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Deliverance And Demonology
by Derek Prince
— Study Note Outline —
Six Tape Series
How I Came To Grips With Demons
How Jesus Dealt With Demons
Nature And Activity Of Demons
How To Recognize And Expel Demons
Cult And Occult: Satan’s Snares Disclosed
Seven Ways To Keep Your Deliverance
How I Came To Grips With Demons
I. Introduction
A. Jer. 6:14; 8:11 The hurt of God’s people “slightly healed.” Wounds covered, but not
cleansed. We must use “probe” and “forceps.” Evil spirits must be detected and driven
B. 1 Cor. 9:26 To minister to human needs without discernment of evil spirits is to fight
“as one that beats the air.”
II. Personal Testimony
A. For 20 years I believed and preached the “full Gospel”: The new birth; the baptism in the
Holy Spirit; divine healing; the second coming of Christ. But I encountered many cases
that I could not understand and therefore could not help.
B. God’s personal challenge in 1961–2: “Are you satisfied? Or do you want to go further?”
C. After a recommitment, a “postgraduate course” of spiritual education
D. Brought face to face with demons in Christians who had been baptized in the Holy Spirit
E. Forced to reevaluate my doctrinal preconceptions
F. A Baptist lady delivered of eight demons
G. Her six-year-old daughter likewise delivered
H. My own sermon in the morning worship service interrupted by demons crying out from
the church pianist
I. A new phase of ministry
J. The limitations of counseling and praying only with individuals.
K. The realization that in many cases people can be instructed in a public service how to
receive deliverance, without individual ministry.
L. Joel 2:32—The culmination of the last day outpouring of the Holy Spirit: “Whosoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.”
M. Joel 1:4; 2:25—The invading army of insects (demons) to be driven out. God’s people to
be delivered from Satan’s “fifth column.”
III. Results In My Own Life
A. I proved afresh the accuracy and reliability of the Scriptures
B. I gained a new understanding of my own personal need of watchfulness and holiness
C. I gained a new understanding of the cross and of what Christ accomplished there
D. I have been able to help thousands of people whom previously I could not have helped
How Jesus Dealt With Demons
Introductory Reading: Mark 1:21–29
I. Introduction
Mark 1:39 (Philips): “So he continued preaching in their synagogues and expelling evil
spirits throughout the whole of Galilee.”
II. Important Points To Observe
A. Mark 1:27–28—The way that Jesus dealt with demons was the most original and striking
feature of His whole ministry.
1. He also performed miracles of healing, provision, control over the forces of nature,
raising the dead, etc. But all these had occurred in the ministry of Old Testament
believers, such as Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and Elisha.
2. Demons are referred to in the Old Testament (see Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; Ps. 106:36–
3. The people of Jesus’ day recognized the reality of demons, and practiced some form
of exorcism (see Matt. 12:27; Acts 19:13–14). But the authority with which Jesus cast
out demons was completely new.
4. Matt 12:28—Jesus Himself described this as the open clash of two spiritual
kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.
B. Mark 1:24–25—At times Jesus spoke directly to demons, and they to Him (compare
Mark 3:11–12; 5:6–13). But there is no New Testament pattern for holding lengthy
conversations with them.
C. Mark 1:26—There were powerful physical manifestations when Jesus cast out demons.
1. Mark 3:11—They fell down before Him crying out.
2. Mark 9:20, 26–27—The boy wallowed frothing at the mouth. The demon cried out
and tore him. After deliverance he looked like a dead person.
3. Acts 8:7—Similar manifestations in the ministry of Philip in Samaria.
D. Mark 1:25–26—Jesus never commanded demons to go to hell or the pit.
1. Luke 8:31–33—Jesus left demons free to enter into any other bodies that were
available to them.
2. Rev 20:3, 10—There is a time ordained when evil spirits will be bound and punished.
3. Matt 8:29—Both Jesus and the demons recognized that this time has not yet come.
E. Mark 1:21–26, 39
1. Jesus combined His casting out of demons with His normal ministry of preaching and
teaching in the public place of worship. This was nothing like the atmosphere of a
psychiatrist’s consulting room or couch.
2. Luke 13:32—Together with healing, this continued throughout Hs whole ministry.
F. Luke 4:40–41—At times Jesus laid hands on people who had demons (compare Matt.
1. Matt 8:14–15; Luke 4:38–39—Jesus first laid His hands on Peter’s mother-in-law,
then He rebuked the fever.
2. Luke 13:11–13—Jesus laid hands on the woman with a spirit of infirmity.
3. 1 Tim. 5:22—Laying on of hands should always be done with caution.
G. Mark 1:21–23; 5:6—Normally those who needed deliverance had to submit themselves
to the ministry of Jesus.
H. Mark 9:22–23—In the case of a child with a demon, Jesus required faith on the part of a
parent (compare Mark 7:25–30).
I. Matt. 8:16; Mark 1:39—Most of those who Jesus delivered from demons were religious
Jews, forbidden ever to practice witchcraft or idolatry. They were “normal” people,
neither criminal nor insane. Yet Jesus cast may thousands of demons out of them.
J. Mark 5:18–21; Luke 8:1–3—Jesus encouraged those who were delivered from demons to
testify of their deliverance, and they were not ashamed to do so (compare Mark 16:9).
