Chess (London)- Libretto.txt

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Music: Benny Andersson + Bj?rn Ulvaeus
Lyrics: Tim Rice
Book: Tim Rice
Premiere: Wednesday, May 14, 1986
London record: 1984


Script as per performances in the Prince Edward Theatre in June 1986.

*indicates spoken line or speech

NB: Chess commentaries by William Hartston are not included in this script, neither are 
counterpoint/backing lyrics in some scenes, e.g. the Prologue. 

� 1986 by Tim Rice


(NB: The Chorus portray at various times characters in the lyric of the Prologue.)


Each game of chess means there's one less

Variation left to be played

Each day got through means one or two

Less mistakes remain to be made


Each game of chess means there's one less

Variation left to be played

Each day got through means one or two

Less mistakes remain to be made

Not much is known

Of early days of chess beyond a fairly vague report

That fifteen hundred years ago two princes fought

Though brothers, for a Hindu throne

Their mother cried

For no-one really likes their offspring

fighting to the death

She begged them stop the slaughter

with her every breath

But sure enough one brother died

Sad beyond belief

She told her winning son

You have caused such grief

I can't forgive this evil thing you've done

He tried to explain 

How things had really been

But he tried in vain 

No words of his could mollify the queen

And so he asked the wisest men he knew

The way to lessen her distress

They told him he'd be pretty certain to impress

By using model soldiers on

A chequered board to show it was his brother's fault

They thus invented chess

Chess displayed no inertia

Soon spread to Persia, then west

Next the Arabs refined it,

Thus redesigned, it progressed

Still further yet

And when Constantinople fell in 1453

One would have noticed every other refugee

Included in his bags a set

Once in the hands 

And in the minds of leading figures of the Renaissance

The spirit and the speed of chess made swift advance

Through all of Europe's vital lands

Where we must record 

The game was further changed

Right across the board

The western touch upon the pieces ranged

King and queen and rook

And bishop, knight and pawn

All took on the look

We know today, the modern game was born

With such success 

We see a game that started by mistake in Hindustan

And boosted in the main by what is now Iran

Reach every corner of the globe with nation

Squaring up to nation to determine, no holds barred,

Who owns, who made, who will parade

The champion of chess


The international chess federation of which I have the honor of being president 
announces that the next world championship will take place in Merano, Italy.

The current world champion, Anatoly Sergievsky of the Soviet Union, will defend his 
title against Frederick Trumper of the United States of America.

The first player to achieve six victories will be declared champion. The first game will 
begin on March 27th.


Scene One : The Main Square of Merano, Italy.

Is this The Sound of Music? Tirolean hats, leather pants, yodels and dancing. Snow-
capped mountain peaks and icy rivers. Narrow, crowded, colourful streets of shops. 
Grapes and the benefits of the spa. The MAYOR and CITIZENS are waiting for an 
important arrival at the station.

ciTIzens of merano (including MAYOR)

O light the heart

That lingers in Merano

Merano! The spa no

Connoisseur of spas would miss

So healthy

Highly recommended

Is this sweet metropolis 

Mental and physical bliss!

The gods have smiled

And bless-ed is Merano

Merano! There are no

Fitter burghers to be found

Such vigour!

Take the time to taste us

We'll give you a welcome that's typically Tirol

For then we are sure of our ground

Right now we're Italian - we used to be German

The border keeps shifting around

MAYOR (solo)

Speaking as one of the patriarchs

I don't mind taking your lira or marks


Oh I get high when I saunter by

the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I'd have to be carried away to call a halt!

Oh I feel great in this bouncing state

O hail to thee Merano

Hearty hale Merano

Any objections? Nein!

Where breathing in will turn you on 

Where water tastes like wine

Get out your get up and go and get in line

It's living your life in a show by

Rodgers and Hammerstein!

O sad the soul

Who passes by Merano

Merano! So far no

Soul has ever passed us by 

They love us

Why not stay forever?

