A HOUSE IN TURMOIL - Prof Elaine.doc

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A House in Turmoil by Prof Elaine

Summary: A spell has been cast over the Weasley House, the Burrow by Peter Pettigrew to allow its inhabitants worst enemies to enter. Only something goes wrong and instead an ancient, illegal pureblood ritual is released bringing instead the soul- mates. The Weasley are asleep and Death Eaters are banging at the doors.
Categories: Severus Snape/Harry Potter Multi-Chaptered Fics Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Millicent Bulstrode, Molly Weasley, Peter Pettigrew, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Major Fluff, Sexual Content, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 27267 Read: 13950 Published: Feb 09, 2007 Updated: Apr 01, 2007

1. Nightmares and Visitors by Prof Elaine

2. The Weasel by Prof Elaine

3. The Last Arrival by Prof Elaine

4. Compromising Positions by Prof Elaine

5. Discoveries by Prof Elaine

6. Unforgivable by Prof Elaine

7. Duplicity by Prof Elaine

8. Revelations by Prof Elaine

9. Declarations by Prof Elaine

Nightmares and Visitors by Prof Elaine

A House in Turmoil

Summary: A spell has been cast over the Weasley House, the Burrow by Peter Pettigrew to allow its inhabitants worst enemies to enter. Only something goes wrong and instead an ancient, illegal pureblood ritual is released bringing instead the soul- mates. The Weasley are asleep and Death Eaters are banging at the doors for entrance.

A House in Turmoil

Chapter One

Nightmares and Visitors

A figure raced across the grass, his furry body near invisible in the moonlight. He was on a mission, one that could not be messed up. Actually, it was supposed to be Lucius Malfoy’s mission, but that aristocratic pain in the ass had yet to be released form Azkaban. The rat smirked slightly, though he would never have even thought that near the blond inner circle member. Malfoy had a much higher ranking than Peter Pettigrew could ever hope for, besides Peter was scared shitless of Malfoy Senior. Honestly, the man could glare anyone into submission, almost.

He knew the general area of the Weasley’s home, everyone did, but he especially, he had lived there for many years as children’s pet rat scabbers. Those had been fun times, the Weasley’s had taken good care of him.
All he had to do was wave his wand (down fast with a left switch towards the left) and speak the incantation while thinking about his worst enemy, the Dark Lord had said then the inhabitants of the Burrow would enter a real nightmare. Peter really didn’t know what would happen or how it all worked but he did know that if he screwed this up his lord would not be please. Not at all, this might be his only chance to pull himself higher in the rankings.

The rat stopped just before the wards, thankful that no one was physically watching him, as far as he could tell. Hiding himself behind a bush, he transformed back into his human self, crouching low he sniffed at the air. If anyone would to look out their windows and spot the man holding a stick, sniffing the air with one hand scratching his face much like a rat, they would not believe their eyes. Unfortunately no one looked out their windows that late night, at least not this one. Everyone in the house it seemed was fast asleep.

Peter felt the wards protecting the house in front of him, he could not pass but his magic would. He raised his wand, glanced at the parchment in his other hand before waving the wand in the air. He stopped suddenly and sniffed the air again. Who was his worst enemy? He had no idea, but then an image of Severus Snape wrestled itself into his mind. He had hated the man both in his Hogwarts life and in his adult life. He shuddered at the memory of living with the man the past summer. That had not been pleasant at all. The Dark Lord had suggested Harry Potter though. Peter did not think of the boy as his worst enemy but he followed his orders blindly, if he could. He straightened his shoulders, an image The-Boy-Who-Lived in his mind. The incantation slipped out of his mouth with only a few stutters marring the words.

A jet of white light erupted from his wands furiously traveling towards where Peter knew the house to be. The white light disappeared for a moment and then suddenly burst into a blinding flash. Peter transformed as soon as he could. He raced back to his Lord, eagerly waiting his rewards.

