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ETAP OKRĘGOWY – styczeń 2008 © Henryk Krzyżanowski
16 PKT
Zakreśl wyraźnie kółkiem literę, przy której znajduje się najlepsze rozwiązanie.
1. A photography workshop would be a good idea, because __________ are quite interested
in cameras and can use computers.
C/ today's nine years' olds
B/ today's nine-year-olds
D/ the nine years old of today
2. I suppose we might be looking at the prospects with more confidence __________ before.
C/ would promises have been kept
B/ if promises have been kept
D/ if promises were kept
3. Rather understandably, Clare opposed __________ such risky stunts.
C/ her daughter making
B/ her daughter to make
D/ her daughter's doing
4. Once notorious for his closeness, Palmer __________ to the funding of a new community
centre on the outskirts of Glasgow.
C/ did not contribute
B/ did contribute
D/ wouldn't have contributed
5. Now those refresher lessons appear to me to have been a must since none of them _________
since their licence tests. No extravagance in that, believe me.
A/ has driven
C/ was in driving
D/ had driven
6. There was a general agreement that the costs of the project were prohibitive since
everything __________ imported from the United States, possibly by air.
A/ had been
D/ must have been
7. Trailers of this type should not be towed ___________ exceeding 20 mph.
B/ at speeds
C/ on speeds
D/ at the speed
A/ today nine-year-olds
A/ had promises been kept
A/ her daughter to do
B/ has been driving
B/ would have been C/ would have to be
A/ with a speed
8. Smoking is becoming less trendy among the young, e.g., 22 per cent of Australians below
thirty are smokers compared with __________ 50 years ago.
A/ double that percentage
C/ the double of that percentage
B/ a double of that percentage
D/ that percentage doubled
9. The vehicle looked much better after the renovation. As for the bumpers, we __________
with some chromium paint.
A/ did them up
B/ made them up
C/ held them up
D/ cleaned them up
10. Personally, I'm not an expert, but the woman who __________ this fine robe must have
been a real artist.
A/ has sewn
B/ sew
C/ sewn
D/ sewed
11. Last year, __________ soared to over $ 2.5 billion, still not reaching the level before the
outbreak of mad cow disease.
C/ US beef exports
B/ US beef export
D/ the beef exports from the US
12. What I often hear from parents is, 'Since I __________ and I turned out fine, there's
nothing wrong with spanking.'
A/ was spanked
C/ have been spanked
B/ was spunk
D/ had been spanking
13. As winter draws to a close, our athletes are getting increasingly excited, looking forward
__________ in the Spring Academic Games.
A/ to compete once again
C/ to once again competing
B/ on competing once again
D/ at competing once again
14. It now seems obvious to me that if nobody __________ to escape, the incident might have
been staged
C/ were trying
D/ had been trying
15. On the outbreak of the revolution __________ although he was suspected of sympathizing
with it, he was forced into exile.
A/ from 1821, which he disapproved,
C/ of 1821, of which he disapproved,
B/ of 1821 that he disapproved of,
D/ of 1821, that he disapproved of,
16. The customers at the crowded pub were ecstatic at the news __________ through of
Poland's qualification for Euro 2008.
B/ just came
C/ came just
D/ just come
A/ the US beef export
A/ has been trying B/ was trying
A/ had just come
17 PKT
Przetłumacz na angielski. Nie należy niczego zmieniać we fragmentach już przetłumaczonych.
Podpowiedzi w nawiasach nie podają dokładnej formy, w jakiej dane słowo ma wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.
1. Co do zabezpieczeń kontrolnych na imprezie, nasi goście usłyszeli ze zdumieniem, że ma ich w ogóle nie być;
żadnych identyfikatorów, wykrywaczy metalu, zupełnie nic.
As for security checks at the event, _________________ were surprised _______________ there __________________;
no identity tags, no metal detectors, nothing.
2. Celem rehabilitacji jest, żeby pacjenci odzyskali {=REGAIN} jak najwięcej ruchliwości w możliwie
najkrótszym czasie.
The objective _______________________________ for _____________________________________________ mobility
__________________________________ in___________________________________________________ necessary.
3. No ogólnie zgadzam się z tym, co krytycy napisali o mocnych stronach tego filmu, jedno z czym się
zdecydowanie nie zgadzam, to wybór muzyki.
While I generally agree _________________________________________________________ the strengths of _______
_____________________________________ strongly disagree _______________________________ choice of music.
4. Jego parodia akcentu latynoskiego tak rozwścieczyła [furious] niektórych meksykańskich studentów na
widowni, że kilku z nich trzeba było przeszkodzić {=PREVENT} we wdarciu się {=STORM} na estradę.
His parody of the Latino accent ____________________________________________ in the audience ______________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ the stage
5. Zegar w sypialni trzeba było zastąpić takim, który nie wybija {=STRIKE} godzin.
The clock in the bedroom ______________________________________________________________________ hours.
6. Rodzicom należy powiedzieć, co powinni zrobić, jeśli ich dzieci mogły mieć kontakt z zarażonymi
Parents must _____________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ contact with the infected animals.
7. Nie mogłem nie obrócić głowy, żeby popatrzeć na tancerki; nieważne, co powie Patrycja.
__________________________ but _____________________________________________________________
________ matter ____________________________________________________________
8. Słuchaczom nie powiedziano ani na ilu różnych instrumentach się gra, ani z jakich krajów pochodzą te
Listeners were ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. Chłopcy spędzają większość czasu na ulicy. Czasem ci bardziej przedsiębiorczy będą proponować {=OFFER}
umycie przedniej szyby na czerwonym świetle – zwykle z wątpliwym efektem.
