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Atomic HigHwAy
T he h omebrewer s G uide
Creating your own material for a game is one of the
great joys of rpgs, so here are some useful guidelines
for anyone who wants to create new Rearings, Pursuits,
Mutations/Flaws, Vehicles, Beasts and Mutant Horrors,
Humanoid Animals, and Psychic Powers
Armor: Only provide this if it really its the concept;
most Rearings do not possess armor, and what armor
there is tends to be light and incidental, to protect as
much from accident.
Weapons: Most Pursuits should provide 1-2 weapons,
typically choices of one ranged and/or one melee
depending on whether the Pursuit concept is likely to
really see much conlict. Heavy Weapons should not
be part of a Pursuit’s starting weaponry.
Clothing: Basic garments should be listed as
Gear: This should provide the Pursuit with the
basic tools and materials necessary to perform the
concept’s basic functions, and no more. Don’t overdo
it or be too generous. If a Pursuit is likely to have
multiple items of a single type, have the number be
rolled on a die.
Transport: No more than a single means of transport
should be offered, but a choice can be provided.
Be careful that you don’t give more vehicle points
to your new Pursuit than the existing vehicle-based
Pursuits (Airman, Hauler, Outrider, Raider, Road
Warrior) already possess, as you run the very real
risk of making your new Pursuit more attractive than
the others then. In each case, the basic vehicle type
the Rearing commonly used was taken as a base
cost, then enough points were added to make some
thematically-appropriate modiications.
Pets: If a Pursuit possesses a pet, it should be limited
to a single one.
Skills: Each Pursuit has 6 skill points, with no
individual skill having a rating higher than 1 except
Lore, Notice, Tech, and Stealth, any of which can be
rated up to 2. You can provide choices using the “ or
Weapons/Gear : In most cases 1-2 basic weapons
can be assigned, the knife being the most common for
its all-round utility. Gear-wise, most provide a single
roll on any one of the Scavenging tables (pages 54-60)
except Military, if appropriate, and possible 1-2 knick-
knacks or minor items appropriate to the Rearing
Skills: Pursuits provide 10 skill points. Because of
Natural Skills and the skill levels provided by Rearings,
placing more than 1-2 points in any single skill in a
new Pursuit only results in wasted skill points.
Because of this, no more than 1 point can be placed
in a Pursuit for Notice or Stealth, but up to 2 points
can be placed in any of the others. As before you can
provide choices including offering a small selection of
skills from which to make limited picks.
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HomeBrewer’s Guide
All of the Mutations presented in Atomic Highway are
based squarely on natural abilities found in various
mammalian species. This is important, in part, to
keep the overall feel of the game more grounded than
in many post-apocalyptic roleplaying games, and give
things a slightly evolutionary bent. If a new Mutation
profoundly beneits a skill, it should instead provide
that skill at 6. If it only provides a small but signiicant
enhancement to a skill it should provide a bonus die
for the appropriate Attribute/Skill rolls. Try to keep
new Mutations and Flaws short and simple, and try
to avoid producing anything that renders an existing
Mutation or Flaw redundant.
lippers, hooves, and most ungulates, have Crude
Hands. Most Humanoid Animals are Color-Blind. Many
have Selective Diet in some form or another. Only
assign Swift if the animal is known to routinely exceed
40mph. Assign Fragile to any animals with hollow
bones or an average natural weight of under 15lbs.
Assign Enduring to any animal with an average weight
of 400lbs. or higher.
3) Calculate the cost. Count the number of Mutations/
Abilities and Flaws the new entry has and compare
4) Balance the costs:
4a) If the animal has more Mutations/Abilities than
Flaws, irstly reduce the number of Attribute Points
available by 1 down to 17; this negates one of the
excess Mutations/Abilities. If a balance has not been
reached, then reduce the number of customization
Skill points to 2; this negates another excess Mutation/
Ability. If the numbers are still not balanced, reduce
the customization Skill points to 0, negating a third
excess Mutation/Ability. If the two are still not
balanced, reduce the number of Attribute points
again on a one-for-one basis.
4b) If the animal has more Flaws than Mutations/
Abilities, increase the number of Attribute Points
available by 1 up to 19; this negates one of the excess
Flaws. If a balance has not been reached, then do the
same again, increasing the Attribute Points available
to 20, negating another excess Flaw. If there are still
excess Flaws, increase the number of customization
Skill points by 2 for each excess Flaw left.
Use the table on page 43 as guidance in assigning
a new vehicle it Attributes. Vehicles beyond those
boundaries of size, power, and speed are subjects
for later expansion. Any appropriate Customiza-
tions and Flaws should be assigned as suits the basic
vehicle. The total cost of the vehicle is the cost of its
Attributes, Customizations, and Flaws, plus an extra
cost based on its numbers of possible passengers
(beyond its operator):
0-1 passenger: 0 vehicle points.
2-3 passengers: 1 vehicle point
4-7 passengers: 2 vehicle points.
8-11 passengers: 3 vehicle points.
12-30 passengers: 4 vehicle points.
31-60 passengers: 5 vehicle points.
Psychic Powers
The optional psychic powers in Atomic Highway are
pretty low-key and while useful are not anything like
as powerful as you might ind in say, a comic book.
If you create new psychic powers, keep them also
relatively low-powered. Use the existing powers as
Beasts and Mutant Horrors
Nearly every animal has Understanding 0, Appeal 0,
and Senses 2 (modiied for appropriate Mutations/
Abilities). Senses values are listed in the order they
appear in the Mutations/Abilities/Flaws so a creature
with Enhanced Sense (Smell), Dull Sense (Hearing),
would have Senses 2/6/1 (its general Senses, its Smell,
its Hearing). Other Attributes as well as Skills should
be assigned to it the concept, using the existing
entries as guidelines. Mutations/Abilities/Flaws are
also assigned as is appropriate.
Humanoid Animals
Creating these is an involved step-by-step process:
1) Do your research. Heavily research the animal, its
natural abilities and weaknesses (especially senses),
and its diet.
2) Assign all appropriate Mutations and Flaws. All
Humanoid Animals have the Mutie Flaw. Those with
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