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Order Number: MGCS031201C0
H 21
Digital Imaging Systems
[ Training Version 1.0 ]
March 30, 04
This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not intended for use by the general public.
It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product.
Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service
or repair the product or products dealt within this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death.
© 2004 Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is
a violation of law.
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This Product Uses Lead (Pb) Free Solder Printed Circuit
Boards (PCBs).
Information regarding Lead-Free (PbF) solder:
Distinction of PbF PCB:
PCBs (manufactured) using lead free solder will have a mark following
the PCB part numbers in a label on the PCB.
Pb free solder has a higher melting point than standard solder; typically
the melting point is 50 - 70 F (30 - 40 C) higher. Please use a soldering iron
with temperature control and adjust it to 700 20 F (370 10 C). Exercise care
while using higher temperature soldering irons, do not heat the PCB for too long
to prevent solder splash or damage to the PCB.
Pb free solder will tend to splash when heated too high (about 1100 F/600 C).
ECO SOLDER M705 (available from Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.:
URL: http:/ / ) is recommended when repairing PbF PCBs.
The contents of this Service Manual are subject to change without notice.
Published in Japan.
Important Notice
Please read this notice completely BEFORE repairing or
installing any optional accessories. As failure to properly install
the additional board or connector with the power ON could
damage the machine’s SPC or SC board.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. It is essential that you turn OFF the Main Power Switch located
on the Right Side of the machine.
2. It is essential that you unplug the AC Power Cord from the wall
outlet. (During a Lightning Storm, to prevent electrocution
disconnect the Telephone Line Cable first before unplugging
the AC Power Cord, if the Fax option is installed.)
3. Please read the installation instructions carefully and follow
each step.
O = Power OFF, l = Power ON
If the Hard Disk Drive Unit is installed, to prevent a Scan Disk Function from being
performed (similar to Windows OS when the power is abruptly interrupted), it is
important to follow the step sequence below when turning OFF the Power Switch on the
1. If the machine is in the "ENERGY SAVER MODE", you may turn the Power Switch on the Right Side of
the machine to the OFF position. If it is not in the "ENERGY SAVER MODE", continue to step 2 below.
2. Press "FUNCTION" and "ENERGY SAVER" keys simultaneously first.
3. Wait approximately 10 seconds while the machine writes the closing status onto the Hard Disk Drive
Unit and advances into "ENERGY SAVER MODE".
4. Turn the Power Switch on the Right Side of the machine to the OFF position.
5. Unplug the AC Power Cord. (During a Lightning Storm, to prevent electrocution disconnect the
Telephone Line Cable first before unplugging the AC Power Cord, if the Fax option is installed.)
* The specifications are subject to change without notice. Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. reserves
the right to make improvements in the product design without reservation and without notice.
<Example: DP-1820E>
For Your Safety
To prevent severe injury and loss of life, read this section carefully before sevicing the Panasonic
machine to ensure proper and safe operation.
This section explains the graphic symbols used in the machine and/or this manual.
Denotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.
Denotes hazards that could result in minor injury or damage to the machine.
This section also explains the graphic symbols used in the machine and/or this manual.
These symbols are used to alert operators to a specific operating procedure
that must not be performed.
These symbols are used to alert operators to a specific operating procedure
that must be emphasized in order to operate the machine safely.
Installation and Relocation Cautions
Do not place the machine near heaters or volatile, flammable, or combustible materials
such as curtains that may catch fire.
Do not place the machine in a hot, humid, dusty or poorly ventilated environment.
Prolonged exposure to these adverse conditions can cause fire or electric shocks.
Place the machine on a level and sturdy surface that can withstand.
If tilted, the machine may tip-over and cause injuries.
When relocating the machine, remove the toner and/or developer, and pack the machine
with proper packing materials for shipping.
When moving the machine, be sure to unplug the power cord from the outlet. If the
machine is moved with the power cord attached, it can cause damage to the cord which
could result in fire or electric shock.
Power and Ground Connection Cautions
Ensure that the plug connection is free of dust. In a damp environment, a contaminated
connector can draw a significant amount of current that can generate heat and
eventually cause fire over an extended period of time.
Always use the power cord provided with your machine. When an extension power cord
is required, always use a properly rated cord.
120 V/15 A or AC 220 - 240V/10 A
If you use a cord with an unspecified current rating, the machine or plug may emit smoke
or become hot to the touch externally.
Do not attempt to rework, pull, bend, chafe or otherwise damage the power cord. Do not
place a heavy object on the cord. A damaged cord can cause fire or electric shocks.
Never touch a power cord with wet hands. Danger of electric shock exists.
If the power cord is broken or insulated wires are exposed, replace immediately with a specified cord only.
Using a damaged cord can cause fire or electric shocks.
Stop operation immediately if your machine produces smoke, excessive heat, unusual noise, or smell,
or if water is spilt onto the machine. These conditions can cause fire. Immediately switch Off and
unplug the machine.
Do not disconnect or reconnect the machine while it is on. Disconnecting a live connector can deform
the plug and cause fire.
When disconnecting the machine, grasp the plug instead of the cord. Forcibly pulling on a cord can
damage it and cause fire or electric shock.
When the machine is not used over an extended period of time, switch it Off and unplug it. If an unused
machine is left connected to a power source for a long period, degraded insulation can cause electric
shocks, current leakage or fire.
Be sure to switch Off and unplug the machine before accessing the interior of the machine for cleaning,
maintenance or fault clearance. Access to a live machines interior can cause electric shock.
Be sure to switch Off and unplug the machine before accessing the interior of the machine for
accessing interface cables, maintenance or fault clearance. Access to a live machines interior can
cause electric shock.
Once a month, unplug the machine and check the power cord for the following. If you notice any
unusual condition.
The power cord is plugged firmly into the receptacle.
The plug is not excessively heated, rusted, or bent.
The plug and receptacle are free of dust.
The cord is not cracked or frayed.
The machine has a built-in circuit for protection against lightning-induced surge current. If lightning strikes in your
neighborhood, switch Off the machine. Disconnect the telephone line cable first, then unplug the power cord from
the machine and reconnect only when the lightning storm has stopped.
If you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your machine may be causing
radio interference. Switch it Off and if the interference disappears, the machine is the cause of the radio interfer-
ence. Perform the following procedure until the interference is corrected.
Move the machine and the TV and/or radio away from each other.
Reposition or reorient the machine and the TV and/or radio.
Unplug the machine, TV and/or radio, and replug them into outlets that operate on different circuits.
Reorient the TV and/or radio antennas and cables until the interference stops. For an outdoor antenna, ask
your local electrician for support.
Use a coaxial cable antenna.
Operating Safeguards
Do not touch areas where these caution labels are attached to the surface may be very hot, and cause
server burns.
Do not place any liquid container such as a vase or coffee cup on the machine. Spilt water can cause
fire or shock hazard.
Do not place any metal parts such as staples or clips on the machine. If metal and flammable parts get
into the machine, they can short-circuit internal components, and cause fire or electric shocks.
If debris (metal or liquid) gets into the machine, switch Off and unplug the machine.
Operating a debris-contaminated machine can cause fire or electric shock.
Do not try to alter the machine configuration or modify any parts. An unauthorized modification can
cause smoke or fire.
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