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�ycie w mie�cie - autor  Michael "HelioS" Bennett
Polonizacja: Raveren (

Mod Schedules - Schadulas urealnia �ycie w miastach. Teraz postacie nie stoj� przez ca�y czas i o ka�dej porze w jednym miejscu, 
tylko dzia�aj� zgodnie z planem dnia. Wracaj� do domu na noc, chodz� do bar�w, sklep�w, na spacer. W nocy chodzi wi�cej straznik�w. 

Mod Schedules Locks powoduje zamykanie drzwi na noc. 

Zmiany dotycz� nast�puj�cych miejscowo�ci:
Tel Mora
Tel Aruhn
Tel Branora
Sadrith Mora
Dagon Fel

Ma�� niekonsekwencj� jest zostawianie przez kupc�w towar�w na noc na straganie - daje to okazj� do �atwego wzbogacenia. 
Nie pr�bujcie jednak sprzeda� kupcowi jego towar�w! :)


The Living Cities of Vvardenfel 
This mod:
- Adds scheduals to the NPC's in many of the towns in Vvardenfel(listed below), and does not   modify, 
in any fashion, individual NPC's(Prevents incompatibility). NPC's will go home at night, go to bars, go out at night, 
go shopping, go walking, and live their little lives on a daily basis. More guards come out at night(works brilliantly with mods such as TLM), 
and the scheduals of NPC's have been done so as to imply who is sleeping with who, who is the shady bussiness elf, so on and so forth. 
- Add's locks and shop's with various opening/closing times.

Here it is, the actual release of the Living Cities of Vvardenfel mod. Due to the death of my computer, I lost the names and contact details 
of all the other authors, but LDones designed the locks system and Brother Juniper is the one who designed the schedual system and added function 
to most of the cities. I managed everything and did a couple of towns(which were unfortunately lost with the demise of my computer, 
and will as a result have to be redone). Well, hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do,
								   Michael "HelioS" Bennett

- LDones Night time locks(for obvious reasons, and if you cant work it out, you shouldnt   be playing computer games, or doing anything other 
than watching grass grow).

- Nothing

These are the towns Modified:

Tel Mora
Tel Aruhn
Vivec (Most of the city done, as in the foreign quarter and all the house cantons.)
Tel Branora
Sadrith Mora
Dagon Fel
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin