
(29 KB) Pobierz
{1311}{1350}You're too late.
{1658}{1689}Open it.
{1690}{1740}I'm sorry. She's gone.
{1918}{1963}At least let me say good-bye.
{2835}{2886}You found me.
{2887}{2937}Did you ever doubt I would?
{2989}{3075}The glass coffin gave me pause.
{3076}{3170}Well, you never have to worry.|I will always find you.
{3171}{3251}Do you promise?
{3253}{3306}I do.
{3306}{3348}And do you, snow white,
{3349}{3414}Promise to take this man to be your husband
{3415}{3470}And love him for all eternity?
{3471}{3517}I do.
{3518}{3593}I now pronounce you husband and wife.
{3906}{3969}Sorry I'm late.
{4200}{4246}It's the queen. Run!
{4248}{4301}She's not a queen anymore.
{4328}{4370}She's nothing more than an evil witch.
{4370}{4437}No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level.|There's no need.
{4464}{4495}You're wasting your time.
{4495}{4549}You've already lost,
{4550}{4619}And I will not let you ruin this wedding.
{4621}{4690}Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything.
{4690}{4746}On the contrary, dear.
{4746}{4797}I've come to give you a gift.
{4798}{4841}We want nothing from you.
{4842}{4894}But you shall have it.
{4894}{4982}My gift to you...
{4983}{5114}Is this happy, happy day,
{5115}{5191}For tomorrow my real work begins.
{5191}{5250}You've made your vows.
{5250}{5309}Now I make mine.
{5310}{5374}Soon everything you love,
{5375}{5451}Everything <i>all</i> of you love
{5452}{5537}Will be taken from you forever,
{5539}{5586}And out of your suffering
{5587}{5667}Will rise my victory.
{5668}{5774}I shall destroy your happiness,
{5774}{5833}If it is the last thing I do.
{6443}{6524}That a good book?
{6525}{6576}This? It's more than just a book.
{6606}{6641}<i>Boston south station.</i>
{6642}{6685}<i>Thank you for riding greyhound.</i>
{6888}{6944}I don't know...
{6945}{6984}Hold on.
{7011}{7072}Uh, you take credit cards?
{7073}{7109}Where to, chief?
{7600}{7638}You look relieved.
{7639}{7712}Uh, well, it <i>is</i> the internet.
{7713}{7736}Pictures can be...
{7738}{7770}Fake, outdated,
{7771}{7798}Stolen from a Victoria's Secret catalog.
{7823}{7862}Exactly. So...
{7863}{7963}So... Um, tell me something|about yourself, Emma.
{7963}{8030}Oh, uh, well...
{8031}{8070}Today's my birthday.
{8071}{8106}And you're spending it with me?
{8107}{8131}What about your friends?
{8131}{8166}Kind of a loner.
{8167}{8207}And... You don't like your family?
{8207}{8231}No family to like.
{8232}{8299}Oh, come on. Everyone has a family.
{8299}{8331}Technically, yeah,
{8332}{8386}But not everyone knows who they are.
{8387}{8418}Ready to run yet?
{8419}{8471}Oh, not a chance.
{8471}{8507}You, Emma, are, by far,
{8508}{8599}The sexiest friendless|orphan that I have ever met.
{8626}{8670}Okay. Your turn.
{8671}{8733}No, wait. Let me guess.
{8734}{8834}Um, you are handsome, charming...
{8835}{8858}Go on.
{8859}{8896}The kind of guy who...
{8897}{8968}And now stop me if I get this wrong...
{8969}{9005}Embezzled from your employer,
{9005}{9037}Got arrested, and skipped town
{9037}{9089}Before they were able to|throw your ass in jail.
{9130}{9176}And the worst part of all|of this is your wife.
{9177}{9225}Your wife loves you so much|that she bailed you out,
{9225}{9277}And how do you repay that loyalty?
{9278}{9313}You're on a date.
{9314}{9354}Who are you?
{9354}{9415}The chick who put up the rest of the money.
{9416}{9449}You're a bail bondsman.
{9449}{9489}A bail bondsperson.
{9667}{9697}d all right d
{9738}{9769}d well, now d
{9770}{9812}d I must admit d
{9813}{9857}d I can't explain d
{9858}{9924}d any of these thoughts|racing through my brain d
{9925}{9962}d it's true d
{9990}{10053}d baby, I'm howlin' for you d
{10079}{10111}d yeah d
{10112}{10155}Come on.
{10155}{10178}d yeah d
{10179}{10223}d da-da, da-da, da d
{10224}{10267}d da-da, da-da, da d
{10268}{10299}da-da, da-da, da
{10300}{10333}Look, you don't have to do this, okay?
{10333}{10360}I can pay you. I've got money.
{10361}{10395}No, you don't, and if you did,
{10396}{10450}You should give it to your wife|to take care of your family.
{10451}{10500}What the hell do you|know about family, huh?
{11308}{11371}Another banner year.
{11818}{11855}Can I help you?
{11856}{11896}Are you Emma swan?
{11897}{11946}Yeah. Who are you?
{11947}{12047}My name's Henry. I'm your son.
{12209}{12270}Whoa. Hey, kid. Kid. Kid!
{12271}{12330}I don't have a son.