Harry Potter shot up straight in his bed. He reached blindly for his glasses and wand. Quickly he swung his legs over the bed and raced toward his roommate.

“Ron!” He whispered furiously, shaking at the deep sleeping red head. “Ron!” He tried again, desperation just coming out in his voice. Knowing how Ron slept he knew it would be useless to continue to try to wake him, besides he didn’t want anyone to know he was up. He wandlessly cast a protective bubble around his friend before creeping toward the hallway. He knew someone was in the house, actually he felt as if more would be arriving. He listened for any noise, half hoping this was all just a prank from the twins or his paranoid imagination taking over, and when no noise came he slipped out into the dark hallway.

Slowly he edge across hallway peeking down the steps, nothing. Shaking himself, he stepped down two steps before hearing another bump and a flash of white light. How could he be the only one who could hear that? Who could see that? Were the other Weasley’s all deep sleepers? He shook his head, a look of amazement on his face. He crept down the stairs towards the twins’ room. While the two normally stayed at their flat had elected to stay the night, Molly Weasley begged them nearly every night they had dinner at the Burrow. Their room was the closes to his and Ron's now that most of the Weasley children had moved out.

He slipped into the twin’s room and nearly fell over in shock at the sight that greeted him. Both red haired twins were still lying perfectly content on their beds but two other figures were in the room. Luna Lovegood and Blaise Zabini stared at each other from the different corners of the room, both pale and scared looking. Zabini looked far worse than Luna did, he was completely nude and trying desperately to hide himself, Luna blushed. Harry noticed she wore a prim white nightgown.

“What the hell?” Harry yelled, unable to contain himself. Zabini and Luna jumped adding their own yell to the noise, the twins still didn’t stir. Luna recovered first and ran toward Harry her white nightgown flowing behind her. She reached out to Harry and threw herself in his arms.

“Harry! I don’t understand this. Have I been abducted by Grenworkts or midnight fairies?” He chose to ignore her and focus on the Slytherin in the other corner.

“What’s going on?” he pushed her behind him and started towards the tall boy.

“Potter what did you do to me? Where the hell am I?” Zabini yelled, his eyes scanning the area, wildly taking in his surroundings.

“I did nothing to you, I was sleeping, what are you doing here?” Harry said evenly. Something was up and he didn’t think this Slytherin was behind it, Zabini was from a neutral family.

“Answer me! Where the hell am I?” He was furious. Harry about to tell Zabini but was distracted by Luna grabbing his arm.

“Harry lets try to find out first what is going on. I don’t think this is his fault.” She turned toward the Slytherin. “What’s your name again?” She asked in her dreamy voice. Zabini started at her. Finally, Harry answered for him. Luna smiled.

“Where were you before coming here?” She asked. Harry let her take control having no idea at all what was going on.

“At home, sleeping. It is the middle of the bloody night.” He gestured at his body then raised an eyebrow. “Do you know what’s going on?” he asked his voice low. Luna shook her head, allowing blond bangs to slip over her eyes.

“No, but I was too at home sleeping and then suddenly a white light erupted in my bedroom and I found myself looking at you. I wonder if the midnight fairies are back?” she glanced at Harry as she finished. From the snort that came from Zabini Harry was inclined to believe this was some of Luna’s nonsense.

Another crash was heard and a light cracked through the hallway. All three non-Weasley’s jumped.

“What is that?” Zabini said. Harry was staring at the door while Luna had moved toward George. She raised her hand to his face and gently started to slap. Nothing happened.

“I don’t know. Maybe there are more intruders around here. It sounded like it came from upstairs.” They both looked at Luna as she suddenly let out a sigh of frustration.

“He won’t wake!” Indeed both of the Weasley twins were deeply breathing, their eyes moving behind pale eyelids. Harry reached out towards Fred shaking the boy hard for a few minutes before turning back towards the others.

“Should we try to spell them awake?” Zabini asked in his even voice again. All three stared at a twin thinking.

