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A Change of Perception

by MoonpoetessZ


Summary: SS/HP, with SB/HP in a considerably different situation. What happens when Severus sees something he never would have imagined during the Occlumency lessons?


“Legilimens!” Severus Snape growled. The boy before him was thrown into his own memories once again.

Filtering through, the Potions master smirked. There were several embarrassing moments that the student, one Harry Potter, would never have wanted he, of all people, to have seen. When Potter’s rather pathetic attempts to force him out completely failed, Severus sighed and pulled off the spell.

“Have you retained nothing in that miserable excuse for a mind,” Severus sneered, “or are you that weak at controlling your own emotions? Well?!”

As Harry pushed back up from where he had landed quite painfully on his knees, he tried to calm his panting breath. He didn’t bother to answer. He just glared at his professor as his heartbeat returned to normal.

“I see you have yet to develop a modicum of proper respect, Potter,” drawled Snape in a low voice. “Perhaps you require a detention with Filch to teach you to answer when questioned?”

“No, sir,” Harry bit out, anger making his eyes narrow, though he realized that wouldn’t help the situation.

“Then?” Severus hissed, his own ire increasing at his student’s arrogance.

“I’m trying!” Then at Snape’s glare, he added, “Sir.”

Severus raised an unconvinced eyebrow. With a supreme effort, he fought the urge to tender his resignation immediately to the blasted barmy old coot that was forcing him to give up his evenings, when he had work he needed to do. And to this little brat. Instead of deigning to reply, he flicked his wand and yelled out the incantation before Potter could gain a semblance of control.

An unnaturally large man yelling, face turning purple in rage . . . Several adolescents, lead by a portly boy, converging around . . . A Basilisk rearing to strike . . . Dementors swooping down a dark street, coldness sweeping in . . . A familiar hated man with long, dark hair leaning down with a strange smile, an odd light in his eyes . . .

As the images flickered through, Severus’ brow furrowed at the last. That look…Severus had never seen it on that face. Suddenly, just as he attempted to extract more of it, a blast of light hit him in the chest and flung him against the wall with a painful crack. Severus saw stars as he tried not to collapse. Shaking his head to clear his vision, the Potions master righted himself in time to spell the office door closed, just as Potter made for it. As the boy yanked at the latch, Severus grabbed a mild healing/pain relief potion, downing it quickly. That had been strong enough to cause a concussion, he rather thought. Then he turned his attention to the student still fighting the door.

“What, in Merlin’s name, was that, Potter?” Severus demanded.

Harry didn’t turn around, merely raising his wand toward the locked door. Before he could cast anything, the Potions master easily disarmed him, catching the piece of holly in a pale hand.

“I don’t like- oh, for the love of Salazar, get away from the damned door and face me-,” Severus ordered in exasperation. “I don’t like repeating myself, Potter. Now, what the hell was that memory of Black,” the name was spat out like a curse, “and why did it cause such an extreme reaction?”

Harry took a quick breath and turned away from the door, though he didn’t look directly at the glaring professor. Breathing in again, he waited a moment, then let it out as he answered, “Nothing, sir. It was nothing.”

Even though he didn’t really believe that, Severus may have left it be, (with a deduction of house points and several detentions assigned, of course), had it not been for the boy’s apparent discomfort. Potter was unnaturally still, eyes cast down, and his submissive attitude was very odd on the typically insolent Gryffindor. Even as Severus watched, Potter glanced almost imperceptibly to the door as if looking for an escape, then stopped moving once again. The Potions master looked him over, and noticed that the boy’s hands were fisted tightly by his sides. Somehow, he didn’t think it was in anger.

“Come here. Sit down.” The order was curt, but not overly venomous, as Snape gestured to the chair before his desk.

For a brief time it looked as though the boy would refuse, then Potter sighed and did as he was told. Severus noted that he still refused to actually look up at him, and was suddenly struck by how different Potter seemed from only a few minutes before. His expression was dark, and as Snape moved suddenly, startling the boy into glancing up, Severus saw a haunted look in the green eyes. He’d seen that look in Potter’s gaze before, usually after something bad had happened. It had been especially dark right after the Third Task, but Severus knew that was not what was causing it now.

