
(55 KB) Pobierz
0:02:11:You're going to die, you|have just two months.
0:02:18:Don't waste any more money, the|family will need it... Take him away.
0:02:21:Doctor, you shouldn't say that.
0:02:23:So who should? The ward boy?
0:02:25:I'm the doctor, I know it all.
0:02:27:But sir, there must be some hope?
0:02:29:There's no hope.
0:02:31:It's the last stage.
0:02:34:No treatment will help
0:02:36:If you want to waste money
0:02:37:Try a private hospital
0:02:39:We're short on beds here.
0:02:43:Sir you could have said the|same thing... with love
0:02:45:I'm here to treat them|not to love them.
0:02:52:But Sir, one should be|a little emotional?
0:02:54:Emotions make you weak
0:02:56:But your attitude|isn't right either
0:03:00:It's not?
0:03:06:You see how long this line is?
0:03:08:They're all waiting for me
0:03:11:If I was busy being emotional,|Even those with hope, would die
0:03:18:Instead of giving false hope|to those who are dying
0:03:21:It's better to save those|who can be saved.
0:03:44:It's Thursday, shouldn't|we be eating okra?
0:03:47:It wasn't available.
0:03:56:Where are you off to?
0:03:58:Study group|- at a friend's place
0:04:01:Study groups-chatting|and laughing all night!
0:04:06:Like we don't know anything.
0:04:11:This is not a group apple.
0:04:14:This one's for your friends
0:04:18:He even catches the apple|like it's a cricket ball.
0:04:22:You can go. Go to sleep.
0:04:24:Thank you. Good night.
0:05:03:Where are you going?
0:05:10:What do you mean why? I have a job...
0:05:12:I've got to go.
0:05:13:For how long?
0:05:15:I'll be back in a week. I promise.
0:05:19:Will you miss me?
0:05:22:What no!? Say yes...
0:05:24:Say yes, yes...
0:05:39:People say life's a game.
0:05:41:I say the game itself is life.
0:05:44:From the sadness of losing|to the sheerjoy of winning
0:05:47:Life is what lies in between.
0:05:49:Well said. - Oops, I spouted|something profound!
0:05:51:Never mind.
0:05:53:It means a lot to me to have|you on my show today.
0:05:56:Thank you very much.
0:05:57:Thank you.
0:05:59:There you are ladies and gentlemen,
0:06:00:The one and only, Chinaman.
0:06:02:He was awesome in his time,|what an amazing bowler.
0:06:06:He was one of my favorites.
0:06:08:I have only one favorite Kapil Dev...
0:06:11:He just had to flick his collar|up, and the wicket would fall
0:06:16:Do you know who my favorite is?
0:06:22:I don't know what|he keeps adjusting!
0:06:25:For me it's neither Shahrukh|nor Salman...
0:06:27:Only lmran.
0:06:29:I've met him
0:06:31:No way! - Really?
0:06:32:What's the big deal?
0:06:33:You've met lmran and you're|saying what's the big deal...
0:06:35:What are you saying dude?
0:06:36:While you guys spend hours|in buses and tubes,
0:06:39:I, as an lmmigration officer,|have to meet everyone!
0:06:42:Without my approval not a pin|gets in... and not even lmran!
0:06:48:You must have pictures...|show us some pictures...
0:06:50:Look, I meet him as a friend,|not some photo-hungry fan
0:06:55:He may be lm-ran, but|I'm lm-portant too.
0:07:01:Let's have another round.
0:07:02:Let's order.
0:07:03:Don't ask him, he's one of us.
0:07:06:Call the white guy-
0:07:08:I like ordering Brits around|in London; it gives me a high
0:07:12:I'd love to order something|every few minutes.
0:07:17:Sorry sir
0:07:18:Second round
0:07:20:I beg your pardon?
0:07:22:Don't look. Come here.|Second round.
0:07:27:It really gets their goat|when you call them crikey.
0:07:33:Mr. Hemendra Harshad Bhai Patel...|your next question
0:07:40:In the UK if you are|a witness to a crime
0:07:44:which number other than 999|can you call for the police?
0:07:49:Option A: 1000
0:07:53:Option B: 1100
0:07:57:Option C: 112
0:08:00:Option D: 111?
0:08:09:Option C
0:08:12:Right answer! And with that,
0:08:13:you are awarded citizenship|to the United Kingdom
0:08:19:And he scores!
0:08:29:Who are you calling?
0:08:30:I'm "calling a friend" like|on the quiz show...
0:08:32:No, I'm calling my older brother-
0:08:34:I should share the good news.
0:08:35:You just have my approval|and you're calling people
0:08:38:If they approve you, you'll be|shouting it from the rooftops.
0:08:40:Is that Jignesh? It's Hemu...
0:08:44:I'm his brother, from London
0:08:47:He's not home?
0:08:49:It's amazing, he's never home...
0:08:51:I wonder where his kids came from!
0:08:54:I tried his cell phone|but there's no answer.
0:08:59:Yes. Ok, tell him I'm about|to get my UK residence permit
0:09:05:And then I'm coming to India
0:09:08:What do you mean why? It's|mom's 60th birthday
0:09:11:We'll all celebrate together
0:09:13:Yes, please let Jignesh know
0:09:17:May god be with you...
0:09:24:Hemu have you lost your|mind? You're getting
0:09:26:your UK citizenship but making|plans to live in India?
0:09:30:Don't mess up my game
0:09:32:It's taken me 14 years to get here...
0:09:35:Now we'll go to India|whenever we want...
