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Moduł: AZ2

Ocena końcowa: …………………………

Egzaminator: Joanna Wiśniewska




I Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words in the list. Use each word only once.


boring,   nurse,   forty,   old,   blue,   going,   house,   day,   pilot,   hair,   reading,   lives,   years,   patient,   daughter,   time,   studies,   wife,   slim,   west,     


Bill Brown is 1)………………………… years old. He is a 2) …………………………  He 3) …………………………in Bristol, on the 4) …………………………coast of England.

Bill lives in a large 5) ………………………… with his 6)…………………………, Polly and their 7) …………………………, Lisa. Polly is thirty-eight years 8) …………………………. She is a 9) …………………………. Lisa is twenty 10) ………………………… old. She 11)………………………… at University of Bristol every 12)…………………………

Bill is good-looking. He is tall and 13) ………………………… with curly fair 14) ………………………… and 15) ………………………… eyes. Everybody likes him because he is a very 16) ………………………… and pleasant man.

In his free 17) ………………………… Bill likes 18) ………………………… books. He doesn’t like 19) …………………………fishing. He thinks it is 20)………………………….


20 points


II Choose the correct item



1.       .................are magazines.

              A) This              B) That              C) These

2.       A: Is that John's book?                           B: No, it's..................

              A) mine              B) his              C) my

3.       My mother.................at a hospital.

              A) work              B) works              C) don't work

4.       The dishwasher is.................the kitchen.

              A) on               B) in              C) next to

5.       Alice is twelve years old..................is a student.

              A) She              B) It               C) He

6.       This is John's computer. It's ……………………….

              A) his              B) him              C) he

7.       A:.................Becky like chocolate?         B: Yes, she loves chocolate.

              A) Do              B) Doesn't              C) Does

8.       There.................a lamp on the table.

              A) are              B) is              C) has

9.       A:.................Mr Smith?                            B: He's my French teacher.

              A) Who's              B) Whose              C) Who

10.   This is Carol and.................dog.

              A) Ann              B) Anns'               C) Ann's

11.   This is an apple and.................is an orange.

              A) those              B) that              C) these

12.   The pictures are.................the wall.

              A) in              B) under              C) on

13.   That is the.................house. They live there.

              A) boy's              B) boys'              C) boys

14.   Are there.................books in the study?

              A) some              B) an              C) any

15.   Alex.................play the guitar very well.

              A) doesn't              B) don't               C) do

16.   .................bag is this? It's Karen's.

              A) Who's              B) Who              C) Whose

17.   .................there any pencils on the desk?

              A) Is               B) Are              C) Isn't

18.   I.................dinner every evening.

              A) doesn't cook              B) cooks              C) cook

19.   Jimmy................. listening to pop music but he doesn't like watching TV.

              A) don't like              B) like              C) likes

20.   This is Mary and that's.................sister.

              A) hers              B) she              C) her

20 points

III Read the text and say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote a correct phrase from the text to support your answer.


Dear Judy,

My name is Maria Diaz. I am sixteen years old and I am an only child. I’ve got long dark hair and green eyes. I like rock music, films and motorbikes. But I haven’t got a motorbike! At school my favourite subjects are English, French and geography.

I live in Calpe, on the south-east coast of Spain. Calpe is a small town but it’s very friendly. There are three cinemas and lots of discos. My favourite disco is called ‘Crazy Nights’. They’ve got good music there and brilliant disc jockeys.

My home is in the centre of Calpe. Our house is in a busy street between a newsagent’s and a chemist’s. opposite us, there’s a big fruit and vegetable market. My school is very near my home. I’ve got lots of friends at school.

Write soon and tell me about you.

With best wishes,



1.         Maria is sixteen years old. 


2.         Her surname is Smith.    


3.         Maria hasn't got any brothers or sisters. 


4.         Maria has got a motorbike. 


5.         Maria has got short dark hair.


6.         She likes hip – hop very much.


7.         Her favourite subjects are Polish, Spain and maths.


8.         Calpe is a small town on the north coast of Spain.


9.         There are three cinemas in Calpe. 


10.     Crazy Nights is the name of her favourite CD.


11.     Maria's house is next to a newsagent's.


12.     The house is in a very quiet street.


13.     There's a supermarket opposite her home.


14.     Maria's school is very near her home.   


15.     Maria has got lots of friends at school. 




30 points



IV Write an article about Terry Wilson’s daily routine. Use the notes below.



30 points



TOTAL: 100 points




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