Antonio Negri - Marx Beyond Marx; Lessons on the Grundrisse (1989).pdf

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Antonio Negri
Lessons on the Grundrisse
Translated by Harry Cleaver!
Michael Ryan and Maurizio Viano
Edited byJim Fleming
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This edition copyright ©1991 Autonomedia, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by
55 South Eleventh Sreet
POB 568 Williamsburgh Station
Brooklyn, New York 11211-0568 USA
Published in the United Kingdom by
Pluto Press
345 Archway Road
London N6 5AA England
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congres Cataloging in Publication Data
Negri, Antonio, 1933-
Marx Beyond Marx.
Translation of Marx oltre Marx.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Max, Karl, 1818-1883. Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Okonoie. 2.
Marxian economics. I. Fleming, Jim. II. Title.
HB97.5 M3319 N4313 1984 335.4'12 84-302
ISBN 0-89789-018-3
ISBN -936756-25-X pbk
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Negri, Antonio
Mrx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse. I. Title. II. Fleming, Jim.
ISBN 0-7453-0575-X
ISBN 0-7453-0576-8 pbk
Originally published in French by hristian Bourgois, Editeur, Pis, France and
in Italian by Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy. Hardcover English edition published 1984
by Bergin & Grvey Publishers, Inc., Souh Hadley, Massachusetts.
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Editor's Prefaces .......................................................................... vii
Author's Prefaces ........................................................................ xiv
Translators' Introductions
Part I Hary Cleaver ............. . ......... . ..... . ..... . . . ....... . ........ xix
Part II Michael Ryan . ...... . .. .. ........... .. ..... . ... .. ........ . ..... xxviii
Part III Maurizio Viano ....... . .. .. ........... . ........ . .... . .. . ....... xxxi
Lesson One The Grundrisse, an Open Work ........... . .............. . ..... 1
Lesson Two Money & Value ....................................................... 21
Lesson Three The Method of the Anagonistic Tendency ..... . .... 41
Lesson Four Suplus Value & Exploitation ........ . ...... . . . .............. 59
Lesson Five Proit, Crisis, Catasrophe ........ . .. . .................. . . . ..... . 85
Lesson Six Social Capital & World Market .................... .. . ..... . 105
Lesson Seven The Theory ofthe Wage & Its Developments . . .. 127
Lesson Eight Communism & Transition .......... . .. . .... . . . ......... .. ... 151
Lesson Nine Capitalist Development & Revolutionry Class .. 171
Epilogue Michael Ryan ..... . . . . . ..... . ... . ...... .. ........... . .... . ...... . . . ....... 191
Bibliography Hary Cleaver, Jim Fleming, Conrad Herold .... 222
Index .......................................................................................... 243
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Edito's Preface
This is an English translation of one of the most crucial documents in
European Marxism since . . . well, since maybe ever. The work of Antonio
Negri, as part of the variegated movement on the Italian left known most
easily as Autonomia, brings to realization an overwhelming new set of pos­
sibilities in the theory and practice of class struggle. No political movement
in the world in the 1970's opened up more revolutionary potential for
liberation than the Italian Autonomia, and no expressions of its history exceed
Negri's in transformative power and conceptual brilliance. This book, as
nearly all of Negri's works, is intellectually demanding and often feels, to
the casual reader, hermetic, precious and obscure. Partly, this is due to a
set of counter-terms-precise and exact, but novel-that the "experienced"
Maxist reader will ind transgressive but revelatory. Partly, too, the difi­
culty of the book can be located in Negri's understanding of and respect for
the political eficacy of language itself, an insight and attitude which may
be the most common heritage of the post-war waves of structuralism,
semiotics, and their antecedents. But partly this struggle-to-read induced
by Negri is something like a process that might be called-in a metaphor
of simultaneous separation and coherenc-"conversion." The change­
overturning, reversal, supersession, inversion-makes all the diference. But
according to Negri, what's "beyond" is still, or inally, just Marx.
This book is the product of a series of seminars given by Negri in the
spring of 1978 at the E cole Normale Superieure at the invitation of Louis
Althusser. More about this can be read in the author's own Preace to the
original edition, which t ollows this Preface, along with Negri's later note
(written from prison) to the American reader. The translation into English
from the 1979 French and Italian editions was accomplished by Harry
Cleaver, Michael Ryan, and Maurizio Viano. Each of them has written
something for the reader of this volume. Harry Cleaver has aimed primarily
at the militant and activist audience, and helps to point out the immediate
and direct political consequences of Negri's work for present currents in the
U.S. movement. Michael Ryan, in a broad summary of Negri's other work,
ofers a theoretical and historical context for Autonomia, particularly for
readers previously unexposed to this tendency. Maurizio Viano provides a
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