Describing animals.doc

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Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Subject:What's special about it? Describing animals.

Revising vocabulary

Ex.1 Read Kate's story about her pets. Then answer the questions:

1.                 Is Big Ben small? 9.Is Cleopatra a kitten?

2.                 What sort of dog is he? 10.Is she ugly?

3.                 Is he ugly? 11.Is she dirty?

4.                 What colour are his eyes? 12. What sort of animal is Rocky?

5.                 Is his tail short? 13. Are Rocky's legs long and thin?

6.                 Is he unfriendly? 14. Is his shell soft?

7.                 Is he a clever dog? 15. Is he young?

8.                 Are dogs cheap pets?

My Pets

We have got three family pets: a dog, a cat and a tortoise. The dog's name is Big Ben. He is a big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. He has got big brown eyes and a long tail. He is a very friendly dog but he is sometimes a bit stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are very good guards for the house.

Our cat is called Cleopatra. She is quite young but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has got black and white fur and green eyes. She's clever, too, and very clean.

The tortoise's name is Rocky. He has got short, fat legs, a long neck and a very hard shell. He is also very old and slow. He's ugly and dirty but I like him.


Ex.2Read the description and match them with the pictures

1.This animal lives in Australia. It's grey with a white chest, and it's about 50 centimetres long. It eats leaves and it can live without water. Its name means 'no drink'

2.This bird lives in Africa. It's black and white and it's very heavy. It's got long legs and a long neck and it's 2.5 metres tall! It eats leaves, fruit and small animals. It can run at 65 kilometres an hour. It's got wings but it can't fly!

3. This animal lives in water and eats fish, But it isn't a fish. It's usually blue-grey and can be up to 2.5 metres long. It can swim at 45 kilometres an hour, and it can jump six metres out of the water. It's very intelligent and it can 'talk'- it can make more than 30 different sounds.




Ex.3 In pairs, ask and answer questions about animals in the pictures.

Where does it live?

What colour is it?

What does it eat?

What can it do?

What's special about it?

Ex.. 4 Complete comparative adjectives.

heavy -
short -
long -
big -
small -

nice -
funny -
clever -
strong -
dark -

Ex. 5 True or false? Correct false sentences.

1.                 A mouse is bigger than a rabbit.

2.                 An elephant is taller than a giraffe.

3.                 A penguin is shorter than an ostrich.

4.                 Cats can run faster than than ostriches.

5.                 A dog's tail is longer than a kangaroo's tail.

6.                 A koala is smaller than a lion.


Ex. 6 Look at the chart. Then write the description of each animal. ( It may be made in groups, each group write a description of one animal)


This bird lives in ...

Ex. 7 Group game: Describe the animal. The teacher divides students into two groups. The cards lie face down in a pile so students can't see them. One member of the group selects the card and without showing it the other students describes this animal so that they could guess its name.

Eg.This animal lives in water. It is usually grey and it's got a long tail. It eats fish. It can swim very well.What's this? (dolphin)

If the group guess what animal it is, they get one point. If not, the other group can try to guess and get the point.















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