“Potter, what was that memory?” Though not gentle, the boy’s demeanour had rendered Severus’ tone less sharp.

“I told you, Professor,” Harry began.

Snape cut him off. “You can’t honestly think I’d believe that,” Severus scathed, even as his voice lacked the usual spite. “Not when your entire attitude is declaring otherwise.” He huffed slightly. “One would barely recognize you, Potter.”

A spark lit in the emerald eyes. “Why don’t you just leave me alone, Snape?” Harry snapped angrily.

The tone and the change in mood caused Severus’ brow to raise. After a moment, the younger wizard swallowed nervously and glanced away. His hands were still clenched.

“Potter.” When the boy didn’t respond, Severus sighed. While his reputation as an evil git was quite apt, he knew that something was wrong, and knew he was the only one in the position to find out. Everyone else wouldn’t be able to demand the whole story, not from their little Saviour. Damning the headmaster to every level of hell, Severus quietly said, “Harry.”

That startled a reaction. Green eyes locked with obsidian, then Harry blinked. “What?”

“I do believe that is your name,” Severus replied. “You should know that by now, at the very least.”

Harry glared up at his professor. “Yes, sir. I was answering you.”

“A correct response would be an answer as to that memory, P-Harry.” Snape tripped lightly on the name, which garnered a hint of a dark smirk from the younger wizard.

“It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing wrong.” As his expression blackened once more, Harry shook his head. “And it’s not as if you care.”

“Be that as it may, I still wish an answer.”

“I don’t wish to give you one,” Harry snapped irritably.

Snape didn’t react to that, though inwardly he had moved to cursing Dumbledore in several different languages. He wasn’t good at this. “I am aware of that. Oblige me.”

“I can’t tell you, sir. Please.” Harry’s voice was level, but Severus caught a faint touch of nervousness.

“Show me.” When Harry only blinked up at him, Severus elaborated. “Concentrate on that memory, don’t attempt to block me, and show me. I assure you that if you do not, I will get the headmaster involved, as well as anyone else I deem necessary.”

Harry closed his eyes as he shook his head once again. Finally he took a deep breath and looked up. “Fine.” His tone was defeated, and Severus found himself wondering at it.

Tucking Harry’s wand in his robe pocket, as he didn’t need to be hit with another curse, Severus raised his own. “Legilimens.” With a swirl of colour, Severus found the memory and held the spell as it played out.


The dim second parlour of Grimmauld Place had garlands and other Christmas decorations placed in strategic places, but they barely offset the grimy walls and dank decor. Along one wall, a black sofa had half of its cushions sliced apart. Along another, an ancient grandfather clock ticked ominously.

Near the back of the room, a dark desk held court over the rest of the furniture. A tall man leaned against it, a grin quirking his lips as he brushed the hair out of his eyes.

“Come on, Harry, I said I wanted to talk to you,” Sirius Black said, gesturing for his godson to join him. “Shut the door, would you?”

Harry shrugged lightly and did as he was bid. He didn’t notice the latch click locked. “So, what’s going on, Sirius?”

Sirius returned the shrug. “Just wanted to know what you thought of the Occlumency Dumbledore ordered.”

“Oh, well,” Harry said, leaning on the desk beside Sirius, “I don’t really want it, but there’s not much I can do.”

Sirius nodded, looking at him. His expression seemed somewhat off. “I wish I could teach you.”

“Yeah, me too,” Harry agreed.

“I don’t like that greasy git doing it,” Sirius went on bitterly. “He shouldn’t be allowed near you.”

Harry blinked. “Er, I don’t want it, but…I know you don’t like him, but Dumbledore does trust him. I mean, Dumbledore’s told me that enough times.”

“Still,” Sirius muttered, eyes narrowing. “I don’t like it.”

“Me, either.” Then, looking askance at his godfather, Harry asked, “Sirius, what’s wrong? You’re acting a little, I don’t know, odd.”

Sirius turned to him, and Harry was forced to look up into his eyes. “You know I love you, don’t you, Harry?” asked Sirius.

