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Discourse Cloze

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For Questions 1-6, read through the text below and then choose from the list in the drop
down menu in the bottom screen the best phrase to fill each of the spaces.
Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.
Example: (0) - J) 'which is usually overlooked'


Learning how to behave
Most people are unaware they possess a quite remarkable skill,
(0) ... because it is exercised daily, and in the most ordinary of contexts.
But without it, our lives would be unfulfilled and empty. It is the ability
to relate to others, to engage them in conversation, to operate as social
and sociable individuals and to develop both short-term and long-term
relationships (1) .... We are not born with this ability. There is nothing
wired into the human brain (2) .... To perform effectively in a world (3) ...,
encounters and relationships, we have to learn what to do.
Small babies, as any parent will remember, are among the least
sociable beings (4) .... They are totally demanding, utterly selfish and
scream with rage if their every whim is not immediately satisfied.
Somehow this unlikely raw material is transformed over the years into
a being (5) ... on being able to form reciprocal bonds with others and to
follow complex rules (6) .... The monstrous infant becomes the caring,
responsible adult whose life experiences revolve around both the joys
and pains, and the giving and receiving, of friendships and other
relationships. It is this remarkable transformation which is the central
characteristic of being human.


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