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The Finished Mystery
Tha Path of tha Just is as the Shining Light
Whieh Shineth Mora aad Mora
Unto the Perfect Day."
The Finished Mystery
Tha Wineprew of God's Wrath"
and the Pall of Babylon
860,000 Bdltlon
"lad she angel whleh I saw stand nsea the
Me and upon the earth lifted up hU head t*>
Heaven, end ewere by Him that liveth for*
ever end ever, who created Heaven end the
things tha* therein are, and the earth, and
the things that therein an, and the sea,
and the thins* which an therein, that the
time should be no longer delayed! bat in the
dare of the voice of the seventh angel, when
he shall begin to soand, the Mystery of God
should be finished, as He hath declared to
His senauls the Prophets."—Bev. 10:5-7.
"At the end It shall speak and net lie."—
HkiUutt Legacy to tha Dear Israel of Oo& Otatt.Mil )
"»» make all aea what la the fellowship of tha mretaiy whleh da
tha beginning of tha world bath bean hid la fled." "Whereat
Ha hath abounded toward na la en wisdom and pre>
daaao, having made known auto as the mystery
of Bis win, aooordlng to Hla good pleeaare
whloh He hath parpoood In Himself]
that la tha dispensation of the
fatness of the vSmee He might
gather together m aaa
all things, under
Bph. »!«. I. *| XlMt,
OOiflJUUHT lilt
WPOPLBS pui^rr Assocunoft
B—omLTK, H, r. o. a «.
CBrttMl Ougjyilajat teaajtajdl
S INCE the days of the Apostles, Christian people hate
been looking for the coming of our Lord Jesus in great
power and glory; for He said that He would come
•gain and receive His Church unto Himself. He further
pointed out that tor some time prior to the completion of
the Church He would be present, gathering out from Baby-
lon and from the world the truly consecrated, and that dur-
ing His presence "the Mystery of God" would be finished.
Through St John the Lord Jesus revealed the fact that
the Church would be developed during seven distinct
periods, or epochs; and that for each of these epochs He
would have a special angel, or messenger, to serve the
other members of the Body. It follows, then, that the mes-
senger to the last, or Laodicean, epoch would declare the
Presence of the Lord and the time of the Harvest of the
Gospel Age. The great Master laid special emphasis on
the Importance of the messenger to the seventh, or Laodi-
cean, period of the Church, saying that such an one would
be "a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord would
make ruler over all His Household, to give them meat In
due season."
Those consecrated Christians who have read and fully
appreciated the Truth as contained In the preceding six
volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES readily see
and agree that Charles Taze Russell was the messenger of
the Church of Laodlcea. In the mind of every one who be-
lieves the Bible the evidence set forth In this volume will
establish that fact beyond the question of a doubt.
In the light of Divine Prophecy, now being dally fulfilled
and made clear to "the watchers," the following from the
pen of Pastor Russell is further proof that he was sent
of God to this generation. Long yean before the be*
ginning of the trouble now upon the nations he wrote:
"The four exhibitions of the Lord, given to Elijah,
represent, we believe, four manifestations in which the
Lord is about to reveal Himself to mankind, the first
three of which will prepare men for the final one, in
which win come the desired blessing' to all the fami-
nes of tiie earth. These are:
<1) She mighty vHndt rending 1 the very i .
winds seem to be used In Scripture for wars. The
.wars, whose dark clouds have threatened the civilised
world so ominously for the past thirty years, have been
aatoacnlously hindered to /give opportunity for 'sealing*
the lord's consecrated people In their foreheads (Intel*
lectually) with the Present Truth. We are therefore to
expect that when these winds of war shall be let loose,
It will mean a cataclysm of warfare which shall divide
kingdoms (mountains)—prefigured by the mighty wind
shown to Elijah (1 Kings 19:11), which rent the rocks.
But God's Kingdom will not follow the epoch of war; the
world will not thus be made ready tor the Reign of Im-
manuel. No; a. further lesson will be needed and will be
given. It is represented In
"(2) An earthquake. Throughout the Scriptures an
earthquake seems always to represent revolution; and It
Is not unreasonable to expect that an era of general war-
fare would so arouse the lower classes of Surope and so
discontent them with their lot (and especially with the
conditions which would follow such a war) that revolu-
tion would be the next thing in order. (Rev. IS :18.) But.
severe though those revolutionary experiences win be
to the world, they are not sufficient to prepare man to
hear the voice of God. It will require
"(8) The fir* from heaven an epoch of Divine Judg-
ments and chastisements upon a maddened bat uncon-
verted world, wild in anarchy, as other'Scriptures show
us. The results of their wars, revolutions and anarchy,
In the failure of their schemes, will have a humb-
ling effect, and will prepare mankind for God's revela-
tion of Himself In
"(4) The ttilt email voles. Yes: He who spoke to
the winds and the waves of the Sea of Galilee will. In
due time, 'speak peace to the peoples.' He will speak
with authority, commanding the observance of His long
neglected Law of Love. 'And whosoever win not hear
that Prophet Shall be cut off from among His people.*
(Acts 8:&)"—THE WATCH TOWER, July 1. ISM, p Ml
"Looking back to the prophetic testimony respecting
the Times of the OentUet, we perceive that our Lord's
words, 'Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentfles
until the Times of the Gentiles be filled feB,' give
the Intimation that the determined times, or rears;
in which the empire of earth would be In the hands
of Gentile governments was a fixed one from the
Divine standpoint. And If. as we believe the Scriptures
to teach. Gentile domination was provided for up to
October, 1814, it would seem but a reasonable interpre-
tation that Divine power would not be exercised to their
dethronement until after the time allotted for their reign
had ended—October, »U.^-THES WATCH TOWKB, Jury
1, ISM. p. 1SS.
In 1879 Charles Taw Russell began the publication of
THE WATCH TOWER, of which he waa the sole editor
as long aa he remained on earth. THE WATCH TOWER
was, and la, the first and only Journal declaring the pret-
ence of the Lord Jesus. Pastor Russell being the messen-
ger to the Laodicean Church, and occupying the position
of the Lord's special servant to gtre the Household of
Faith meat In due season. It waa to be expected that he
would bring forth from the Lord's great "Storehouse" the
needed spiritual food for the Church, in harmony with
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