Harry was startled. Sirius had never said that before. He nodded slowly. “Yeah, I-I guess.”

Smiling lightly, Sirius reached up and placed a hand on Harry’s arm, rubbing the cloth of the sleeve with his thumb. Harry didn’t recognize the look in his eyes, but was becoming nervous. “Of course,” Sirius shifted away from the desk, but stayed close to Harry, “I can still teach you some things.”

Harry was about to ask what he meant, when Sirius stepped closer, and the younger wizard realized he was pushed against the desk. With a grin and a particular glint in his eye, Sirius raised his hand from Harry’s arm to the nape of his neck and crushed his lips to the Harry’s.

For a moment, Harry was still with shock, then he raised his hands to push Sirius back. “Sirius, wh-what are you doing?”

Not bothering to answer, Sirius gave another smile, and moved flush against Harry’s body. Before he could speak, his godfather claimed his lips once more. This time, Sirius didn’t move back when Harry tried to push him away, instead gripping his neck tightly with one hand and bringing the other arm around his back.

Slightly panicked, Harry began struggling, but between the arms holding him and the hard wood behind him, he couldn’t get away. Sirius jerked his hips against Harry’s stomach, and Harry gasped slightly at the hardness pressing there. Taking advantage, Sirius plunged his tongue into his godson’s open mouth.

Holding the fighting body tightly, Sirius ran his hand down Harry’s back, relieving him of his wand, which he threw to the opposite side of the room. He then trailed the hand across the quivering muscles of his godson’s back to his arse, then forward slightly. Gripping the boy’s hip, Sirius ground against the boy’s body again, smirking into Harry’s mouth when he felt the start of an answering pressure on his thigh.

Harry gasped again, startled as Sirius abruptly released his hip and moved his hand between them, pressing the front of Harry’s trousers. Pulling off Harry’s mouth, Sirius gripped the boy’s erection through the material. “Want more, love?”

Harry didn’t know whether to shake his head or nod. He didn’t want Sirius to do what he was doing, but, oh, his hand felt good. “Er, I . . .”

Sirius didn’t give him a chance to say anymore, leaning down to plunder his mouth again. Standing still, Harry could do nothing as conflicting urges ran through him. His mind told him to stop this, that Sirius should not be doing this, but his cock, which his godfather was rubbing with his hand, told Harry to let it happen. He felt Sirius groan against his mouth, then pull off once more, immediately attaching his lips to the younger wizard’s neck.

Sirius licked along his throat as Harry swallowed thickly, then the older wizard bit down upon the tender skin. As teeth scraped his flesh, Harry’s breath caught, and he renewed his struggle to break away. Sirius merely moved his hand from its position between them, and locked it around the small of Harry’s back.

“N-no, Sirius,” Harry stammered out, pushing harder at the older man’s chest.

Suddenly, the hand behind Harry’s neck slid to the front of his chest, and with a jerk, ripped open the overlarge shirt he wore. Sirius continued to ravish his neck, then the same hand made its way downward, the other holding Harry quite tightly.

His breath coming in short pants, Harry couldn’t wrap his mind around what was happening. “Please, Sirius, stop. Please!”

“Shh, Harry,” Sirius murmured against his neck. “You’ll love this, I promise you.” The older wizard pulled back to look at Harry’s face. His expression was scary. “Damn. You look so like James. He never did give in to me. But this…this is so close.” Sirius’ smile turned predatory.

Harry’s eyes widened at the unhinged look in Sirius’ eyes, and he wrenched back from his godfather, ignoring the sharp pain as the edge of desk dug into the backs of his legs. Twisting to the side, he broke from Sirius’ grasp, knocking sharply against a side table. As he attempted to run, he felt an uncompromising grip clench around his waist, which pulled him back and threw him forward against the desk.

“Oh no, no, no, Harry,” Sirius drawled from behind the younger wizard, his voice tightening as he held the struggling boy. “You’re staying…right here.”

“No! Sirius, get off!” Harry yelled, struggling, but the man held him fast. “Stop! Sirius, I’ll scream, I swear it!”

