metodyka 2 rok.docx

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Main components of class management: discipline, t-roles, patterns of interaction

Minor components of class management: BB management, clear instructions, t-movement, seating arrangement, classroom environment



controller-at the front, leads the class, directs Ss work

resource-language informant, X-should guide Ss where find info

prompter-encourages Ss

facilitator-allows Ss to achieve their goals themselves.

assessor-examiner, gives regular feedback, correct and grade.

organizer (classroom manager) of a range of activities

participant (co-communicator) in an organized activity such as debate or role play


Lockstep-T working with whole class, everybody involved

+all Ss focused +safety security +controlled practice

-TTT>STT -Tcentered -Ss may hide of switch off

Pair work +peer learning +Ss involved +social skills

-Ss use L1 -stronger S dominates -noisy, loud

Group work +joint learning +sense of belonging +learner centered

-stronger dominate, -distraction, -discipline, -L1

Solo work +own pace +everybody involved +stronger Ss may shine

-Ss stop working -stressful for weaker Ss


Error-competence error, students doesn't know the correct form because of genuine lack of knowledge.

Mistake-performance error, slip of.., loose of memory, if chance Ss correct the mistake.


Types of mistakes:

L1 interference=negative transfer errors

renationalization=analogical errors

teaching/T induced errors


Ways of showing incorrectness:

-repeating(T asks Ss 2 repeat),

-echoing(T repeat emphasizing mistake)

-questioning(do you think it is correct?)

-expression(facial expressions, body lg),

-hinting(T gives hints),

-reformulating(T gives correct form), -denial(Wrong, No)


Who corrects: T/Peer/Self

When: on the spot/delayed correction

gentle correction=T just give correct form


Types of errors: local errors, global errors, productive (pragmatic), receptive, linguistic, phonological,

Errors in eclecticism: perceived as evidence of making progress by Ss. They try to communicate experiment with lg.

Correction during speaking activities -There should be delayed correction, T can make notes while Ss are speaking give feedback later.

Lesson planning main principals: variety, flexibility, appropriate level
Varying lesson: variety of tasks, variety of interaction, variety of materials
Authoritative teacher - places limits and controls on the students but simultaneously encourages independence.
Authoritarian teacher - places firm limits and controls on the students.


Good lesson planning Harmer: variety, flexibility, coherence

Varying the lesson: tempo, organization, mode&skill, difficulty, topic, mood, stir-settle, active-passive activities


Spoken vs Written Penny

Permanence: WR permanent, SP fleeting

Explicitness: WR must have clear context, SP can be explained/assumed

Density: WR dense, SP diluted

Detachment: WR detached in space and time, SP immediate interaction

Organization: WR well organized more formal

Speed: WR slower in production and reception

Standard LG: WR universally understood, SP regional dialects, accents


Process of WR 1.generating ideas 2.Focusing(narrowing down the ideas) 3.Structuring 4.Drafting(1st draft, evaluation, 2nd draft, re-viewing) 5.Finished draft 6. Final responding to draft


Process vs Product approaches WR

focus on what wrtrs do <=> fcs on what wrtrs produce

writing integrated os <=> writing taught separate

model txt after Ss finish <=> model txt starting point

outcome decided by Ss <=> otcm prdtrmnd by T/model

wr collaborative process <=> wr done alone

wr in classroom <=> wr outside classroom

T-reader, collaborator <=> T-judge





Comm vs Non-Comm

communicative activity-based on information gap

desire, purpose <=> no desire, no purpose

content>form <=> form<content

variety of lg <=> one lg item only

later correction <=> T intervention

no materials control <=> T prepares materials



Cooperative writing-mutual writing and evaluation the written text by all Ss

Wr as a means-practising all skills except of writing, making notes

Wr as an end-wr skills are practised, writing letter, essay

Interaction talk-conventional formulae of courtesy greetings, apologising, thank,

Target lg-foreign lg which T expects Ss use during lesson

T-feedback provider-T corrects Ss performance to improve it

Task-oriented activity-main objective is focused on doing the task

Foreignising as a strategy-pronunciation of a new En word using mother tongue sounds


Speaking skills problems – inhibition, nothing to say, low/uneven participation, mother tongue use

Speaking success Ss talks a lot, even participation, high motivation, lg on acceptable lvl

Writing skills problems – correlation between wr skills in L1 & L2, Ss unwillingness, WR solitary action, negative feedback, correction

Simulations Harmer: reality of functions(Ss participants in the situation), simulated environment (classroom=airport), structured well, goal oriented, rather task oriented than topic oriented, group work

Role-play: more topic oriented, work in pairs, Ss think and do as they are told

Simulation Activity Dakowska: role choice>>strategy round>>negotiation round>>decision round>>follow-up


Grammar: a way words are put together to make correct sentences.


<<What do we introduce?>>

We must show what lg means, how it is used, show what the grammatical form of the new lg is and how it is said or written


<Presentation of meaning and use

The best way of showing Ss how the lg is used is to present it in context

1. show what the new lg means

2. show how it is used

3. be interesting for students

4. provide the bckgrnd for a lot of lg use


<Types of context

Cntxt: situation or body info which causes lg to be used

1. Ss world

- physical surroundings(limited[classroom, school])

- Ss lives(unlimited[facts about families, friends, experiences])

2. outside world

- stories

- situation

- examples of lg

3. formulated info(simulated or made-up[presented in form of timetables, notes, charts])


<Presentation of structural form

1. Form: e.g. How certain nouns become plural

2. Grammatical pattern


<The importance of meaning: It is very important to check if Ss understood new lg.

-information checking: asking Q and saying incorrect sentences

-immediate creativity: you ask Ss to create sentences on their own


<Discovery techniques: give Ss a L/R txt or some e.g. of eng sentences & ask them to discover how lg works

-inductive: learners generalize the rule thmslvs from examples before practising it

-deductive: rule is 1st presented to the learners and then they go on to apply it in practise activities


<<General model for introducing new lg>>

1. Lead-in: the context and the meaning and use of new lg is demnstrated

2. Elicitation: T checks if Ss can produce the new lg: if they can=T skips othr stgs & move to creativity

3. Explanation: T shows how the new lg is formed

- xpl statements

- xpl question forms

- Using hands & gestures

4. Accurate reproduction: Ss are asked to repeat & practise a certain nr of models: the emphasis on accuracy RaTh meaning & use

- Choral repetition: when explained we ask for repeat

- Individual repetition: T nominate>S response>T feedback=Acknowledge, Show incorrectness

- Cue-response drills

*Showing incorrectness: we indicate to the student that mistake has been made(should be handled with tact, should be seen as a positive act)

-repeating: ask S to repeat(Again! Repeat Please!)

-echoing: we repeat what S just said

-denial: we tell S that response is incorr

-questioning: asking any S if it was corr

-expression: gestures etc.

*Using correction techniques

-S corrects S; we ask sb else to give the correct response

-T corrects S; if majority of class having same problem

5. Immediate creativity: Ss try to use what they have just learned to make sentences on their own, Ss and T can see if Ss really understood the meaning & form




1. Presentation of meaning, form, use

2. Practise

-form: controlled activities (diff kinds of drills)= T provides the form to be used

-meaning, use & form: controlled, semi-controlled, guided activities

3. Production: focus on meaning(free communic activities)


Receptive skills-...

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