“I don’t know, they are not unconscious but sleeping.” Harry said.

“We should get help before trying, what if we hurt them?” Luna’s voice had a frightened edge to it.

“Right, I reckon we have to leave the room to get help and I can’t go alone.” He looked at Zabini for a minute before extending his hand.

“I need help; I don’t know you well but let’s put everything aside and find out what’s going on.” Zabini hesitated for a moment before shaking Harry’s hand. Luna again reached out to Harry.

“One of us should stay and help the twins, they are defenseless.”

“I agree but…” he gingerly gestured toward his wand. The others did not have their own wands with them. Luna frowned before picking up George’s wand, which had been laying on the nightstand next to an old issue of Playwizard. She flicked her hand and red streams shot out.

“How is that possible? Are you related to the Weasleys?” Zabini said his voice unbelieving. Luna shrugged.

“Not that I know of, why don’t you try Fred’s wand?” Another loud bump followed by the white light, startled them. Zabini searched the nightstand for Fred’s wand (Just Us Wizards lay next to his wand) he raised it in the air and swished it around, silver jets of light erupted from it, he sighed in relief. “I know I’m not related to the Weasleys.”

“Let’s worry about this latter, Luna you guard the twins. Try to wake them up if you can, Zabini help me find out whose out there.” The boys crept back out into the hallway; both heard the strange noises coming from downstairs. In a moment of indecision, he did not know whether to go upstairs, he was sure one of the bumps had came from his and Ron’s room or downstairs where Ginny was. Harry started to race down the stairs when he remembered the bubble he put around Ron. He burst into Ginny’s room where Draco Malfoy stood over her bed a look of utter disbelief on his face. Harry violently charged after the blond, not thinking about anything but hurting the boy in front of him and protecting the girl he thought of as his little sister. Malfoy put up his naked arms in protest, his mouth unable to utter a sound as Harry started to pummel him.

“Potter! Potter stop!” Zabini’s strong arms took hold of him and forcefully pulled him back. “Obviously he is suffering in the same way Lovegood and I are.” His voice was firm but calming to Harry.

“What did you do to me Potter?” Malfoy asked, his voice rusty. Harry finally took in the appearance of the Slytherin Prince. Malfoy was only warring a pair of boxers, his hair in wild disarray, the blond looked sleep tussled, he had never seen him like this.

“Were you at home sleeping too?” He asked. Malfoy nodded his head, before pulling himself up.

“What’s going on?” Harry was surprised by the even tone in the Slytherin’s voice.

“Look Potter, I don’t know what’s going on, but obviously you didn’t do this specifically to me and I’m willing to forget our differences until I understand everything.” Draco smirked at him before raising his arms and pointedly looking at his bare forearms. “I’m not marked by the psychopath and Zabini comes form a neutral family.” Harry nodded dumbly before remembering about the twins and rushing toward Ginny. He roughly grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her but as with the twins nothing happened. She stayed in her restful sleep.

“Fine Malfoy. You have no idea what’s going on?” He asked. Malfoy and Zabini shook their heads.

“I have to go check on Ron and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, but I can’t leave Ginny alone like this.” He spoke aloud, not really thinking about the others in the room. Malfoy said nothing, instead he was staring at Ginny. Zabini however rolled his eyes.

“Just move her to Lovegood.” Harry glared.

“This is the Weasley house?” Malfoy’s nose turned up in disgust as he took in his surroundings.

“Yes.” Harry knew he might regret this but he needed the Slytherin’s help. He had no idea on how to fix this.

“Let’s gather everyone in one room, well everyone awake that is.” He looked at Ginny, Harry followed his gaze.

“We have to get her upstairs; it can’t be safe to leave them all like this.” Draco nodded his consent. He muttered another spell and Ginny was floating in the air moving towards to the door. Harry lead the way towards the Twins room, trying to be as quiet as possible. They didn’t know who else could be in the house. Once Ginny and the Twins were safely tucked in bed, (Draco had transfigured a new bed for Ginny out of Fred’s desk.) Harry glance wearily at the door again.