Covering Harry’s back with his body, Sirius leaned close to his ear. “Yes, you will, love,” he said in a stage whisper. Sirius chuckled darkly, and Harry had to wonder if Sirius was really as insane as Snape liked to accuse. “Go ahead, the walls are sound-proof, I assure you.”

Harry closed his eyes in desperation, but they snapped open as the hands holding him went south and gripped his still half-hard erection through his trousers. Swallowing a moan, he levelled a sharp elbow into Sirius’ stomach.

With a burst of breath on Harry’s neck, Sirius jerked off him, a curse issuing from his mouth. Heaving slightly, Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Harry. N-now that wasn’t nice.”

Harry pulled away as Sirius spoke, only to have the other grab him by his hips and push him sharply forward into the desk before him. As his groin was crushed against the wood, Harry let out a cry, and crumbled to the ground as he was released.

Sirius pulled his wand off the table where he had placed it earlier, waving it quickly toward his godson as Harry attempted to back away from him. Harry watched wide-eyed as Sirius smirked and flicked the wand, wresting the boy from the floor and once more up onto the desk. With a muttered spell, Harry found his hands yanked forward and secured to opposite corners, leaving him bent over the piece of furniture.

With a mad grin, though it wasn’t seen, Sirius stepped back into position behind the teenager as he threw aside his wand. Grinding his hips into his godson’s arse, the older wizard let out a raspy moan. Sirius ran his hands down the sides of Harry’s hips, then around to the front of the boy’s trousers, pulling at the belt which held them up. He ignored the pleadings and vain struggles.

Harry whimpered as Sirius abruptly unclasped his belt and jerked his trousers and pants down his hips to pool at his feet. His godfather pushed forward again, and Harry felt the rough slide of the other’s trousers that covered the erection pressing into his flesh. Breathing heavily, Harry almost didn’t register the clicking of a zip being pulled down behind him, but he couldn’t miss the feeling of a firm length rubbing against him, nor the fear that suddenly filled his stomach.

The older wizard’s hands gripped the indents of Harry’s hips and he angled himself at Harry’s entrance. Harry screamed as the man immediately thrust hard, the pain burning and shooting from below his lower back. Sirius let out a moan of appreciation, pushing forward to force himself in deeper.

“Damn, fuck, oh, fuck,” Sirius groaned. “You’re so tight, Harry. Oh, so perfect.”

Gasping for breath as Sirius stilled briefly, Harry felt his eyes fill with tears, and couldn’t stop a sob from escaping his throat. Sirius pulled back slightly, then thrust back in, his prick sheathing itself entirely in his godson. With another throaty groan, Sirius withdrew halfway, then re-entered with a strong stroke.

Harry whimpered as his godfather’s cock ripped through him in a steady rhythm, every movement tearing at his flesh, until a liquid that he realized had to be blood became a lubricant. Tears fell unheeded from his eyes, splashing upon the desk as he was jerked with Sirius’ thrusts.

Within moments, Sirius began moving faster, driving his cock in to the root as hard as he could manage. Harry heard the man’s breathing become more laboured, each pant mirroring the movement of another stroke, even through the haze of his anguish.

Suddenly, Sirius thrust completely into him, pushing Harry’s legs painfully against the desk. He moaned as Sirius shuddered, then Harry’s breath caught as he felt the first shot of liquid heat inside. Another sob came out of his mouth, and Sirius pushed in as deep as possible one more time, before climaxing completely within his godson.

For a moment, the only sound in the room was Harry’s continued crying, along with Sirius’ panting breath. Not yet withdrawing, Sirius leaned over to rest against Harry’s back, his hands stroking up and down the teenager’s sides. After placing a kiss on the back of his godson’s neck, Sirius broke the silence.

“You are amazing, Harry,” he whispered. “And you’re mine. No one else will possess you like this, do you understand me?”

Without waiting for answer, Sirius finally pulled out of Harry with a low grunt. Glancing around, he found his wand, picking it up and running cleaning charms over both of them. Righting himself, he turned a sated gaze upon the boy still bound to the desk.

Muttering the counter-charm to the binding, Sirius watched Harry slide to the floor, grasping at his trousers. “Pull your clothes on, Harry. We don’t want anyone to find you in a compromising position.”

