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IMIĘ I NAZWISKO:_______________________

                                                      IMIĘ I NAZWISKO:_______________________

         WYŻSZA SZKOŁA                                 Data:____________________________________

INFORMATYKI i ZARZĄDZANIA               Liczba punktów:___________________________

          z siedzibą w Rzeszowie                            Ocena:___________________________________________

CENTRUM JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH                  Grupa językowa:______________________________

                                                                            Egzaminator:mgr Joanna Wiśniewska

      ENTERPRISE 1 UNIT 15                              Podpis egzaminatora:____________________



Choose the correct item:

1 what are you doing tonight? I_________to the cinema with Mark and Lucy.

a.go           going                c.will go

2._________that man in the red jacket? That’s our teacher Mr Farrel.

a.whose             b.who’s                      c.who

3. Excuse me, do you know the way to the police station? Yes, go _______the bridge and turn left.

a.through         b.into                           c.over

4. is ___________your new car?it is great.

a.these            b.that                            c.there

5. London is much _______than York.

a.noisiest        b.noisier                       c.noisy

6.I think David ________Sandra in the end.            b.will save           saving

7. Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? Sorry, but ________to the football match with Stewart.

a.I will go     b.I am going                c.I go

8. I was born in Prague, but I _________in Paris since 1988.   living                  c.have lived

9.Yesterday we _______to the cinema and saw a great film!

a.go                    b.have gone      c.went

10. “What time do you leave for work?” _______quarter past eight.                              c.on

11. What ____________in the garden, Michael? I’m cleaning my bicycle. you do       b.have you done        c. are you doing

12.Look at the clouds! It’s _____________in a few minutes.

a.going to rain     b.rains                c.raining

13. Edinburgh is the _______city I’ve ever seen.

a.beautiful          b.more beautiful         c.most beautiful

14.________Jim yet? No, I think he will be late today.

a. Have you seen you see         c.are you seeing

15. _________you swim when you were seven years old?

a.can                           b.could                  c.can’t

16. The doctor told Graham that he _______smoke.

a.mustn’t          b.doesn’t have           c. won’t

17. _________your homework yet? Not yet.

a. do you finish  b.have you finished   c.are you finishing

18.When ________Rome?Last summer or last winter?

a. did you visit     b.have you visited you visit

19.I am hungry.___________go out for dinner?

a.Shall we            b.Let’s                c.Why do we

20.You _______keep pets, but you mustn’t have parties in your room.

a.must                 b.can’t                c.can




1 My brother is an early              He gets up at six o'clock every day.

              A eagle              B owl              C bird

2         New York is one of the most ................              cities in the world.

              A famous              B old              C big

3 We were really scared when the lions ................. loudly.

              A screamed              B shouted              C roared

4 lt's very rude to talk with your mouth ...............              .

              A crowded              B busy              C full

5 1'll phone book two aeroplane tickets to Madrid.

A travel agent's            B boarding-school C editor

6. 1 Koalas have got thick grey fur and sharp              .

              A paws              B pouches              C claws

7 I've made a doctor's              for tonight because I don't feel very well.

A invitation          B appointment     C explanation

8 . Stratford-upon-Avon is Shakespeare's .................

              A birth              B birthplace   C town

9              I can't                            this kind of musie. I think it's horrible.

              A stand              B listen              .              C have

10 There was a lot of snow so the children went outside to ..............              snowballs.

              A throw              B drop              C take

11 They had many problems with their              , so they divorced.

              A wedding              B marriage              C marry

12 She's always well-dressed. She wears really........................              clothes.

              A fashionable           B casually                         C interesting

13              You mustn't              the horn outside the hospital.

              A beep              B ring              C drive

14 If you want to be              and healthy you must eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

              A fit              B fair              C stressed

15              You shouldn't              litter.

              A pollute              B drop              C put

16 If you're staying at a hotel in America, don't forget to..................              the bellboys.

              A tip                               B book                C give

17              Robert              his education in 1992.

              A completed              B studied              C composed

18 The kitchen in that flat is very modern; it's got a dishwasher, a cooker and a big              .............

              A wardrobe              B washbasin              C fridge

19 John is my father's brother. He's my              .

              A nephew              B uncle              C husband

20              "What's her              ?" "I think she's French".