“I need to make sure Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are all right and Ron.” He voiced his concern about his surrogate mother and father.

“I will go with you.” Malfoy said. He sneered at Harry before heading towards the door.

“My father is going to kill me when he finds out about this.” Harry pushed the door open before stepping out into the hall again, ignoring Malfoy’s comments. This time he headed down the hall toward Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room. He pushed open the door, expecting to see new people but all he could make out were the two adults spooning on the bed. Malfoy made a gagging noise next to him, and then gasped.

“It can’t be.” Malfoy whispered still staring at the Weasleys.

“What?” Harry said irritably, thinking that Malfoy was thinking about new ways to torture the Weasleys.

“It’s nothing. Let us just leave protective charms around the walls. They should be fine.” Malfoy said all ready raising Ginny’s wand.

“They should be together, incase something happens.” Malfoy sighed while muttering something about Gryffindorks, but raised his wand toward Author Weasley. Harry followed his lead and lifted Molly in the air; they made quick work of moving the two adults to their sons’ room. Once all five Weasley’s were in relative comfort, Malfoy and Harry headed out again this time to get Ron. They crept up the stairs silently, Harry praying that this wouldn’t get him killed.

They both half expected to see another person in Ron’s room. Malfoy let out a snort.

“Guess no one can be with him.” Harry shot Malfoy a hate filled look before raising his wand toward Ron.

“Draco?” Both spun around trying to locate the source of the noise. Millicent Bulstrode stood her body pushed as far into the wall as she could, but upon recognizing Malfoy she flung herself at him, whose eyebrows were raised and mouth open. Her arms wrapped around him as she let out a sob.

“What’s going on Draco? It can’t be… what I think it is… ” She started to sob; on Malfoy while stunned only held her, he glared at Harry.

“Let’s get to the others.” He glanced at the door. “Are they any other Weasley’s here? Or is the Mudblood blood in another room?” Harry decided not to say anything about the name but shook his head.

“No one else it here yet.”

“Then there shouldn’t be any more surprises in the house. But outside…” he let his words trail off before leading Millicent towards the twins room. Harry followed with a floating Ron behind him. Luna and Zabini looked up, wands raised as they entered.

“Shadows are circling the house.”

“What? Shadows?” Harry raced towards the window. At least fifty Death Eaters stood surrounding the Burrow, all with wands raised trying to break the wards.

“Shite.” Zabini and Malfoy said in unison.

“What are we going to do?” Luna swayed slightly her hands rising in the darken room. A moan of anguish ripped from her throat and all three boys started at her mixed expressions on their faces.

“Luna? Luna, are you all right?” He reached out a hand to comfort her but another white flash erupted from the room and George sat up with gasp. Luna slumped forward and landed on the floor. George wildly looked around.

“What the… Harry?” Malfoy moved toward the window again his grey eyes searching for something, Zabini next to him. Harry focused on George while Millicent helped Luna to her feet.

“Blimey, what’s going on mate? Where Fred?” George searched for his twin and upon finding him let out a small moan and reached out. Harry grabbed his wrist forcefully.

“George we don’t know what’s going on, all these,” he gestured toward the Slytherins and lone Ravenclaws “they just appeared here. But I think we can trust them.” George’s eyes remained locked on that of his twin.

“What is this?” Malfoy let out a sigh.

“Weasley surly you understand this?” the blond stalked forward his chin high, a smirk plastered on his face.

“Didn’t your traitor parents teach you anything about our history? About our souls?” Harry, Zabini and Luna all stared not knowing what was going on, Bulstrode was huddled near the wall her face down. George’s eyes widened comically before he frantically searched the faces of the people around him.

“Who?” he whispered to Malfoy, who raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know, I know your sister is who I came for but other than that.” He shrugged again. George’s eyes flashed at the mention of sister, but before anything could be done, a loud voice boomed through the room.


