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01 DO Connections 4 Tests 3P.qxd
Test 1A
1 Complete the text using the correct form of the
verbs below. Use short forms.
play do wait sit do go say
4 Write sentences using present and past tenses.
A funny thing / happen yesterday / when I / walk home
A funny thing happened yesterday when
I was walking home.
1 I / watch this programme, but I / not enjoy it
because it’s boring
It’s Friday afternoon and I
’m sitting
here in the
office with nothing to do. Nobody 1
anything on a Friday afternoon in this place, it’s always
a quiet time. About ten minutes ago, I 2
to see my boss in his office and he 3
games on the internet. He 4
that he
2 We / arrive ten minutes ago and now we / wait for a
something important! I’m very bored
and I 6
to leave and go home.
3 She / not work at the moment, so she / not have /
much money
2 Complete the sentences using a positive or negative
form of used to and the verbs below.
have be like travel contact play do
used to travel
a lot, but he doesn’t
4 I / drive to work today when my car / break down
go to many places these days.
1 I
this kind of music, but
now I think it’s great.
2 She
5 When she / look out of the window it / rain hard
me frequently, but
I never hear from her now.
3 I
piano lessons, but I
6 I / try to find my bag, but I / not know where it is
stopped going to them.
4 He
much exercise, but
he often goes to the gym now.
5 Children
in the street,
) if the adjectives are in the correct
order. Correct them if they are not.
but they don’t do that any more.
6 She
very confident, but
a blue nice little car
1 some horrible baggy pink shorts
2 a big leather brown suitcase
3 a brown small round coin
4 a big round metal table
5 a plastic strange little object
6 a black steel famous statue
nice little blue
she’s much more confident now.
3 Complete the words about materials.
It was hot, so he wore a light, c shirt.
1 What kind of m is this coin made of?
2 This part of the city is full of apartment blocks made
of c – they all look the same.
3 The ball hit the window hard and the
4 Cheap p
toys are easily broken.
5 These c
plates have lovely patterns.
6 The w
from these trees is used for
making furniture.
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5 Put a tick (
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Test 1B
1 Complete the diary extract using the correct form
of the verbs below. Use short forms.
worry write get say not blow wake make
4 Write sentences using present and past tenses.
A funny thing / happen yesterday / when I / walk home
A funny thing happened yesterday when
I was walking home.
1 At the moment I / try to repair my computer, but I /
not know how to do it
home late tonight after the party.
I 1
up during the night because the
rain and wind 2
a terrible noise
outside. The wind 3
so much now,
but I can’t sleep, so I 4
in my diary.
2 At three o’clock yesterday we / sit in the sun, but
right now it / rain
about things at night, and now
I’m worried about something that I 6
the party.
3 I / not understand / the problem before, but I /
understand it now
2 Complete the sentences using a positive or negative
form of used to and the verbs below.
have be like see travel talk know
used to travel
a lot, but he doesn’t
4 Jane / live in Paris when she / meet Olivier
go to many places these days.
1 I a lot of films, but I
don’t go to the cinema very often now.
2 He
much money, but he
5 He / start this job ten years ago and he / look for
something different now
earns quite a lot now.
3 She
to me, but she’s
very friendly to me now.
4 This
6 When I / come here last June I / have a great time
a boring town, but
it’s much more interesting now.
5 I her very well, but
she’s one of my best friends now.
6 I
) if the adjectives are in the correct
order. Correct them if they are not.
this programme, but I
think it’s rubbish now.
a blue nice little car
1 a red trendy long scarf
2 a lovely blue cotton dress
3 a long metal thin tool
4 a concrete grey tall building
5 a brown leather small purse
6 a small green plastic toy
nice little blue
3 Complete the words about materials.
It was hot, so he wore a light, c shirt.
1 It’s a g -fronted building, and you can
see what the people inside are doing.
2 What kind of w
is this table made of?
3 Credit cards are made of p
4 She bought some very expensive c
cups in the antique shop.
5 He fell on the pavement and hit his head on the
c .
6 The body of a car is made from m
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I often 5
5 Put a tick (
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Test 2A
1 Complete the text using the present perfect or past
simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use short
forms if possible.