{12331}{12375}Where are your parents?
{12376}{12459}Ten years ago, did you give|up a baby for adoption?
{12521}{12548}That was me.
{12616}{12664}Give me a minute.
{12828}{12887}Hey, you have any juice?
{12887}{12953}Never mind. Found some.
{13078}{13158}You know, we should probably get going.
{13159}{13199}Going where?
{13200}{13244}I want you to come home with me.
{13245}{13309}Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops.
{13310}{13342}Then I'll tell them you kidnapped me.
{13379}{13411}And they'll believe you,
{13412}{13452}Because I'm your birth mother.
{13484}{13533}You're not gonna do that.
{13533}{13564}Try me.
{13565}{13616}You're pretty good, but here's the thing.
{13616}{13662}There's not a lot I'm great at in life,
{13663}{13694}But I have one skill.
{13695}{13762}Let's call it a superpower.
{13763}{13825}I can tell when anyone is lying,
{13826}{13883}And you, kid, are.
{13932}{14001}Wait. Please don't call the cops.
{14042}{14084}Come home with me.
{14084}{14143}Where's home?
{14144}{14193}Storybrooke, Maine.
{14193}{14255}Storybrooke? Seriously?
{14312}{14363}All righty then.
{14364}{14434}Let's get you back to Storybrooke.
{14730}{14777}What's wrong?
{14825}{14864}You're thinking about|what the queen said again,
{14865}{14905}Aren't you?
{14906}{14989}Snow, please. I can't keep|having this conversation.
{14990}{15018}You have to let it go.
{15019}{15061}We're about to have a baby.
{15062}{15117}I haven't had a restful|night since our wedding.
{15118}{15168}That's what she wants, to get in your head,
{15168}{15205}But they're only words.
{15206}{15246}She can't hurt us.
{15247}{15273}She poisoned an apple
{15274}{15333}Because she thought I|was prettier than her.
{15333}{15393}You have no idea of what she's capable.
{15394}{15462}What can I do to ease your mind?
{15463}{15544}Let me talk... To him.
{15657}{15680}You don't mean... I do.
{15681}{15726}No. No, no. It's too dangerous.
{15727}{15750}He sees the future.
{15751}{15790}There's a reason he's locked up.
{15791}{15891}Can you promise me that|our child will be safe?
{15893}{15923}Can you guarantee it?
{15924}{15980}Because he <i>can.</i>
{16081}{16140}All right.
{16141}{16180}For our child.
{16380}{16427}I'm hungry. Do you want to stop somewhere?
{16428}{16487}This is not a road trip.|We're not stopping for snacks.
{16488}{16511}Why not?
{16513}{16546}Quit complaining, kid.
{16546}{16570}Remember, I could have|put your butt on a bus.
{16571}{16595}I still could.
{16596}{16664}You know, I have a name. It's Henry.
{16732}{16764}What's that?
{16764}{16822}I'm not sure you're ready.
{16823}{16891}Ready for some fairy tales?
{16892}{16938}They're not fairy tales.
{16939}{16965}They're true.
{16966}{17031}Every story in this book actually happened.
{17031}{17082}Of course it did.
{17083}{17136}Use your superpower. See if I'm lying.
{17208}{17281}Just because you believe|something doesn't make it true.
{17282}{17321}That's exactly what makes it true.
{17321}{17380}You should know more than anyone.
{17380}{17410}Why is that?
{17412}{17466}Because you're in this book.
{17467}{17524}Oh, kid. You've got problems.
{17525}{17574}Yep, and you're gonna fix 'em.
{17719}{17772}When we reach the cell,|stay <i>out</i> of the light,
{17773}{17845}And whatever you do,|do <i>not</i> let him know your name.
{17846}{17903}If he knows your name,|he will have power over you.
{18010}{18060}I have a question for you.
{18061}{18133}No, you don't.
{18158}{18202}<i>They</i> do...
{18203}{18303}Snow white and... prince charming.
{18387}{18446}You insult me.
{18447}{18547}Step into the light and take|off those ridiculous robes.
{18630}{18692}That's much better.
{18693}{18736}We've come to ask you about the...
{18737}{18791}Yes, yes! I know why you're here.
{18791}{18853}You want to know about the queen's threat.
{18854}{18878}Tell us what you know!
{18879}{18962}Ohh. Tense, aren't we?
{18963}{19087}Fear not, for I can ease your mind,
{19087}{19172}But it's gonna cost you|something in return.
{19173}{19237}No. This is a waste of time.
{19238}{19275}What do you want?
{19328}{19378}The name of your unborn child?
{19379}{19403}Absolutely not.
{19404}{19462}Deal. What do you know?
{19517}{19592}The queen has created a powerful curse,
{19593}{19635}And it's coming.
{19636}{19693}Soon you'll all be in a prison,
{19694}{19758}Just like me, only worse,
{19759}{19859}For your prison, <i>all</i> of our prisons
{19859}{19894}Will be time,
{19895}{19972}For time will stop,
{19973}{20061}And we will be trapped someplace horrible,
{20062}{20103}Where everything we hold dear,
{20104}{20159}Everything we love will be ripped from us,
{20159}{20232}While we suffer for all eternity,
{20233}{20270}While t...
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