My Daughter's Lesbian Seduction 2.txt

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Daughter's Lesbian Seduction 2

Carrie and I had just returned from our vacation out east.  This was a
life- changing trip.  We had stayed at my friend Anna's house in Toronto.
Her husband had been out of town and Anna had invited her friend Karen over
for a 'girl's night' together.  Anna hadn't told me that Christopher wasn't
going to be there and that Karen was a lesbian.  Not only was Karen a
lesbian, but she got the greatest joy out of seducing straight women and
girls.  She said she liked nothing better than seducing a straight woman
and then hearing her say "that was the best sex I've ever had - better than
my husband!"  According to Anna, every single woman Karen had sex with
ended up becoming a lesbian.  I can honestly believe it.  While we there,
she seduced me while I was talking on the phone to my husband in England.
I was talking to him and within about ten minutes, this gorgeous lesbian
was making me cum more than any man ever had.  Not only that, just the
things she said and what she did, convinced me that I wanted lesbian sex
more than anything else.  Then, later that night, after getting me so
aroused that I wanted nothing but sex with her again, she seduced my 13
year old daughter Carrie and had her cumming and cumming and then had
Carrie suck on her pussy and make her cum over and over.  Karen is an
absolutely gorgeous woman and she had me in such a lesbian craving that I
let her have sex with my daughter - over and over.  When we came back home,
both Carrie and I were lesbians - no question.  I didn't know how to
approach the topic with my husband Tom.  Fortunately, he was still in
England and would be for several more weeks.

Tom had been married previously to me and he had one daughter from that
marriage - Krista - who often came by to see her dad.  I had always seen
Krista as Tom's daughter.  She was lovely.  Athletic, slim, smart and
getting to that age where every boy wanted her - she was becoming a
beautiful young woman.  She was really conservative in her manner and
dress.  She had just turned 16.  The only time I got to see her body was
when she would swim at our place and she would wear a conservative
two-piece bathing suit.  She had gorgeous long legs, a flat tummy, nice
firm breasts and a beautiful face.

Tom's ex-wife was Toni.  Tom and Toni split up one year after Krista was
born.  She was 34 and she made her living as a real estate salesperson.
She came by rarely, only when she had to see Tom to work out stuff around
Krista.  Toni was really attractive - 5-6, 115 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes.
She was hard to take at times.  She had met a guy two years ago and they
got married last year.  She went on and on about this guy and what a
fantastic husband he was.

Well, when we got back, Toni called and said she had to come around to pick
up something that Tom had put aside for Krista just before he left for
  We arranged for her to come by on Saturday afternoon.  As I was talking
to her, I realized that I was starting to think about having sex with her.
This was not so surprising.  Since my time with Karen , I imagined having
sex with almost any attractive woman I saw!  And Karen had said how easy it
was to seduce straight women.  So I started to imagine how incredibly sexy
it would be to seduce Toni.  I mean, she went on and on about her new
husband - wouldn't it be amazing to have this woman become addicted to
lesbian sex - I started to get unbelievably excited about the idea of
seducing Toni.  Of course I was scared - I mean, what if it didn't
work.. she would tell someone.  But as I had that thought, I remembered
what it felt like when Karen kissed me, when she first put her mouth on my
pussy slit and started sucking the sex juice from me.  I just had to figure
out how to seduce Toni successfully.  That's when I had my big brainstorm.

Saturday came and the doorbell rang.

"Hi guys.  It's me, Toni.  Can I come in?"  Toni said.

"Come on in" Carrie said as she opened the door.

"How was the trip out east?  Did you have a great time?" Toni asked.

"Better than you could ever, ever imagine" I said.

"Wow, that sounds interesting.  Tell me more" Toni demanded.

"I'll get to it.  First, would you like a drink?"  I asked.

"Sure, I've got nowhere to be today and relaxing with you guys sounds great
right now" Toni said.

"Carrie, why don't you go upstairs and clean you room up a little and I'll
tell Toni all about our trip" I said to Carrie.

"Okay mom" Carrie said as she ran upstairs and disappeared into her room.

"My god, Carrie looks beautiful.  I haven't seen her for maybe six or seven
months but she's really starting to fill out and become quite a sensual
young girl."  Toni said to me.