Smiling a dark smile, Sirius walked to the door, canting the unlocking spell and leaving a devastated Harry shivering on the floor . . .


The dungeon office solidified around the two wizards as Severus released the spell. The jars of specimens and potion’s ingredients shone in the flickering dim light around the room. For a moment, Snape could only stand with his wand still extended toward his student, then he let his arm fall to his side. Barely breathing, he stared at the younger wizard.

Harry still sat upon his chair, though he’d brought his knees to his chest, and his head was hidden in them, as his arms surrounded his calves. The shaking of the boy’s shoulders indicated he was trying vainly to fight some intense emotion. In the silence, his halting breaths, and Severus’ shallow ones, were the only things heard.

Clack. Something fell in front of Harry. Startled, he looked up to find his wand rolling on the professor’s desk, where it had been tossed. Twisting around, he saw Snape stalking for the door, his strides sharper than normal.

“Wait,” Harry called in a panic, rubbing at his eyes. “Where are you going?!”

Halting mid-step, Snape didn’t turn around when he answered. “That is none of your concern. You are to remain here until I return.”

“No way in hell,” exclaimed Harry, standing up hastily.

At that, Snape spun to face him. Features set, the man stated, “Yes, you will.”

“I will not,” Harry replied quickly. “Where are you going? You aren’t going to tell anyone, are you?”

“Of course I’m going to tell someone, you simpleton!” Severus hissed, his eyes boring into Harry’s. A vein pulsed in his pale forehead. “Are you aware of just what your beloved godfather did to you? Or are you too daft?!”

“How dare you!” Harry growled in disbelief. “I know exactly what Sirius did, you bastard, I was there, wasn’t I?!” He took a strangled breath. “I don’t want anyone to know. Hell, I didn’t want you to know! But I knew you’d go to Dumbledore if I didn’t show you the whole bloody thing!”

“Just as I am going to the headmaster now,” Snape said. His voice was now a lesson in forced calm. “Black needs to pay.”

Harry shook his head wildly. “No, you can’t. No one can know! Sirius’ll get in trouble, others will find out. No! It was nothing, it doesn’t matter!”

Abruptly several of the jars lining the walls jumped from their shelves to crash on the floor. Harry jerked and glanced toward them. Turning from them in shock as the last of the glass littered the ground, Harry noticed Snape’s eyes flashing. The man pivoted on his heel, reaching for the door.

“No!” Harry leaped forward and grabbed the Potions master’s arm. “Please.” He cringed inwardly when he heard the desperation in his own tone, but he didn’t release his grip.

“Let go of me,” Severus ground out, trying to extract his arm from the boy’s death grip. He was surprised at the strength of it. Looking back at the younger wizard’s face, Severus sighed and turned. “Harry.”

“Please, Professor,” said Harry again. “You have to understand what this would do.”

“To your reputation? Are you worried what people are going to say?” Severus sneered. “You truly believe that is more important than what he did?”

“No.” Harry shook his head. “I . . . he’s . . . it’s our whole side’s reputation, sir. What he did was w-wrong.” His voice cracked, and he had to blink back blurring tears. Harry cleared his throat. “I know that. But the Order’s been hiding him, and if it’s found out by someone? I don’t want to think about it. As it is, I . . . I can’t take it.” He dropped his hand from the other man’s arm.

Sighing again, Severus closed his eyes. “Harry, this is seri- significant.”

“Serious, Professor?” Harry said, a slightly hysterical chuckle escaping.

“It is grave,” Snape stated. “Black is a dangerous man, you know this. What if he attempts it again? Or tries to harm someone else?”

Harry went pale. “Oh, god.”

“You didn’t think of that.” It wasn’t a question. “I can’t let this go, Harry. You, as my student, are my responsibility. I would be grievously remiss were I not to do something, not to mention as evil as most suspect.”

The Gryffindor snorted softly, then his expression again went dark as he looked to the floor. “Can’t there be any other way? He- he’s the only family I have left.”

“That,” Severus scathed sharply, his rage reigniting, “is not family, it is not love. Hell, it wasn’t even sex. It was rape, plain and simple.”

