Egzamin Enterprise1 units 1-6 test A.doc

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Final Examination

Enterprise 1

Final Examination














z siedzibą w Rzeszowie

Międzyuczelniane Centrum Języków Obcych

















1. Read the article and say whether the statements are TRUE (T)  or FALSE (F). Justify your answers. (30 points).




My name is Melanie Smith. I’m sixteen years old and I live in Oxford in England. From Monday to Friday my daily routine is always the same.

My day always starts at eight o’clock in the morning when I get up and have a shower. Then I go downstairs and have a quick breakfast with my family. I usually have toast and a glass of milk, but I never have bacon and eggs. After breakfast I make my bed and then I go to school.

I stay at school from nine o’clock in the morning until half past three in the afternoon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I stay later because I have guitar lessons. On the other days I usually go shopping with my friends. When I get home I often take our dog, Gemma, for a walk.

I always do my homework from five o’clock until half past six or sometimes seven o’clock in the evening. Then, we all have dinner together. After dinner, my brother and I usually do the washing-up. I often watch TV for about an hour after dinner but my brother never does. He always plays computer games in his room. He’s crazy about them! If I don’t watch TV, I sometimes call my friend Sally for a chat. I always go to bed before eleven o’clock.

After such a busy day, I usually feel sleepy and ready for my comfortable bed!


1              Melanie has a shower at 9 o’clock in the morning.                            .....................              ……………………………

2              She always has bacon and eggs for breakfast.                                          .....................               ……………………………

3              She makes her bed before breakfast.                                                        .....................               ……………………………

4              She usually stays at school until half past three in the afternoon.              .....................               ……………………………

5              She has guitar lessons on Mondays and Fridays.                                          .....................               ……………………………

6              She often takes Gemma for a walk when she gets home.                            .....................               ……………………………

7              She usually does the washing-up with her brother after dinner.              .....................               ……………………………

8              She never watches TV after dinner.                                                        .....................               ……………………………

9              Melanie doesn’t like music.                                                                      .....................               ……………………………

10              Melanie’s brother doesn’t like watching TV in the evening.              .....................               ……………………………




2. Choose the correct item (30 points).




1               are magazines.

A This              B That              C These

2 A: Is that John's book?

B: No, it's             

A mine              B his              C my

3 My mother              at a hospital.

A work              B works              C don't work

4 The dishwasher is              the kitchen.

A on              B in              C next to

5 Alice is twelve years old              is a student.

A She              B It              C He

6 This is John's computer. It's             

A his              B him              C he

7 A:              Becky like chocolate?

   B: Yes, she loves chocolate.

A Do              B Doesn't              C Does

8 There              a lamp on the table.

A are              B is              C has

9 A:              Mr Smith?

   B: He's my French teacher.

A Who's              B Whose                            C Who


10 This is Carol and              dog.

A Ann                                      B Anns'                    C Ann's


11              This is an apple and              is an orange.

A those              B that              C these

12              The pictures are              the wall.

A in              B under              C on

13              That is the              house. They live there.

A boy's              B boys'              C boys

14              Are there              books in the study?

A some              B an              C any

15              Alex              play the guitar very well.

A doesn't              B don't              C do

16                 bag is this? It's Karen's.

A Who's              B Who              C Whose

17                  there any pencils on the desk?

A Is              B Are              C Isn't

18              I              dinner every evening.

A doesn't cook        B cooks              C cook

19              Jimmy              listening to pop music but he

doesn't like watching TV.

A don't like              B like              C likes

20              This is Mary and that's              sister.

A hers              B she              C her


21                 Sally a student?

A Are              B Is              C Am

22              Joseph is              artist.

A -              B a              C an

23              They              got short hair. They have got long


A haven't              B have              C has

24              A: Are you a musician?

B: No, I              I'm a doctor.

A isn't              B 'm not              C aren't

25   A:              is Martin?

      B: He's in the bedroom.

      A Where              B How old                     C What

26                 he a singer?

      A Are              B Is              C Am


27              A:              is her name?

B: Sally Stuart.

A Where              B What              C How

28              A: Is the Parthenon in France?
B:No, it             

A aren't              B not              C isn't

29        ...

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