“Voldemort.” A shiver ran through Zabini’s shoulders but the others remained impassive.

“Would you stop saying that!” Zabini said through clenched teeth.

“Potter this is all-“Malfoy was cut off by a punch thrown by George, Luna whimpered slightly.

“You better treat her right; I know you have no choice.” George paced the room. Malfoy and he begin to talk in loud animated voices.

“You know I have no choice-“

“I had to do it-“

“What the hell is going on?” Harry yelled above the confused conversation.


Harry growled low in his throat he turned his glare toward the only two in the room who seemed to have an idea.

“Harry who appeared next to me?” George asked, not answering any questions.

“I did.” Luna stepped forward a dreamy expression back on her face. George stared for a moment then broke out in a grin.

“Well you’re not half bad.” Luna smiled back.

“As fascinating as this must be I need to know what’s going on.” Harry glared at Malfoy expecting that he would answer eventual.

“NOOO!! It isn’t true! Draco!” Millicent rushed forward, she pulled at Malfoy’s arm. “You found me in the Weasel’s room. Please Merlin tell me its something else.” Malfoy shook his head ruefully.

“I don’t see how it can be. Why there are so many of us Slytherins here I don’t know, the Weasley’s must be a wild bunch is all I can think. And I guess Potters unlovable.”

“Shut it.” George glared.

“This is just one huge confusing mess,” Harry glared again at everyone before continuing, “What the hell is going on?” George stepped forward and pulled Harry toward him.

“I don’t know how or why but a spell was placed on the house one that hasn’t been used in years but we all know about.” George looked to Malfoy for help, Millicent still clutching his arms.


“The floo!” he raced down the stairs. Once he reached the fireplace, he tried to start it but a block stopped him.

“Potter there is no use, until everyone in the house is awake and everyone is here no one can enter or leave. Its pureblood magic.” Malfoy said while leaning casually against the doorframe. Harry whipped his head around his eyes blazing.

“Just what the fuck is going on.” His voice was now barley above a whisper.

“I don’t know who was foolish enough to cast it or why but the L'âme de Vie is very old magic.” Harry stood brushing his hands on his thighs; he turned his head again to look out the front window. He could see the Death Eaters outside waiting to enter; he looked again at Draco Malfoy, his school enemy.

“What do you know?”

Chapter Two

The Weasel

“The L'âme de Vie can only be preformed by a pureblooded wizard. It’s a simple spell actually, think of someone who you owe or you want to be happy and then say the correct words. The spell brings forth the inhabitants soul-mates.” Malfoy looked out the window his eyes once again scanning the crowd of Death Eaters. “It was used to arrange marriages, basically. Some mothers who wanted their children to be happy, I suppose. They would lock the person in a house, or really just an enclosed space and perform the spell. No one could go in nor out, no matter what or how long it took,” He smirked a little. “The problems arose when a soul-mate had not yet been born, or had all ready died. I’d even heard over purebloods having Muggle soul-mates.” He snorted. “You might be able to guess that those relationships were forbidden, the Muggle and Pureblood were both put to death. Luckily everyone here has found theirs but you.” Harry nodded, not letting this affect him.

“What would happen to the person without a soul-mate?”

“Well they would either stay sleeping, go insane or completely destroy everything around them. It was outlawed in the Death Eater ranks, no one knows why… the Light side also outlawed the spell a few hundred years ago. That’s why this is so strange.” Malfoy looked out the window again.

“How are you sure this is it then?” Malfoy pinched his nose and looked towards the ceiling as if begging for patients.

“Did you see how the Weasels parents were touching? How locked they were? Or perhaps you can think of a reason why three Slytherins and one Ravenclaw suddenly ended up in the Weasley family home? This makes sense, besides I’m sure the Weasley’s are having very pleasant dreams right now. This all just fits in right, there’s a feeling to it, can’t you feel like there’s a piece missing? Something that should be next to you?” Harry had never thought that Malfoy of all people would talk like this.