              A capital              B nationality            C city




1.Read the texts and say whether the sentences are TRUE or FALSE:/if there is no information, markit FALSE/.

A ­I'l be sixteen next month. I'd like to have a party at home and invite all my friends, but I don't want my parents to be at home then. Last night, I asked my parents about the party. They said I could have a party but they would stay at home.

I'm really unhappy now The party will be a disaster if my parents are in the house. We won't do anything wrong at the party, but we won't be able to relax and enjoy ourselves if they are at home. How can I make my parents understand?


B I've got a problem at school and I don't know what to do about it. I'm good at Maths and I always get high marks for my homework. Two of the other boys in the class wait for me before school starts and take my homework book. Then they copy the Maths homework. The worst thing is that they write and draw in my homework book and the teacher gets angry with me because my book is dirty and untidy. I don't want to tell my parents because it'lI be worse for me if they complain to the head teacher. What can I do?


C My parents are very nice but they are quite old-fashioned. I'm 13. I want to choose my own clothes but my mother always goes shopping with me. She never lets me buy what I want. My friends make fun of me because I don' t wear fashionable clothes. They don't ask me to go out with them at weekends and they never invite me to parties. I've tried to talk to my parents about this but they don't understand. What can I do?



1.       Andrew has told his parents about this._______

2.       Chris’s parents are very old.___

3.       Chris doesn’t wear fashionable clothes.___

4.       Chris hasn’t told his parents about his problems____

5.       Helen is sixteen years old._______

6.       Helen hasn’t got any brothers or siters._____

7.       Helen’s parents will let her have a party._____

8.       Helen’s parents don’t like her friends_________

9.       Andrew’s Maths homework is usually correct.____

10. The two boys who take his book are bad.___


2. Robin Hood

The story of Robin Hood, the most popular English folk hero of all times, has reached every corner of the Earth. There are many versions of this well­ known tale which is about 600 years old. Everybody knows Robin's friends (Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet), and the famous Sherwood Forest - Robin. Hood's home and the place where many of his adventures took place. In other countries there are similar stories, such as William Tell in Switzerland, El Cid in Spain or Janosik in Poland, but only Robin Hood has become an 'international' hero.


Unfortunately, there is almost no evidence that Robin Hood really existed. Thirteenth-century ballads, fourteenth-century chronicles, a sixteenth ­century History of Great Britain, all talk about Robin Hood. However, none of them tells us about the sources they used. In the 1800s and 1900s, historians found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fourteenth century. One of them was even King Edward II's servant. Later on, other historians found several different Hoods living in different parts of England - Robin was a popular Christian name and Hood was a fairly common surname. It seems that by 1337, the story of Robin Hood was well established. Most probably, he lived around the year 1200.

Today, the legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Castle. Parts of it still remember the time of Robin Hood. Sherwood Forest has an excellent visitors' centre with an attractive display and shop, and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. Edwinstowe church, in which, according to tradition, Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married, is one of the visitors' favourite sites.

The story of Robin Hood is especially popular in Switzerland, Spain and Poland. T / F

Sherwood Forest is 600 years old.T/F

Ballads and chronicles do not make us sure that Robin Hood was a real person.T/F

Robin Hood was King Edward Il's knight.T/F

You can watch a programme about Robin Hood's life in the visitors' centre.T/F

One of the places most often visited in Nottingham is Edwinstowe church.T/F

1. William Tell, El Cid and Janosik are

a) international heroes

b) Robin Hood's folIowers

c) people's heroes


2. It is probable that Robin Hood lived

a) in the thirteenth century

b) in the fourteenth century

c) in the sixteenth century




3. Sherwood Forest is

a) the place where Robin Hood lived

b) the oldest forest in Nottingham

c) Robin Hood's favourite place for walks


4. Edwinstowe is the place where

a) Robin Hood and Lady Marion first kissed

b) Robin Hood and Lady Marion first met

c) Robin Hood and Lady Marion started a new life







D.Write three postcards:

1.napisz pocztówkę do przyjaciela z Austrii z okazji urodzin.

Ø       Złóż mu życzenia urodzinowe;

Ø       Zapytaj, czy planuje urządzić przyjęcie urodzinowe;

Ø       ...

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