Harry cringed, inhaling deeply. “Professor . . .” Harry said, then trailed off, still looking down.

Severus willed aside his ire and reached out a hesitant hand, finally grasping the other’s shoulder. He found himself surprised when the boy didn’t flinch away. He gently steered the student to the chair before the desk and gestured for him to sit. Removing his hand, Snape leaned against the desk, facing Harry. Watching the younger wizard, Severus waited for the other to look up, then locked his black gaze with the green one.

“Harry, you can not pretend it was anything else,” Severus said.

Still looking into his professor’s eyes, Harry nodded. “I- I know. It doesn’t make it easier.” He returned to staring at the floor.

“Of course not,” agreed the Potions master. He knelt before the boy, carefully taking Harry’s chin in hand, and raised the younger face to meet his. “But dealing with it, and moving on, does.”

“I don’t know how to deal with it,” Harry responded. “I don’t know much about any of it.”

Severus’ hand moved to his shoulder. “No, I don’t think many at your age would.”

“Can you help?” asked Harry quietly.

Something in the other’s tone made Severus raise an eyebrow. “How do you mean?”

“Show me.” Harry bit his lower lip and reached a hand to clasp the one on his shoulder. “Show me what it’s like.”

Severus blinked, then pulled back to a crouch. “What are you talking about?”

“This.” Pulling on the hand he held, Harry jerked the older wizard back in front of him and pressed his lips to the professor’s.

Shocked, it took a moment for Severus to pull himself from Harry’s grip. “What in the world are you doing?”

“It was kinda obvious, wasn’t it?” Harry answered, his eyes intent on Snape’s face.

“Potter. Harry. You clearly don’t have control of your cognitive abilities,” Severus said. “Therefore, I will let this indiscretion pass.”

The younger wizard shook his head. “I won’t.” Leaning forward, Harry grabbed the front of Snape’s robes and pulled him closer. “Please.”

“Harry, let go,” ordered Severus, grasping at the hands holding his clothes.

Standing, Severus attempted to back away from his student. Harry merely stood as well, maintaining his grip and pressing against the older man’s body, his expression somewhat desperate. Hitting the edge of the desk, the Potions master swallowed a wholly improper urge and pushed the boy away from him.

Clearing his throat, Severus said, “This is distinctly inappropriate, Mr Potter. You are a student, and I am your teacher. Unhand me at once. There is no way that you can be contemplating a sexual affair with me, immediately after admitting you were raped by your godfather.”

If Snape was hoping to startle Harry with his brunt speech, he was disappointed. The boy chuckled dryly. “Actually, I am, sir,” he stated, then swallowed thickly and leaned once more into Severus’ chest. “And you don’t really seem to mind.”

“Indeed? Do you have any idea for what you are asking, Mr Potter?” Severus questioned, bringing his hands back to Harry’s shoulders, but this time he didn’t push him away.

“I like it better when you call me by my first name. But yes, I do know,” murmured Harry, reaching up and winding his hands around the professor’s neck.

For a moment, Severus gazed into the green eyes before him, realizing that Harry was desperate to find someone to show him they cared. He needed to know that love wasn’t cruel, and scared though he was, needed someone he trusted to show him. Severus was shocked to find Harry did trust him, and by the boy’s expression, so was the younger wizard. Closing his eyes, Severus took a deep breath. The road to hell, right? he thought. Sod it, I’m no saint.

Looking back at Harry, Severus’ lips quirked slightly. “Ever one for bravery, Harry.”

Severus smirked when Harry blinked, then leaned his head down to brush his lips against the shorter male’s. Harry gasped lightly, tightening his grip on Snape’s neck. Kissing the boy again, Severus smiled when Harry finally responded shyly, pressing his lips a little harder to his professor’s, even as Severus felt a feint tremor in Harry’s body.

Maintaining the kiss, the older wizard moved his hands from the other’s shoulders, running them down his back. Harry sighed against his mouth, and pressed flush to Snape’s front. The fingers on Harry’s back travelled to the base of his spine and pulled him even closer.