4 She the Best Actress award last year.
5 He is currently a film in France.
6 He likes doing concerts and he
I play for a local football team. The football season
(start) three months ago, and we
tour every year.
(play) six games already. We
(lose) the first two because we
4 Write questions and sentences using the present
perfect and the word in brackets.
(not play) well, but since then, we
(not lose) any games. I 5
(do) well in every game so far, and last week I
I / finish all my work
(score) two goals.
I’ve already finished all my work.
1 you / have piano lessons?
2 I / eat, so I’m not hungry
2 Complete the sentences using the present perfect
continuous form of the verbs below. You may need
a negative form. You do not need all the verbs.
play get make feel take do tell go
have say
3 you / pay that bill?
4 I / see a famous film star
She’s happy because things
better in her life.
1 Martin is unhappy because he
a lot of problems lately.
2 George
have been getting
5 James / not get up
6 I / speak to Harry
well at school and he
may fail his exams.
3 My computer
wrong a lot
5 Complete the sentences using the adjective form of
the nouns below.
energy danger fame romance glamour
ambition drama
recently, but I don’t know why.
4 Zena
me all about her trip to
Africa – it sounds great.
5 David’s got a headache now, because he
computer games all day.
6 I’m going to the doctor because I
well this week.
He has one of the most
faces in the
1 Penny has always been very
– she
wants to be a big star.
2 People say acting is a
profession, but
3 Complete the sentences about celebrities with a
suitable verb in the correct form.
it isn’t always exciting and fun.
3 Doing stunts can be very
, so actors
He had a lot of hit records years ago, and he
a fortune.
often don’t do them themselves.
4 She’s a very performer, so she’s often
very tired when she comes off stage.
5 The ending of the film was very
1 She first
on TV in a popular police
series many years ago.
2 He doesn’t
; it
interviews, because he
had a big effect on the audience.
6 He often plays the part of the
doesn’t trust journalists.
3 He’s always happy to
hero in
autographs for
his films.
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Test 2B
1 Complete the text using the present perfect or past
simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use short
forms if possible.
4 I saw Daniel Craig in the street and he
an autograph for me!
(not travel) much in my life.
5 She
on a TV chat show tonight.
haven’t travelled
6 He
a lot of good films during his
I 1
(go) to Italy when I was 14, but I
career so far.
(not have) the chance to go abroad
again since then. Some of my friends 3
(go) to Spain last year, but I 4
(not go)
4 Write questions and sentences using the present
perfect and the word in brackets.
(not have)
enough money. I want to go abroad this year, and I
She / take drugs
(apply) for a summer job in Italy.
She’s never taken drugs.
1 I / speak to her on the phone
2 Complete the sentences using the present perfect
continuous form of the verbs below. You may need
a negative form. You do not need all the verbs.
turn do use spend go practise make
try get think
2 you / write a story?
3 He / fall asleep
She’s happy because things
better in her life.
1 You
have been getting
4 you / do the washing-up?
too much time in front of
5 I / win a prize
the TV this weekend.
2 I can’t play very well at the moment because I
3 I about this problem for ages,
and now I have the answer.
4 Harry’s unfit because he
6 The tickets / not arrive
5 Complete the sentences using the adjective form of
the nouns below.
energy danger fame romance glamour
ambition drama
exercise recently.
5 I a lot of mistakes at school
this week because I’m very tired.
6 We
He has one of the most
faces in the
too much electricity at
1 People like reading about the
home this year.
lives of
rich film stars.
2 The film showed a lot of
3 Complete the sentences about celebrities with a
suitable verb in the correct form.
events that
took place during the war.
3 Dancing is an
He had a lot of hit records years ago, and he
a fortune.
profession – you have
to be fit to do it.
4 It’s a very
1 He regularly
awards for his acting.
film about two people’s
2 The band
on a very successful tour
love for each other.
5 I’m not a very
last year.
3 She a lot of interviews last month to
publicise her new film.
actor. I don’t mind if
I’m not a star.
6 The stuntmen did a lot of
things in
the film, but they never got injured.
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with them because I 5
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