Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets.doc

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Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets:

Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets:

1. What's the _______ of that mountain? (high)

2. Don't say anything that may wound his _______. (proud)

3. He did it in a moment of _______. (angry)

4. Nobody knew how Dr Faust had acquired his great _______. (wealthy)

5. The terrorists were sure that they would get onto the plane with _______. (easy)

6. The idea of going through the cemetery alone filled her with _______. (terrible)

7. I don't know how to express my _______ for your help. (grateful)

8. _______ was on his side again. The jury couldn't prove his _______. (lucky, guilty)

9. His _______ as a poet did not come until after his _______. (famous, dead)

10. The _______ soon became unbearable. We were dying of _______. (hot, thirsty)



The correct answers

1. height
2. pride
3. anger
4. wealth
5. ease
6. terror
7. gratitude
8. luck, guilt
9. fame, death
10. heat, thirst




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