG : The Ferengi Alliance utilizes its burgeoning
military fleet and expands its sphere of economic
control to many star systems in the Alpha and Beta
Quadrants. In the 2360s, the Federation’s Starfleet has
several hostile encounters with the Ferengi, further
spreading the species’ reputation for roguery and deceit.
However, mistrust breeds resentment among
Ferengi, especially those few not solely motivated by
profit. The scientist Doctor Reyga, for example, seeks
the respect of his peers for his development of
metaphasic shielding. Unfortunately, aboard the
Enterprise-D —a Federation vessel no less—he’s
murdered by a rival scientist before reaping the
professional benefits of his genius. Ferengi say this kind
of hate and violence is all too common among people
who claim to be “civilized.”
Ferengi encountered in this era are not just
rogues, pirates and other nefarious types, but also
military officers, scientists, traders and merchants.
Soldier : For years, his unusual burliness and propensity
for violence landed him jobs aboard pirate vessels. The
kind of jobs most sane Ferengi won’t touch since they
involve high personal risk and little profit return. But he
was good at it, tough, even businesslike. Unfortunately,
his temperament and unabashed lust for one boss’s
mistress proved his undoing. Now, he’s a homeless
mercenary, having worked for the Romulans,
Cardassians, and other shadowy types. But he desires
more than latinum and violence—he needs a cause.
Perhaps to redeem his vagabond past?
Mystic : Her ethereal wisdom may have come by
spiritual epiphany, years of study and contemplation, or
simply an alien entity that put the zap on her head.
Regardless, she has donned clothing, rid herself of
needless material possessions, and abandoned the
traditional selfish Ferengi ways. Her enlightened
sensibilities lead her on a pilgrimage to share her
wisdom with others.
DS9 : The Dominion War does little to change the
course of Ferengi society. During the conflict, many
Ferengi turn to (or continue) smuggling and blockade
running. Others, such as Quark (Proprietor of Quark’s
Bar, Grill, Gaming House, and Holosuite Emporium
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