Entenmann's Pound Cake.txt

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Entenmann's Pound Cake

� lb Real butter 
2 cups Powdered sugar 
3 large Eggs 
1 2/3 cups Flour 
1 tbsp Lemon or vanilla extract 

Preheat oven to 325�F. Spray an 8�" Pyrex loaf dish with Pam.
 Cream butter with sugar on high speed of mixer for 5 minutes.
 Add 1 egg and then a little flour, beating 2 minutes. Add 2nd
 egg and half of remaining flour and beat 2 minutes. Add 3rd egg,
 rest of flour and extract, beating 2 minutes. Spread thick and
 creamy batter evenly in prepared loaf dish. Bake 65 minutes or
 until tester inserted into center comes out clean. 

Cool in baking dish on wire rack 30 minutes. Remove from dish.
 Slice �" thick. If freezing, be sure to slice before freezing 
loaf. Thaw to use within 6 months. 
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