Harry felt Snape open his mouth slightly, his tongue tracing the younger’s lips. Parting them, Harry let the questing heat into his mouth, surprised to find himself enjoying the sensation of it running over his teeth and his own tongue. When the man eventually pulled away, Harry moaned, though he was panting from lack of air. After what had happened, Harry was almost shocked that it wasn’t truly frightening him, but he really couldn’t find any common ground between Sirius’ invading plundering and Snape’s kiss.

“All right, Harry?” Severus questioned huskily, his hands sliding across the material covering the flesh of the other’s back.

Nodding, Harry swallowed thickly, noticing Snape’s black gaze run down his neck as his Adam’s apple moved. “Very . . . good,” he stated hesitantly. “It felt, er, really nice.”

“It’s supposed to,” Severus murmured, ducking his head and licking along Harry’s throat. Straightening back up, and with a complete disregarding of resolve, he locked eyes with the younger man. “All of it will be. Though, allow me to assure you that if you say the word, I will stop.”

Harry nodded nervously, but his eyes were calm. “I know. But I don’t want you to, now.”

Severus raised an eyebrow, but graced the boy with a smile of his own, before reattaching his lips to Harry’s neck. Harry, for his part, gripped Severus’ shoulders and threw his head back, allowing him easy access. Nibbling a path across the tender flesh above the collar, Severus tongued up to the younger wizard’s ear, licking along the shell.

“Oh, Professor,” Harry gasped out, his eyes fluttering shut.

“Severus,” Snape breathed in his ear. “Say it.”

“S- Oh! Severus,” responded Harry, as the professor moved back to his neck.

Lifting his mouth from the wet skin, Severus smirked. “So very obedient. Why were you never so in my class?”

Harry blinked and attempted to level a glare, but was unable to when the older man moved one of his pale hands to Harry’s red and gold tie, running a finger along his jaw. Within moments, the tie was off and the top buttons of his shirt pulled loose, and Severus kissed the skin revealed. Losing himself to the feeling, Harry pushed aside any lingering thoughts of anything else.

Threading his fingers into Snape’s dark hair, Harry was momentarily surprised that it didn’t feel especially greasy. He realized abruptly, and somewhat to his chagrin, that it was coated in some protective oil that Hermione had forced him to read about. Smiling slightly, he pulled lightly and urged Severus up to his mouth, kissing him wholeheartedly. When the professor slipped his tongue between Harry’s lips, Harry responded eagerly, their tongues duelling for possession of his mouth.

Severus’ hand moved between them, making quick work of the clasps of Harry’s robe, then ran his arm under the material and around the boy’s waist. As he continued kissing the younger male, his other hand joined the first, and at the small of Harry’s back, pulled his shirt from the waistband of his trousers. Clearing it, Severus brushed the skin his fingers found, causing Harry to shiver lightly against him.

As Severus licked down his jaw, Harry pulled his hands out of the professor’s hair. Lowering his arms, he allowed the open robe to fall to the floor and puddle at his feet. Severus pulled away, leaning back, and Harry shyly ran his hands up the older man’s chest to the collar of his strict robes. Harry found his fingers slightly clumsy, but finally managed to free several of the buttons down the other’s front.

Locking eyes on the man’s face, Harry ran his hands across the pale skin of Severus’ neck, smiling when the professor closed his eyes with a low hum of encouragement. Harry took a breath, then leaned forward, his lips brushing over where his hands had travelled. A very low moan greeted him when he slipped his tongue between his lips to lick at the warm flesh. Tasting his professor, Harry found himself moaning as well.

Enjoying the feeling of control as Severus merely held him, Harry reached back to the buttons and undid the rest as quickly as possible, still keeping his lips on Severus’ throat. As the robe opened, Harry pushed it off the man’s shoulders, bringing his lips up to Severus’ jaw.

Slipping his hands under Severus’ light shirt, Harry ran his fingers up the older wizard’s chest. As his hands brushed Severus’ nipples, the man gasped lightly, then caught Harry’s mouth once again with his own. He tugged the rest of Harry’s shirt free of his trousers, and removing his lips only briefly from the other’s, managed to pull the material off over Harry’s head.

