Ten Years Thinner.pdf

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What people are saying about the
power of Ten Years Thinner
“I am a police officer and have always strived to have a high level of fitness.
The Ten Years Thinner program allowed me to lose fat, gain muscle,
increase my energy, and end food cravings. I finally got rid of the spare tire
that had been stubbornly resisting my efforts for years.”
“I work in television where 70-hour workweeks are the norm. The Ten Years
Thinner exercise routine is the only workout I’ve ever found that actually
fits into my schedule and gives fast results. As for the diet, even the MTV
cafeteria has lots of program-compliant foods.”
“I’m ending my seventh week and, so far, have lost about 13 pounds. I only
started the exercises two weeks ago, but I am finding them easier as I go
along. The best part is I have not been hungry and I feel great. Thank you
for this program!”
—KAREN, 59 AND 3/4
“The book is incredibly well written and researched and describes the
science behind the eating plan and exercise program it advocates. So far,
I’ve lost 5 pounds and gained a lot of strength”
“Total cholesterol went from 190 to 148 in 4 weeks. The exercises are
doable—even for an arthritic 60-year-old!”
—MARY, 60
“I saw amazing improvements in just six weeks! This program changed
my life; it made me realize that eating right and exercising don’t have to
be a chore.”
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“Between raising a toddler, working a full-time job, and running a small
business, it’s a challenge for me to find time to exercise. The Ten Years
Thinner workout fits my life because it only takes 25 minutes a day and I
don’t have to leave my living room to do it.”
“The diet guidelines keep me vibrant and satiated while the exercises keep
me toned and feeling energetic—not drained.”
—KARIN, 56
“When I hear the term diet, I think restriction. But this program isn’t
restrictive. I’m never hungry. Sometimes I actually have trouble finishing
the portions. I also never have cravings. In fact, on the cheat days, I usually
forget to cheat!”
—CATHY, 31
“My friends on Weight Watchers are afraid to eat. Every pound they lose
seems to be a struggle. They can’t believe the results I’ve gotten on Ten
Years Thinner eating as much as I do. I am NEVER hungry, but I’m still
losing pounds and inches.”
“After trying to lose weight for years using other exercise programs . . .
I discovered the Ten Years Thinner program. What a relief! I have finished
my sixth week and lost 17 inches and 9 pounds. I plan on continuing the
week 6 program until I get to my desired ‘shape’. Everyone needs to try
this. It really makes you take a look at all the crap that is out there and
you learn to appreciate really good food!”
—CATHY, 51
“I lost 33 pounds in six weeks without feeling hungry. I’m living proof that
this program works.”
—GREG, 34
“I was motivated to try Ten Years Thinner after learning that I had high
cholesterol. I followed the program for six weeks and, without medication,
my cholesterol levels fell to well within the normal range.”
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“Yesterday I went into work with another interpreter I hadn’t seen since I
started the Ten Years Thinner program and she looked at me and said, “You
look fabulous! I swear you look 20 years younger!”
“I struggled for eight years with binge eating sugar junk food before I found
Ten Years Thinner. After the first week on the program all my uncontrollable
cravings were gone and I am no longer under the ’power of food.’ I eat
good delicious healthy foods and love it! I lost two dress sizes in six weeks.
Now, two weeks later I’m down another dress size! Amazing! My body fat is
just melting away. It is such a simple program-anyone can do it!”
“I have been on the Ten Years Thinner plan for three weeks. I start week 4
tomorrow. To date I have lost 10 pounds, several inches, and I feel really
good. Thanks, Dr. Lydon!”
—DONNA, 53
“I recently underwent two major surgeries and was laid up for about three
months. After my first week doing the Ten Years Thinner exercise program,
I could already see and feel my bod was even leaner than before my
“I have two kids under the age of six, a full-time job and a husband who
works six days a week. I’ve tried many times to fit regular exercise into my
schedule. Ten Years Thinner is the first program I’ve found that both fits my
life and produces results. I have a pair of pants that I haven’t been able to
wear since 1996. Today, they fit me better than they did when I bought them
in 1992. Maybe the book should have been called Fifteen Years Thinner!”
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