"Well, yes.  In fact, on that topic, there's something that I need to talk
to you about to get your opinion.  While we were away, I started to see a
change in Carrie's behavior and I couldn't figure out what was going on.
It seemed to have something to do with her sexual awakening but I couldn't
put my finger on it.  She was kind of oozing this sexuality that you seemed
to notice just now but she wasn't talking about boys or anything.  So I
started to watch her a little more closely to see what was going on.  One
night, I started to go into her room and just as I opened the door ever so
slightly, I heard her moaning.  I assumed she was masturbating so I opened
the door a little more and watched my little girl stroking her pussy as she
made herself cum.  She was looking at a magazine while she was doing this.
I waited until she was asleep and I went in to see what she was looking at
and found this."  I then brought out a couple of fairly hard core but
really good quality lesbian porn magazines and showed them to Toni.

The first one showed a grown woman, about 30 and tremendously beautiful,
having sex with a girl about 14 years old.  The 30 year old woman was
completely shaved and the girl didn't have any pubic hair. The girl's
breasts were just forming but her nipples were hard.  It looked like she
was in a state of total lesbian arousal.  As Toni leafed through the book,
she saw the 30 year old woman licking the girl's smooth pussy slit and then
the girl sucking on the woman's breasts making her nipples jut out straight
and then she was sucking the woman's shaved pussy and looked like she was
making her cum.  Toni was looking at all these photos and said nothing.  I
showed her the other magazine which was three teenage girls, about 14 or
15, all pretty, licking each other's pussies and breasts and looking like
completely experienced lesbians and cumming like crazy.  I was totally
aroused looking at these and held myself from starting to seduce Toni right

"Well, what do you think Toni?" I asked.

"Wendy, where would she have gotten this stuff from?  I mean, it's hard
core porn." Toni said.

"I think she got it from a woman who was visiting Anna when we were there.
Her name was Karen and she was a lesbian.  I think she may have had sex
with Carrie but I'm afraid to ask" I said.

"Well, I think it's disgusting. Totally disgusting and I think you should
talk to her.  I'd be happy to help out if I can.  I mean, first, she's way
too young to be having sex.  But to be having lesbian sex is just wrong -
totally wrong" Toni said indignantly.

"Would you come up and talk to her with me.  I know you've had experience
talking about sex issues with Krista.  Maybe that would help here" I asked

"I'd be happy to.  Let's talk to her now" Toni said.

We both went upstairs and I gently pushed open the door to Carrie's room.
Carrie was laying back on her bed, completely naked, stroking her beautiful
girl pussy with her finger.  Her legs were spread and you could see her
perfect pussy lips and clit just oozing sex juice.

I whispered to Toni "Look, she's doing it now.  Just look at her."  Carrie
looked intoxicating as she did this. Karen had taught her how to masturbate
in such a way that it was mesmerizing to watch.  Toni watched for a minute
and I could tell that she couldn't help but feel a little arousal at the
sight of this little 13 year old lesbian seductress stroking herself to
orgasm in front of us.

"OOHHH .. my little pussy feels all wet ... I want to cum .. I want to cum
OOHHHH" Carrie was moaning.

Toni couldn't stand it any longer "STOP THAT NOW Carrie!" Toni called to

"Oh Toni, I can't.  My little pussy is all wet and it wants to cum
.. please let me make it cum, please?" Carrie whimpered.

"No, you mustn't do that.  We saw the magazines that you had and it's not
right to be doing that.  Lesbian sex isn't right Carrie .. as well, you're
too young" Toni said to Carrie.

I left the room but stood just outside the door so Carrie could see me but
Toni couldn't.

"That's not what Karen said.  She made me into a lesbian.  Toni.  It's the
very best.  Imagine just leaning down and sucking on my pussy slit right
now and licking me and making my sex juice all leak out.  You'd suck just
the right amount since you'd know exactly what it's like and you'd make me
cum and cum and cum.  You'd make me feel all sexy inside.  Lesbians can
make you feel WAY WAY better than any man.  I know that.  Then, imagine me
just leaning down and sucking gently on your pussy, sucking you to lesbian
heaven.  Because I know exactly how to drive you wild.  Karen showed me
things that no man can know.  Because we're women and know exactly when to
suck just a little harder to make more pussy juice come out.  Aren't you
getting horny just thinking about it?"

"Carrie, it's not right.  You shouldn't be talking that way.  It's not
right."  Toni said.

"No, it's the very best.  Karen...
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