
(10 KB) Pobierz
00:04:57:Spread your legs !
00:05:04:More !
00:05:09:Turn over !
00:05:31:Get up !
00:11:05:Welcome to the "Tour de France"...
00:15:53:Blindfold your eyes !
00:19:57:Let's speak about it later.
00:20:01:I prefer to speak about it later.
00:20:49:The road brings back memories
00:20:56:I was 6 and I was in an orphanage run by nuns
00:21:00:and I knew this was the last day |because my mother should pick me up.
00:21:05:I was very, very happy |beacuse this was the last day.
00:21:09:All day long,| I was playing and playing...
00:21:12:There were stones on the floor| and I fell on them.
00:21:18:My knee was bleeding|and I was very afraid.
00:21:21:Because if the nuns would have seen it,|they would keep me with them.
00:21:28:So I hid my injury until
00:21:32:the moment i thought |my mother was coming.
00:21:35:And at last she came.
00:21:39:We then left and hit the road
00:21:43:My mother used to have an old car.
00:21:46:I think my father was there too |but i only remember my mother.
00:21:49:And we drove and drove|across the mountains
00:21:54:Those were the good times.
00:22:11:What's happening?
00:22:15:I'll be back
00:25:29:Don't stay here!
00:26:07:I don't understand: |I just wanted to brake.
00:26:11:I'm worried: this is my sister's car.|And now she must wait for me.
00:26:21:Here, for your hair.
00:26:35:Would you take me to a garage?
00:26:38:I'll see.
00:26:48:There is a raincoat. |Put it on.
00:27:25:It's raining too hard.
00:27:30:Can I smoke?
00:27:44:You're on holidays?
00:27:52:I'm taking you back.
00:28:31:"Come closer, come play and win!"
00:28:36:"Come win a 20% discount!"
00:28:43:"Come on ladies!"
00:28:53:Let's stop, |nobody's caring about us!
00:28:57:It will work, stop talking to me.|Make an effort for me!
00:29:01:Usually, I never ask anything of you.|Be nice to me.
00:29:13:"Here we are: she has won!"
00:29:18:"- Can I open my eyes? "|" -Yes of course! "
00:29:24:- Do you know him?|- No, but he's the guy who helped me.
00:29:29:- I was thinking he left.|- He's pretty smart, isn't he ?
00:30:30:Give him the spoon.
00:30:57:The Champagne is good.
00:31:03:It's been a long time |since we last saw each other.
00:31:08:Look at my daughter:|Isn't she beautiful!
00:31:22:Bring us a new bottle, please.
00:31:37:- Do you want a glass of Champagne ?|- No
00:31:41:- You're getting bored, aren't you ?|- No
00:31:46:Why are you saying that ?
00:31:49:Excuse me.
00:31:55:Mum told me you're getting thinner.
00:31:58:As usual!
00:32:01:Where are you my daughter?|I haven't seen you since this morning!
00:32:05:The roses are for you!
00:32:07:This party is ridiculous!
00:32:09:But everybody is so happy to see you again.
00:32:31:Wait for me!
00:32:34:- Why is he here?|- I told him yersterday to come.
00:39:44:Turn over!
00:39:46:Turn over!
00:39:58:Get in!
00:44:28:Get dressed!
00:44:30:Take it easy!|Don't be ashamed!
00:44:32:You will catch a cold.
00:45:23:- And Claire?|- What about Claire?
00:45:27:She has a boyfriend?
00:45:32:Claire's a virgin.
00:47:47:- Christine?|- She's next door, in your room.
00:48:08:I don't know what to say,|I'm ridiculous.
00:48:55:It's hot, isn't it ?
00:48:58:Yes, it is.
00:50:29:Good evening, |you want me to get in?
00:51:00:Let your hair down!
00:53:55:- Come on|- No.
00:54:05:You always force me,|I'll go swimming later.
00:54:27:- You don't go swimming ?|- I don't know.
00:54:40:We are intimates.
00:54:47:She's like that.
00:55:19:Look, I'm coming!
00:58:26:Move back!
00:58:29:Go further!
00:59:52:Don't worry, |you'll be fine.
00:59:59:Are you hurt ?
01:00:01:You were right: swimming is fun.|I'm not afraid of water anymore.
01:04:11:One more time!
01:06:54:I'm in danger!
01:06:58:I'm in danger!
01:07:01:Of course!
01:07:02:So I'm taking you back to my car?
01:07:10:No, I'm not alone.
01:07:27:And he's very dangerous!
01:07:31:Where is he?
01:07:54:We stay together this evening ?
01:08:03:No, he'll come back.
01:08:09:- I must leave now.|- So let's leave together.
01:08:26:No, it's not a good idea.
01:08:32:They want to spend the evening with us.
01:08:42:Are you ok?
01:09:08:- Where do you keep the alcohol?|- Just here, in the bookcase.
01:09:17:What's this?
01:09:20:Not bad!
01:09:22:Put it down!|Fuck off!
01:09:27:Take it easy.
01:09:30:You know this story?|This is the story of a man, a dude like us, who won the lottery.
01:09:34:- So what?|- So he goeson a luxury cruise around the Caribbean.
01:09:40:On the boat, there are lots of top-models
01:09:47:but one day, the boat gets wrecked
01:09:49:and he is the only survivor with Claudia Schiffer.