Severus trailed his hands over Harry’s bare skin, reaching between them to the boy’s chest. Fingering the small nipples, he swallowed Harry’s moans into his mouth as he continued kissing him. After a moment, he placed his hands again on the small of Harry’s back, and pulled him close to his body.

Harry tensed slightly when he felt Severus’ arousal, but reached up and grasped the nape of his neck when the Potions master tried to pull away. Maintaining the contact of their lips, Harry allowed himself to rub against Severus, groaning when his own erection ground on the other’s thigh. Thrusting forward slightly, Harry gasped into Severus’ mouth at the friction.

“Please,” Harry murmured desperately, pulling back and burying his face in the professor’s neck, struggling with the intense emotions flooding him.

Pushing Harry away slightly, Severus again stared into his eyes, and apparently finding what he needed, let his hands drop to Harry’s hips. Bringing them around to the front of the boy’s waist, Severus slowly undid the belt and trousers, still looking for any hesitation on Harry’s part.

Knowing that if he did something wrong, Severus would stop, Harry forced himself to breathe evenly. As the older man let Harry’s trousers slide down, Harry flushed at the tenting of his boxers. He then forgot his embarrassment as he watched Severus’ eyes darken lustfully and the man’s lips curve into a smirk.

Taking off his own shirt, Severus then guided Harry’s hands to his trousers, giving the younger male control of disrobing him further. Forcing down the urge to ravage the Gryffindor, Severus dropped his arms to his sides, and watched Harry fumble with his belt, finally getting it loose. Harry then pulled Severus’ zip and, following Severus’ example, let the trousers slide down, the attractive blush still staining his cheeks. Clearly unsure of what he was supposed to do next, Harry hesitated.

Resuming movement, Severus drew Harry to the desk behind him, having the boy sit on it. Crouching down, Severus pulled off Harry’s shoes and pooled trousers, then glanced up at the younger wizard, his smirk reappearing as Harry’s flush spread down his chest. Nudging his knees apart, Severus ran his hands across Harry’s legs, then leaned forward and licked the boy’s sensitive inner thighs, continuing to look up into Harry’s face.

Harry gasped, then bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, feeling Severus’ lips travel up to the leg of his boxers. When Severus slipped a hand inside of them and took hold of his hardened flesh, Harry’s eyes flew open and he groaned loudly. Pleased with the reaction, Severus stroked the leaking cock, using the wetness as a slight lubricant, and Harry’s breathing became harsh.

Standing once again, Severus stepped out of his own shoes and trousers, kicking them to the side, though Harry was clearly too preoccupied to notice any of that. Removing his hand from Harry’s erection as he sensed the boy getting close to the edge, Severus ran his hand lower, teasing Harry’s sac.

Panting now, Harry grabbed onto Severus as the professor leaned over to kiss him again. With his free hand, Severus took Harry’s and led it to his own boxers, encouraging Harry to lower them. When Severus’ motions got through the lusty haze in Harry’s mind, he glanced down and attempted to pull the boxers down. With a bit of help, they came off, and Harry found himself staring, as well as blushing yet again.

Worried about his reaction, Harry looked up to see Severus watching him with a raised eyebrow. Looking into his dark eyes, Harry reached out and took hold of the older wizard’s arousal. Severus’ eyes glinted, and taking his hand from between Harry’s legs, pulled Harry close again and kissed him soundly. Gently, in case he panicked, Severus removed Harry’s boxers and tossed them down with his own, his tongue thrusting in the boy’s mouth. Clinging to Severus, Harry let him run his hand back down between his legs, but jerked when the professor’s fingers quested for his entrance.

Pulling back, Severus looked into Harry’s eyes. “What do you want, Harry?” he asked huskily.

“This,” whispered Harry, pulling Severus back toward him. “Please.”

Severus kissed him again and called a vial into his hand, uncorking it deftly. Harry watched as he poured a little liquid onto his fingers, then laid the bottle down. Running his dry hand up Harry’s thighs, Severus urged Harry’s legs apart and leaned him back slightly on his hands. Stepping closer, Severus ran his fingers down Harry’s erection and balls, stroking and teasing before going lower again.

As Severus found Harry’s entrance, he gently circled it with a finger, listening to Ha...

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