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Teacher’s Notes
SCHOOL – matura rozszerzona
by Aleksandra Prochalska
Type of activity : individual work
Focus: to check and revise vocabulary concerning SCHOOL
based on “Revise ForMatura – Repetytorium”
Level: Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Time : 20 – 25 minutes
4. a piece of paper with information or answers to
questions, which students sometimes use dishonestly
in examinations – crib
5. an amount of money that is given to someone by an
educational organization to help pay for their
education – scholarship
1. Photocopy the test.
1. Explain the tasks in the test if necessary.
2. Set the time limit.
Extension / Follow-up:
You may discuss marked tests with the whole class.
6. someone who has completed a university degree,
especiallyairstdegree– graduate
7. an examination that American high school students
take before they go to college – SAT
8. an examination in a range of subjects, done by
students in schools in England and Wales, usually at
the age of 15 or 16 – GCSE
The key just provides suggestions, there might be
other possible answers
9. an examination that students in England and Wales
take, usually when they are 18 – A-levels
10. the science that is concerned with studying the
structure of substances and the way that they
change or combine with each other – chemistry
1) Insert DO / MAKE / TAKE. / 5 points (each = 0.5 point)
1. t o do homework
2. t o make use
3. t o take notes
4. t o take extra lessons
5. t o take a break
6. t o do an exercise
7. t o make / take a guess
8. t o make a mistake
9. t o make an error
10. t o make a speech
11. the science concerned with the study of physical
objects and substances, and of natural forces such
as light, heat and movement – physics
12. all the things that happened in the past, especially
the political, social or economic development of a
nation – history
13. the study of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains,
cities, etc, of the world – geography
2) Translate into Polish. / 10 points
1. rat race – wyścig szczurów
2.iercecompetition– z awzięte współzawodnictwo,
z nęcanie się
3. to study on a regular basis – uczyć się regularnie
14. school where students live as well as study –
boarding schoo l
15. a school teaching the skills you need to do a
particular job – vocational school
4. strict teacher – ostry nauczyciel
5.topasswithlyingcolours– zdać śpiewająco
6. suicide – samobójstwo
4) Translate into English. / 10 points
7. physical and verbal abuse – i zyczne i werbalne
1.szkoładlachłopcówidziewczyn– coeducational
2.dwuletniaszkołaprzygotowującadomatury– sixth
f orm college
8. to memorize – uczyć się na pamięć
9. to play truant – wagarować
10. a drop-out – osoba która porzuciła szkołę
3.szkołapaństwowa– state school
3 Fillinthedeinedword./15points
4.szkołaprywatna– public school
5. biologia – biology
1. courses for people who are not full-time students –
6.powtarzaćdotestu– t o revise
2. a year between leaving school and going to
university, which some young people use as an
opportunity to travel, earn money, or get experience
of working – gap year
successfully completed a university course –
7.przymusowy,obowiązkowy– compulsory
8. ocena – mark
9.ściągaćnateście– t o cheat
10. informatyka – I T, information technology
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