The boys __________________________________ in the streets. ______________________________ enterprising of
_________________________________________________ your windshield at a red light - usually with dubious results.
10. Ale mówiąc o Woodstock – naprawdę, czy ktokolwiek mógł przewidzieć {=ANTICIPATE}, jak wielki
wpływ będzie on miał na kulturę amerykańską?
But ___________________________ Woodstock – honestly, _______________________________________________
___________ impact _______________________________________________________________________________
11. To smutne, że Grass skłamał o swojej służbie wojskowej w czasie wojny. No, on przynajmniej nigdy nie
udawał jakoby miał mieć wtedy uczucia antyhitlerowskie.
It's sad _________________________________________ wartime military service. Well, at least he _______________
______________ to __________________________________ anti-Nazi feelings at that time.
12. Ciekawe dlaczego ekspert był tak niechętny do wyrażenia opinii. W końcu to, czego wymagamy od
ekspertów to dobre rady.
I wonder _______________________________________________ reluctant __________________________________
After all, _________________________________________________________________________ advice.
13.Sąd przyznał jej 50 tysięcy dolarów odszkodowania, z czego dwie trzecie miało być wypłacone natychmiast.
The court awarded ________________________ compensation, ____________________________________________
14. Wyjdźmy, żeby porozmawiać. Mogę się wydawać przesadnie ostrożny, ale w obecnej sytuacji nie mogę
ryzykować, żeby nagrywano {=RECORD} moje rozmowy.
________________________________________________________________ overcautious, but in the present situation
15. Nazwa parku narodowego Great Smoky Mountains, przez który przebiega granica między stanami Północnej
Karoliny i Tennessee, pochodzi od mgieł [mist], które często wznoszą się znad dolin.
The name of the Great Smoky ________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________ out of the valleys.
16. Nie zapominaj, że do momentu, gdy wybierzemy czołową dziesiątkę, będziem po wysłuchaniu
{=INTERVIEW} około dziesięciu razy wiecej osób, co znaczy, że będziemy dość znudzeni.
______________ that by ____________________________________________________________________________
_________________________ ten times as _____________________________________________________________
17. To było dość straszne być tak blisko węża. Myślę, że on mógł się wygrzewać na słońcu {=SUN} i był na
wpół śpiący; nie ruszał się zbytnio, kiedy zbliżyliśmy się.
It was rather scary ____________________________________ snake. I think it ________________________________
_______ and was _________________________________________________ much when _______________________
33 PKT
W każdą z luk wpisz po jednym wyrazie. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter brakującego słowa. Nie wolno zmienić litery już podanej.
1. It was sweating hot, so he _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ his tie and unbuttoned his shirt collar.
2. The whole _ _ v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ campaign was based on the slogan "Ford Tough" and the clip showed
the trucks moving through harshest areas.
3. Some of his behaviour recently has made me question his _ _ n _ _ _ health.
4. His appointment as ambassador in Kiev caused a stir as he had had no _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ experience in
diplomacy or foreign service.
5. Before being bottled, wine is stored in _ _ r _ _ _ _ for up to twelve months.
6. Ordinary mail is _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ every day, except Saturday and Sunday.
7. The dining room is so _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ that even a large table for 24 people doesn't clog it.
8. A _ _ r _ _ _ quartet is usually composed of two violins, a viola and a cello.
9. Socrates was brought to trial after his _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ alleged he was corrupting youth.
10. Her dark hair was in two braids tied with blue _ _ b _ _ _ _ .
11. If the door opens _ _ w _ _ _ _ , you just push it with your body to enter. You don't need a free hand to do this.
12. His forehead wrinkled as he raised his _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ in astonishment.
13. The room was scarcely _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ with a small round table, a chair and a small cupboard. There
was nothing to sleep on.
14. When the numbers of his _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ grew, Muhammad became a threat to the rulers of Mecca.
15. For some time she toured the state with a group of _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (actors, singers, dancers, etc).
16. He was so fed up with answering _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ phone calls from salespeople that he cancelled his
phone number altogether.
17. He walked over to his bed and lay down. His eyes closed and soon his _ _ o _ _ _ _ could be heard
throughout the house.
18. I watched him cross the street. He moved _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ , as if one of his legs was partially paralyzed.
19. King Louis and his advisors hoped for a male heir to assure dynastic _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and a smooth
transition of power, from father to son.
20. If the present demographic trends continue, in 50 years' time Muslims will _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ Christians in
Western Europe.
21. In formal logic, deductive _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ will lead to a true conclusion if the premises are themselves true.
22. The _ _ c _ _ _ _ surrounding the visit was complete – no news of it was leaked to the press.
23. The Browns showed me a collection of newspaper _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ documenting their son's career in the
24. Parker never spoke in favour of the airfield. On the contrary, he said clearly and _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
that he considered it a big mistake.
25. The man's real motives seemed _ _ _ p _ _ _ to me, to say the least. Wasn't he trying to get me into
some fraudulent scheme?
26. I must admit that patience is not among my _ _ r _ _ _ _ ; I find waiting of any kind extremely tedious.
27. Faulty electrical _ _ r _ _ _ is among the most common causes of fires in wooden churches.
28. To increase the volume of sound, you must turn the knob _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ .
29. The quake turned the building into a _ _ a _ of stones.
30. Tess _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arrived late. By making the other artists wait, she emphasised her star status.
31. Towers, who is normally among the harshest opponents of the Minister, has this time showed great
_ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ in criticising his project.
32. Some marine biologists claim that a complete fishing ban is the only way to revive the _ t _ _ _ _ of cod in
the North Sea.
33. The pilot was the only _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ in the Gibraltar plane crash, which killed General Sikorski and
everyone else on board.
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