K. Matt. 10:1–8; Luke 10:17; Mark 3:14–15: 6:12–13: 16:15–18—Jesus never sent anyone
out to preach the gospel without commissioning them to cast out demons (compare John
Nature And Activity Of Demons
I. Introduction
A. Terminology
1. “Devil” (Greek diablos ) = Slanderer, a title of Satan himself. Used only in the
2. “Demon” (Greek diamon or diamonion ): a spirit regarded by heathen as divine or
semi-divine. Heathen religion normally cultivates or seeks to appropriate these
3. Wrongly translated in KJV as “devil” or “devils.” Used interchangeably with “evil
spirit” or “unclean spirit.”(Compare Matt. 15:22 with Mark 7:25; Mark 5:2 with Luke
8:27. See also Rev. 16;13–14.)
B. Three different Greek expressions normally used to describe the influence of demons:
1. To have an unclean/evil spirit. See Matt. 11:18; Mark 7:25; 9:17; Luke 4:33; 8:27;
13:11; John 7:20; 8:48–49, 52; 10:20–21.
2. To be in an unclean/evil spirit (Modern English—to be under the influence of ) See
Mark 1:23; 5:2.
3. To be demonized. KJV incorrectly translates to be “possessed with devils.” There is
nothing in the Greek to support the word “possessed,” which is completely
misleading. See Matt. 4:24; 8:16, 28, 33; 9:32; 12:22; 15:22; Mark 1:32; 5:15, 16, 18;
Luke 8:36.
II. Nature Of Demons
A. Demons are spirits without bodies. Distinguish between angels and demons:
1. Angels have wings (see Daniel 9:21). Demons do not have wings (see Matt. 12:43).
2. Angels normally inhabit the “heavenlies” (see Eph. 6:12; Jude 6; Rev. 12:7–8).
Demons are earthbound.
3. Angels have bodies of their own, and do not normally desire to occupy another body.
Demons have an intense craving to inhabit a body (see Matt. 12:43–45; Mark 5:11–
13). Only in this way can they gratify their evil desires and propensities.
B. Demons have all the hallmarks of normal personality:
1. Will (see Matt. 12:44; Mark 5:11–13)
2. Emotion (see James 2:19)
3. Knowledge (see Mark 1:23–24; Acts 19:15)
4. Self-awareness (see Mark 5:9)
5. A conscience too seared to respond (see 1 Tim 4:2)
6. Ability to speak (see Mark 1:24; 5:7–12; Acts 19:15)
C. Matt 12:24–28—As Beelzebub (Lord of Flies) Satan rules over demons on the earth, as
he rules over fallen angels in the heavenlies.
III. Activity Of Demons
A. Their activities may be summed up by various verbs:
1. Entice (see James 1:14)
2. Deceive (see 1 Tim. 4:1–2)
3. Enslave (see Romans 8:15)
4. Torment (see 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 John 4:18)
5. Drive/compel (see Luke 8:29)
6. Defile (see Titus 1:15)
B. Demons fight against peace in every aspect:
1. Inner personal harmony
2. Peace of mind
3. Physical well-being
4. Harmonious relationships with other people, especially those closest to us
5. Harmonious adjustment to external circumstances
C. The great distinctive mark of demon activity: restlessness
D. Demons operate from two alternative positions:
1. From outside the body
2. From within the body
a. If they operate from outside, we must resist them (see James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8–9)
b. If they operate from within, we must expel them (see Matt. 8:16; Mark 1:39)
How To Recognize And Expel Demons
I. Review Of Previous Material
A. Distinguish between “devil” (singular), and “demons” (plural)
B. “Demon” is equivalent to “evil spirit” or “unclean spirit”
C. “Possession” is a misleading word. Three phrases used interchangeably: to have a demon
(evil spirit); to be in (i.e. under the influence of) a demon; to be demonized.
D. Personal testimony of deliverance from a “spirit of depression.”
II. Demon Activity
A. Six main forms
1. Entice
2. Enslave
3. Torment
4. Drive or compel
5. Defile
6. Harass
B. Prov. 16:32; 25:28—The “city within”: Main areas and occupants:
1. Emotions, attitudes, relationships: e.g., fear, resentment, hatred, rebellion
2. Thoughts, the realm of the mind: e.g., doubt, unbelief, indecision, procrastination,
3. The tongue: e.g., lying, unclean talk, gossip, blasphemy
4. Sex: e.g., perversion, homosexuality, masturbation. (Note: Sex is basically good, not
evil. It is not a sin to be tempted.)
5. Addictions: e.g., gluttony, alcohol. (Note: these are branches growing from a “trunk”
of frustration.)
6. Physical infirmities: e.g., allergies, tumors, fits, cramps, heart attacks, arthritis, etc.
(Note: “Heresies” to be dealt with in next study.)
III. Deliverance
A. Six steps to deliverance
1. Humble yourself
2. Be completely honest
3. Confess your sins
4. Repent, and renounce all evil
5. Forgive others
6. Call on the name of the Lord
B. Practical instructions on how to receive deliverance
Cult And Occult: Satan’s Snares Disclosed
Three Main Forms Of Satan’s Bondage
A. Domination of one person by another
1. Witchcraft: the attempt to control another person by the use of any other spirit other
than the Holy Spirit.
2. Examples of bondage to persons.
B. Heresies: These are departures from the Christian faith
1. 1 Tim 4:1–2—At this time “seducing spirits” will draw away believers into error.
Example of “food fads” (compare Acts 15:28–29).
2. 2 Peter 2:1—False teachers by underhand means will introduce “damnable heresies.”
How to recognize such heresies.
3. 1 John 2:18–22; 4:1–3—Increased activity of “antichrists” and “spirit of antichrist.”
How to recognize this spirit.
C. False religions
1. John 10:9; 14:6—Access to God the Father only through Christ crucified.
2. Eph. 2:18— only one Spirit (i.e. the Holy Spirit) gives access to the realm of God’s
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