“I… when will everyone wake up?” Harry followed his gaze, the figures outside were getting restless, trying to force their way in, soon he was sure the wards would break.

“I don’t know, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley they should be soon, since I’m assuming that they are each others soul-mates, otherwise they are slowly dieing. The others… I just don’t know it depends on the couple, I guess.” He shrugged. “Otherwise we should be fine here, the house is under new wards now until everyone is awake.”

“It affects everyone in the house then? Then why am I not asleep?”

“I don’t know. It could be that your not a Weasley by blood, or just that infamous luck you have.” Harry ranked a hand through his hair, groaning.

“Great, just bloody perfect.”

“What’s wrong Potter, you should like the extra attention you’ll get from this,” he looked out the window and frowned. “If we survive this anyway.” Harry chose to ignore this last piece of Malfoy wisdom.

“Lets go find the others.” Harry let all the information sink in, if he could believe Malfoy that would mean he didn’t have a chance.

“Don’t worry, Potter. Sometimes it takes longer to find your mate.” His voice was gruff and hesitant. Harry was stunned, had Draco Malfoy just try to reassure him?

“Potter, this is something every pureblood kid has heard of. There is no way to reverse it once it has begun. I have no choice and neither does anyone else. The Weaslette is my soul mate.” Harry nodded, still not fully understanding this but willing to go along with it until he did. As they neared the room it was easy to tell another person had woken up.

“I don’t give a flying fuck! Something happened, its wrong!” Harry could easily recognize the voice of his best friend. It seemed like the Weasley temper was about to be released in full force, he allowed himself a slight smile.

“Bugger off, Weasel! You know this isn’t her fault!” Harry was surprised enough to stop Malfoy from entering the room. They stood ears practically pressed against the door listening. Harry was sure that last voice had been George.

“Do you hear crying?” Malfoy whispered. Harry nodded agreement, but he didn’t know who it was.

“It’s Millicent. I know it.”

“It must be, I can’t be bonded to a Slytherin! And neither can Fred! We are Weasleys and Gryffindors! I love Hermione!” Harry wondered if Ron knew about Malfoy, he was betting not since George wasn’t that stupid.

“Ginny’s even got herself a Slytherin. Draco Malfoy!” Spoke too soon, George is an idiot. Harry groaned and pushed the door open said Slytherin following him closely. Ron had jumped up and was now trying his hardest to hurt his older brother.

“Take that back!” George, while shorter then Ron, pinned him easily to the floor.

“Control yourself.”

“Harry! I don’t know whats…” Ron’s voice trailed off as he caught sight of Malfoy, his jaw dropping and ears turning bright red. Once the shock had worn off he pointed an accusing finger at George, who had stood up and was now only a few feet away from Luna.

“You did this! You brought the ferret into the house!” He lunged himself at his brother again, fist wildly trying to make connection with flesh. Luna yelled her voice fierce and defiantly not dreamy.

“Ronald Weasley you get off your brother this instant!” Ron froze, long pieces of red hair clutched in his fist. He gaped at Luna, then surprising everyone in the room grinned at George.

“She yours then?” George only grinned back.

“I will never understand the way siblings act.” Harry heard Malfoy mutter under his breath.

“I’m with you.” Harry laughed, hardly believing he still possessed that ability. Zabini lifted his head from his hands, still facing the window.

“Something’s happening out there.” They all crowed around the window. Indeed the Death Eaters seemed to be in a panic and Voldermort was no longer in sight.

“Have they said anything to you guys since we left?” Harry asked, turning briefly towards Ron, who shrugged.

“Sorry mate, I’ve only just woke up. The spell threw me off. I still can’t quite believe it.” He was looking at Millicent again. Harry turned too, the girl wasn’t big more like sturdy. She had broad shoulders, large breasts and wide hips but her waist was trim. She noticed them and stood taller her chin raising defiantly almost daring anyone to say anything. Harry noticed that the top of her head was around Ron’s chin which unfortunately meant she was taller then him he sighed.