01:09:54:Can you imagine?! Claudia Schiffer!
01:09:58:They are on a deserted island.
01:10:01:Can you imagine?! On a deserted island!
01:10:13:And as they're both lonely...
01:10:19:The weeks go by and it goes on, |until one day he says to her:
01:10:23:"Would you mind if I called you Raoul instead of Claudia?"
01:10:27:She thinks him strange but she says ok.
01:10:35:- Do you know what he says to her?|- I don't know.
01:10:38:"Would you mind if I called you Raoul instead of Claudia?"
01:10:46:She thinks him strange but she says ok.
01:10:52:Then he says to her:
01:10:54:"You know what Raoul? |It's been three weeks that I'm fucking Clauda Schiffer!"
01:11:00:We all know your story !
01:11:03:- Did you know it?|- Of course.
01:11:06:Maybe it's silly, |but it always makes me laugh.
01:11:08:But you're the only one to find this story funny!
01:11:12:Do you want some whisky?
01:11:14:- Some whisky!?|- No
01:11:21:Drink something!
01:11:29:Make yourselves confortable, |I'm going to find something to eat.
01:12:23:You feel a bit warm, don't you?
01:12:27:She's feeling warm, isn't she?
01:12:46:- Where is your wife?|- On holidays.
01:12:54:- And your children?|- On holidays as well.
01:12:58:- What are their names?|- Kevin and Corinne.
01:13:03:Where is my glass?
01:13:14:Each time he's drunk, |he must bore everyone with his children!
01:13:19:I don't bore anyone with my children, do I?
01:17:26:Stop it, you bastard!
01:17:33:Fucking bastard!
01:17:37:Leave me, you bastard!
01:17:42:Fucking asshole!
01:17:48:Where is she?
01:17:56:Why did you fucking let her go?
01:19:11:Don't you prefer to come with me to Paris?
01:19:14:What for?
01:19:16:I don't know.
01:19:18:As you want.
01:27:48:Did you hear me?
01:27:51:It made me cry.
01:28:09:The car is on the other side!
01:28:18:I can't run.
01:28:23:I'm having a stitch. |It's nothing serious but it's true.
01:28:32:Stop the car!
01:28:45:Are you crazy?
01:28:49:Let her in and go away!
01:28:54:Stop this fucking noise!
01:28:57:- Start the fucking car!|- Can you speak to me politely, please?
01:29:00:Start the car!
01:29:05:What the hell is this story about?
01:29:45:It's very nice of you to take me back.
01:29:49:- Are you ok?|- I'm alright.
01:29:52:You're so pale, |as white as a sheet!
01:29:58:We wrangle so many times, |it's been going on for a long time.
01:30:11:I don't know, |maybe he's left me.
01:30:16:- Is he always so violent?|- No.
01:30:22:Otherwise, I would have divorced.
01:30:41:He's violent because of his job.
01:30:46:We always move
01:30:50:and you know, with the children,| it's not so easy.
01:30:55:It tires me and |it drives him excited.
01:30:59:But we're alright.
01:31:05:Despite all these matters, we're alright.
01:31:11:But i'm afraid|he won't come back.
01:31:15:Don't worry about it.
01:31:19:It was the same thing |with my husband.
01:31:23:And did you feel that |something was going wrong?
01:31:27:I don't know.
01:31:41:Drink, it will make you feel better.
01:31:56:Do you love your husband?
01:32:04:My husband died two years ago.
01:32:10:He was so nice.
01:32:13:He took care of us.
01:32:17:He loved our elder daughter.
01:32:20:He liked going fishing with his friends as well.
01:32:25:He didn't drink too much and |he was so pretty.
01:32:33:It's weird...
01:32:40:but I think I never loved him.
01:32:47:So, you've never been in love with anyone?
01:32:56:Just one time
01:32:59:and I was very young.
01:33:03:Do you want to tell me?
01:33:14:I was 15 and he was just |a little older than me.
01:33:19:And we met
01:33:21:I really believe that we fell in love.
01:33:28:But, at that time, we didn't express |these things with such words.
01:33:35:It happens just like that and that's all, |it's is so simple.
01:33:44:But our fathers separated us and |they didn't want us to meet any more.
01:33:47:They said that he didn't study well|and that I was too young to be with him.
01:33:57:So his father sent him to boarding school
01:34:01:and we never met each other again.
01:34:05:We didn't complain but |we never met each other, that's all.
01:34:13:And that's that, life went on
01:34:17:and now it's coming to an end.
01:34:23:He became a dentist and |he had children, me too.
01:34:31:But we still were in touch during all this time...
01:34:37:Oh my darling, what's happening?
01:34:44:Don't worry, I'm here.
01:35:12:One day, I heard he had been very sick
01:35:16:so I told him that I wanted to see him right away.
01:35:20:So we had a rendez-vous in Paris,|we always wanted to go to Paris together.
01:35:27:We went to a hotel
01:35:31:but we didn't know what to do.
01:35:34:We felt uneasy, like children.
01:35:38:So we immediately went for a walk outside.
01:35:43:We walked for a long time, |whole hours.
01:35:49:We almost didn't say a word, |we were just so happy to be together.
01:35:55:I thought to hold hands, but w...
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