David Braund, S. D. Kryzhitskiy - Classical Olbia and the Scythian World, From the Sixth Century BC to the Second Century AD (2008).pdf

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This volume collects the work of scholars in the UK and Ukraine who are
concerned with the ancient history and archaeology of the north coast of
the Black Sea, embracing both the Scythian and the classical worlds. In
the Ukraine this has been a subject of high priority for some two cen-
turies of intensive research and excavation. A whole wealth of issues and
data has been uncovered and studied — on ‘Great Scythia’, on the Late
Scythian peoples of the lower Dnieper region and Crimea, and also on
the Sarmatians and others besides. Major strides have been taken in the
advance of our knowledge of the classical cities of the region, such as
Tyras, Chersonesus, Kerkinitis, Kalos Limen, and the Bosporan cities,
among others. In all this work pride of place has been held by Olbia, not
only the city itself but also its civic territory and the island of Berezan,
which was in antiquity a peninsula. The study of Olbia has always been
set apart through the outstanding results of its excavations and the splen-
dour of individual finds there. Unfortunately, for the most part, the
English-speaking reader has been denied systematic contact with this
work for a series of reasons, not least the language barrier, since discov-
eries were published in Russian and Ukrainian. The present volume offers
the opportunity to engage with some of the most pressing current issues
in this field.
Director of the Institute of Archaeology,
National Academy of Sciences,
Kiev, Ukraine
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