“So you have heard of this before tonight? You know what it’s all about.” Harry asked, ignoring the offended look on Malfoy’s face.

“I told you what this was.” Malfoy was not one to be ignored.

“I don’t know what he told you but this is something all purebloods are told about as kids. Like a fairytale before bed… I don’t know how it happened though. And I can’t think of what else it could be. We’ve been forced together with our soul-mates.” Ron looked around the room, at his sleeping family, the stewing Slytherins and lone Ravenclaw, finally his gazed settled on his best friend.

“Did no one come for you?” his voice was hesitant, maybe he was expecting a tantrum or something else. Harry shrugged.

“I guess not.” Malfoy took this as time to reinstate himself into the conversation.

“I told you Potter, that doesn’t mean it wont happen. You are a difficult person I bet your soul-mate is having just as many problems. You’ve got until the others all wake, then we’ll know for sure.” Ron glared at Malfoy but reluctantly nodded his agreement.

“It could just be his mate is stubborn.” Luna said her eyes wide, her hand entwined with George’s.

“This is all very informative but I would really like to find out how to end this.” Zabini said.

“You’re right we need a plan, before they can get in. Malfoy-“ He was cut off by said blond.

“If we are going to be working together and dare I say family in the future I think it would only be appropriate to be on first name basis.” Stunning everyone to silence he smirked. “Harry.”

“Sure…er… Draco you, Blaise and…” he didn’t want to be the Slytherins all together against the former DA members. What he needed was for one group to stay up here and guard the Weasleys and another to search the house for anyway to help them out of this.

“Harry and I will check around the house. The rest should stay here and protect the Weasleys.” Draco raised an eyebrow and dared anyone to question him. Harry signed in relief, if only mentally. Ron however jumped up, ears once again turning red.

“No, you will not be left to do whatever you want in my house I’m coming too.”

“What you think I would let him do something bad? You know this is like a second home to me.” Harry said with an edge to his voice.

“No but I just don’t trust him. Strength in numbers, eh?”

“He does have a point. Milly, Blasie, George and Luna can take care of things here, another set of eyes is always better.” Draco said voice neutral.

“When did you grow up, Malfoy?” George asked, momentarily forgetting the first name basis they were all supposed to be following. Draco shrugged.

“We don’t have time for this. Draco, Ron lets go.” Harry stalked toward this door, his fist clenching his wand tightly.

“Harry, don’t worry your mate just has things to do… a stubborn soul.” Luna’s voice followed him as he walked into the hallway. He shuddered, mate? This was all so surreal. Real life just couldn’t be like this, he’d wake up soon, wouldn’t he? He pushed the thoughts out of his mind, wanting the nothingness that would help him fight.

“So, what are we looking for exactly?” Ron asked, his voice just above a whisper. Draco snorted.

“Well Ron we are looking for protection and we have to close the house down.” Harry glanced at door as he entered the living room. “Why haven’t they reached the doors yet?”

“Wards Harry.” Ron said ears turning pink. “We do have protective wards all around the yards, you know. But I don’t think they’ll hold much longer.”

“Oh, well.” He didn’t know what to say. Draco stepping in front his eyes surveying the room.

“We need to block this room up, if the spell ends and they break through the wards…” he shrugged.

“All right where do we start?” Ron was already glancing at the fire place.

In the Twins Room

“This is all so strange. Why us?” Millicent asked Blaise only shook his head.

“It just happened that way. You know I’m not even gay.”

“Well I suppose that’s going to change now isn’t it?” George said with a grin at the black haired Slytherin.


“Well you know Fred’s not a bad bloke, and he knows he’s playing for the other team.” Blaise and Millicent looked confused, both turning a glare toward George, Luna had taken to ignoring the ...

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