Oh so many reason why

All those in favour say "Aye"


So sing our song

Let's hear it for Merano

Merano! Soprano

Alto, tenor, bass agree 

We're wholesome

What a happy haven

This is a place where your arteries soften

Cholesterol hasn't a chance

From mountain to valley the natural goodness

Is fighting pollution's advance

MAYOR (solo)

So come to us and feel the force

All major credit cards taken of course


Oh I get high when I saunter by

the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I'd have to be carried away to call a halt!

Once in a while all the gods will smile

on little old Merano

Humble shy Merano

Suddenly hits the press

And I report with all the pride

And joy that I possess

Half of the world and his wife

Has our address

Our little town will be rife

With games of chess!

(A whistling/orchestral interlude during which a train rushes through the station)

Get out your get up and go and get in line

It's living your life in a show by

Rodgers and Hammerstein!

Another train. This one stops. The man more responsible than any other for the 
enormous interest in a World Chess Championship match, the current world champion, 
the American FREDERICK TRUMPER, gets off the train and pushes his way through 
the melee. He brushes aside the official reception. He is flanked by his second/lover 
FLORENCE VASSY and two or three other members of his delegation (males) one of 
whom is also the man who is ostensibly head of the American TV production company 
covering the event, WALTER DE COURCEY.

FREDERICK surveys the town, its people and its visitors with patronising amusement.


What a scene! What a joy!

What a lovely sight

When my game is the big sensation!

Has the mob's sporting taste

Altered overnight?

Have they found new sophistication?

Not yet! They just want to see

If the nice guy beats the bum

If it's East-West

And the money's sky-high

They all come


(He takes a photograph of FLORENCE)

You can raise all you want

If you raise the roof

Scream and shout and the gate increases 

Break the rules -- break the bank

I'm the living proof

They don't care how I move my pieces

I know I'm the best there is

But all they want is a show

Well that's all right I'll be glad to oblige

S.R.O. S.R.O.

FREDERICK and his entourage leave. Determined to have their welcoming ceremony, 
the MAYOR & CITIZENS give the full works to a bewildered stranger who happened to 
be on the same train.

Oh I get high when I saunter by

the mountains of Merano

Rosy-cheeked Merano

Flourishing to a fault

The sparkling streams, the bracing air

The therapeutic salt

I'd have to be carried away to call a halt!

Oh I feel great in this bouncing state 

O hail to thee Merano 

Hearty hale Merano

Any objections? Nein!

Where breathing in will turn you on

Where water tastes like wine

Get up you get up and go and get in line

It's living your life in a show by

Rodgers and Hammerstein!

Now for the sell

We put the ice into paradise

We are the salt of the earth

Sound as a bell

Check out the waters

And check out the hygiene

At which we excel

Check into an hotel

And schnell

Body and soul get well!

Scene Two : Frederick's Suite/Press Conference

The Palace Hotel, Merano. FREDERICK's (and FLORENCE's) suite. FREDERICK is 
alone, playing chess against a computer.


Knight D 5.


Bishop A 5 - check

(FLORENCE enters with a bundle of newspapers)


Well, we can't complain that you're being ignored

by the press


What'd they say? What'd they say?


They're not too polite


They say I'm a shit?


(Well), yes

*They pulled you to pieces in 

five different languages

(FREDERICK goes up to FLORENCE, kisses her quickly, and starts looking through 
some papers)

*Here we are - The Times -

You "thrive on unpleasantness"

(FREDERICK finds this amusing, and FLORENCE seems to too)

*Le Monde: "FREDERICK Trumper La Honte des echecs."


I don't believe that they can't see my game

I'm like that tennis player, what's his name? 

They love to hate me and for us that's dollars!


*Die Welt: Trumper die gross lecker skandal die schatz!

(Trumper - the greatest scandal of chess!)


Hey, look here's a piece that some idiot's written on you

*"Florence Vassy, petite Hungarian...
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