AFMBE - New Qualities.pdf

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All Flesh Must Be Eaten Emotional Anchor
All Flesh Must Be Eaten Emotional Anchor
Page 1
(Submitted by Sean Powers )
3-point Quality
A Tireless character can handle a great deal less sleep than a normal person. The character is
naturally resilient against sleep deprivation. Tireless gives the character a +3 to his Survival Test
against falling unconscious (ONLY in relation to sleep deprivation), and adds 9 points to the
character's Endurance Pool.
(Submitted by Sean Powers )
3-point Quality
This character has found some sort of spiritual bond with the spirit world. She feels somehow
connected to the strange creature's that plague the world, and can communicate with them to some
extent. Spirit Empathy adds 9 Essence Points to the character's pool, and provides a +3 bonus to
social rolls involving supernatural creatures. The Gift is a pre-requisite to possessing this Quality.
If you want to submit some new Qualities, please submit them to us.
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03/05/2007 03:50:10 AM
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