Swimming Realism - Readme.txt

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     The Elder Scrolls III
           Swimming Realism 1.1

Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon required

1. Installation
2. Playing the Plugin
3. Save Games
4. Bugs/Issues
5. Change Log
6. Credits
7. Usage
8. Contact


     1. Installing the Plugin


Unzip to:
Morrowind/Data Files

In mod conflict detection programs, this mod will conflict with Bjorn's Advanced Lockpicking.
This is not a conflict!


     2. Playing the Plugin


This mod adds realism to the swimming
In water you only use, spears, daggers and your hands
You lose 80% of your carrying capabitity
If you are wearing Medium of Heavy armour your fatigue will drop, depending on how much you
 are wearing and what (Helms, gauntlets etc)


     3. Save Games


This plugin should not invalidate your old saved games, but you should
always make a backup prior to installing any new plugin. If you save 
your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages 
when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you should be
able to continue on with the original game.


     4. Bugs/Issues


When entering some areas, a burden spell may be added for 10 frames(which should be 
under half a second).


     5. Change Log


Added checking player height
Added a better burden adding script

Inital Relese


     6. Credits


Bjorn - For the GetPlayerHeightScripts
Tarnsman - Who though of the concept, and poined out a bug
Morrowind Scripting for Dummies - How else would I have learnt to script?
DinkumThinkum - For helping with that annoying scripting problem


     7. Usage


Feel free to use any part of this mod, that the ID starts 1YA. Other Starting IDs were made
by Bjorn, so you would need to ask his permsion

You must stick to the following conditions:
You give credit where credit is due
You rename scripts and objects so they do not conflict with my mod
You do not just include this in your mod without large alteration.


     8. Contact


Contact me at the Official Elderscrolls forums, (http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/). 
My username is Yacoby.

E-mail me at Yacoby@silgrad.com
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