0:09:37:To our people
0:09:42:Whether they want us or not
0:09:45:What did she say?
0:09:47:It's ok
0:09:48:Your people! Who haven't|come on the line in 2 years
0:09:52:They hang up when|they see your number
0:09:54:Forget it dad, it's|not gonna happen.
0:09:59:They are my people, my family...
0:10:01:how can they forget me?
0:10:03:You know them...
0:10:04:When you come with me you'll see
0:10:08:Nothing is going to happen.
0:10:09:You're living in a piped dream dad.
0:10:12:Fine... fine... I love|to live in pipe.
0:10:32:Look, he's at it again.
0:10:36:If you're not white, they|practically strip you.
0:10:40:It's like they're measuring|you for your wedding suit
0:10:45:What can you do? Everyone pays|for the misdeeds of a few.
0:10:48:Not at all. It's all about|the colour of your skin.
0:10:52:Let have a bet. 5 pounds says|that boy there, he's in for it.
0:10:56:Who?|- The guy in the brown coat.
0:10:59:He looks like a geek but|they'll search him
0:11:03:like he's the godfather
0:11:07:See... They stripped him didn't|they. Gimme my 5 quid
0:11:11:Are you gujarati? From which|city? Ahmedabad? Baroda?
0:11:25:Why did you lie?
0:11:26:If I'd spoken in Gujarati he|would've come home for lunch
0:11:29:And tomorrow he'd tell everyone:
0:11:30:Hemu Patel is a janitor|at the airport
0:11:33:Anyway, don't change the subject,|Gimme my 5 quid.
0:14:19:Why have you brought me here? You|know I don't like Chinese food.
0:14:22:Just eat it... one meal|won't kill you.
0:14:35:Come, come and sit.
0:14:40:Namaste... I'm Sarabjeet.
0:14:42:This is my mom, my dad...
0:14:44:Mom, dad, this is Kashmira
0:14:48:Listen, we have decided that|we're getting married.
0:14:53:The rituals and stuff|are for the parents...
0:14:55:So you guys discuss|it among yourselves
0:14:58:There's no need to get flustered...
0:15:00:The world is changing...
0:15:01:Mom dad mom dad
0:15:06:I think we should leave|these guys alone.
0:15:10:We're off... we're|going for a drive
0:15:12:Go ahead and discuss stuff|in the meantime...
0:15:19:I guess it's no point inquiring|about the "girl's"
0:15:21:Educational background or|home-making capabilities...
0:15:25:Or, for that matter, about|our son's income...
0:15:28:We've just got to decide|the menu and the venue...
0:15:30:Absolutely if we knew your names,
0:15:33:We would've had the|invitations ready...
0:15:40:The bowler prepares,
0:15:49:The batsman is ready...|his forehead moist
0:16:03:And it's the first ball of the over
0:16:27:Forget this... the next match|depends on Tendulkar
0:16:30:And yourjobs depend on me.
0:16:35:This is your first and last warning.
0:16:37:Sir... cricket... cricket...
0:16:39:What do you mean,|"cricket cricket?"
0:16:40:The cricketer David Abraham|has been admitted
0:16:42:There are no VIPs and|no cricketers here...
0:16:45:They are all patients
0:17:09:This is India's tumour
0:17:14:Check for Creatinine, B.U.N.
0:17:17:and do a Urine culture
0:17:24:It's itching buddy
0:17:26:I see that
0:17:31:Who is that?
0:17:32:Dr. Satyajeet.|He'll be treating you.
0:17:34:Is he a good doctor
0:17:36:One of the best
0:17:38:A good person?
0:17:39:No comment.
0:17:41:If he's a good doctor he|must be a good person
0:17:57:Hi -Hi
0:17:59:You've lost faith|in the Indian team?
0:18:02:Not till the day I die.
0:18:04:But I've got to win the|trust of people here...
0:18:07:What do you mean?
0:18:08:I got the call. Tomorrow is my|final citizenship interview.
0:18:12:Ok|- Yeah
0:18:13:You'll see, that Brit will be|speaking Gujarati soon...
0:18:16:He'll call me Hemu bhai
0:18:18:But why are you|changing the posters?
0:18:21:Don't you get it? If they|do a surprise check
0:18:23:They should feel they are not|Indians. They're like us.
0:18:26:Then they'll accept us right away.
0:18:28:But why do we have|to put on a show?
0:18:30:What's wrong with us as we are?
0:18:33:If you attach a peacock's|feather onto a crow,
0:18:35:He won't become a peacock.
0:18:36:I'm not stupid, ok?
0:18:38:I'm not stupid.
0:18:39:In Rome do as the Romans...
0:18:42:Hence, Mother India goes out
0:18:45:Mama Elizabeth comes in.
0:18:48:You just wait and watch mom...
0:18:50:The dhokla is off to|become a burger
0:18:53:Next he'll change his name
0:18:55:From Hemu Patel to Harry Potter
0:18:57:Shut up
0:18:58:Shut up you stupid idiot!
0:19:02:I'm doing all this for you!
0:19:11:Not bad.
0:19:14:Your reports have improved.
0:19:17:Concentrate on mathematics
0:19:19:The vegetable vendors have|baby gourds these days
0:19:21:So replace Tuesday's gherkins|with baby gourds
0:19:27:How is the patient who|had mouth cancer?
0:19:30:Dead. We'd done a tracheotomy-
0:19:34:he was smoking cigarettes|through it. He died.
0:19:36:And the one who drank|the pesticide?
0:19:39:He's alive. He survived...
0:19:41:so n...
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