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Making Hypnosis Simple
Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
Making Hypnosis Simple
An introductory guide to Hypnotherapy
Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved.
First published in Great Britain in 2004 by
Mindworks UK
Unit 3
112 Abbey St
CV11 5BX
IMPORTANT: Do not follow the induction techniques if you suffer from epilepsy or
clinical depression.
The author accepts no responsibility for the use of the material within this publication.
It is the sole responsibility of the reader to ensure that they adhere to local and
national restrictions and regulations that govern the use of hypnosis, hypnotherapy
and client confidentiality.
This book is sold as an introductory guide to hypnotherapy for information purposes
only, therapeutic work should not be completed without professional training and
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All rights reserved
Copyright Steven Hall, 2004
Mindworks UK Copyright 2004 Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
The biggest secret to hypnosis is that it is incredibly simple, yet so many people have
difficulty actually inducing trance in another. The reason for this book is to show you
how, step by step, you can become a hypnotist the easy way.
I have written many hypnosis ‘how to’ guides over the years and helped thousands of
people learn hypnosis. You may even have purchased a previous title of mine and had
a go yourself. What I am offering here is a new approach, a simple step by step guide
that covers what you need to get started successfully. This is by no means a
comprehensive guide to hypnosis; it is a quick-start introduction that has a very
specific goal…
…to turn you into a hypnotist… FAST!
In writing this publication I have stripped away the hype and left the history for you to
discover in your own time. I am taking hypnosis right back to basics. This is hypnosis,
plain and simple. What you do, why you do it and how it all works.
As you have probably noticed, this book is short, I have intentionally not padded it
out with information that you do not need at this stage. I want you to be comfortable
reading the whole thing in one or two sittings, and doing it often! You should have a
notepad with you as you read and use it to take notes throughout. There are exercises
that you are required to complete and suggestions that you should follow. Read
everything as many times as you need, learn the scripts, take notes and do the
exercises and you will be successful.
Before we begin, I want to tell you about two trance experiences that happened to me
when I was younger. When I was about 11 years old I had a very strange experience
in church. The whole congregation was bowed in prayer as the pastor read from the
bible. I was listening to the pastors’ words so intently that I very quickly lost
awareness of everything else. The pastor had a wonderfully hypnotic tone of voice
and the natural rhythm of his words seemed to compliment my deep breathing. As the
prayer came to a close the pastor made a suggestion that members of the congregation
join him at the front. When I opened my eyes I immediately walked to the front of the
congregation. It felt as though I had been programmed to do so, and could not even
consider an alternative. The next thing I knew I was leaving the church as the service
came to a close. I am unaware of what happened when I left my seat to join the pastor
at the front and, by my calculations, seemed to have lost around ten minutes.
Back then I was very confused, but now, with my knowledge of trance states, I
believe that I was inadvertently hypnotised by the pastor. Hypnosis is so simple to
achieve that you can even do it by accident.
My second childhood story happened a few years later, around the age of 14. This
time I was the hypnotist and it was completely intentional. I was at a friend’s house
and we had been playing memory games with a pack of playing cards. Our
conversation soon drifted to the power of the mind and my friend said that it would be
cool to be able to hypnotise somebody. I lied (something I was pretty good at when I
Mindworks UK Copyright 2004 Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
was little) and told him that I could do it. He was younger than me and very
impressionable so it was easy to make him believe that I had done it before. Once he
agreed to let me hypnotise him I gave him some rather crude instructions to relax and
commanded over and over that he was feeling sleepy. I had a small shiny washer tied
to the end of a length of cotton that I was using as a make-shift pocket watch. As he
stared at the washer, listening to my instructions, his eyes slowly closed. I carried on
giving him suggestions to ‘sleep’ and it seemed to be working. I did a few simple tests
using the cards, suggesting that he forget certain numbers and it worked!
I had complete faith that it would work as I had seen something similar on TV and
had somehow accepted that anyone could do it. My friend also believed it would
work, probably because I was so convincing when I told him that it would.
The reason I have shared these stories with you is to illustrate how easy it is to induce
trance in another person. I have no special abilities or qualities that make me any
more capable of hypnotising someone than you do. If you can speak you can
Mindworks UK Copyright 2004 Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
Section one: All about trance
The simple truth
To suggest that you will be able to hypnotise another person is actually a little
misleading, as no one can hypnotise someone else. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, so
your job is to simply help a person to hypnotise themselves. There are many roles that
you can adopt to do this, some people like to act as a guide, others prefer to lead by
example and some opt for a more commanding role and simply order their subjects
into trance. You are going to learn a combination of all three, just to make sure!
The reason that so many people believe that hypnosis is difficult is because so many
hypnotists have said that it is! Hypnotists are a little like magicians, they learn very
simple secrets and guard them. I had the pleasure of living with a magician whilst at
university and believe me; magic is much more entertaining when you don’t know the
secrets! Now, when I watch a performance, I spend most of my time admiring the
simple ingenuity of the props, and ignoring the guy prancing around pulling levers.
Fortunately, the world of hypnosis is changing and hypnotists are much more willing
to share their wisdom today. Unfortunately, most of you reading this have already
been programmed to believe it’s difficult, as the hypnotists of yesteryear wanted you
to think they were somehow more powerful than the rest of us.
Hypnosis is all about communication, the only tools that you need are your mind and
your voice. It can be performed in almost any setting (keeping safety in mind
obviously!) and everybody can do it. It helps to have a good imagination but it is
certainly not a necessity.
You are going to learn hypnosis in stages; you will practise each stage until you are
comfortable with it, remember it and understand it. I have not included a huge script
for you to read out as I want you to become a hypnotist not a reader. I have, however,
included instructions that will enable you to create your own induction scripts. You
are expected to put some effort into this process, I don’t for a minute suggest that
someone will read this book once and suddenly be able to hypnotise (I have written a
book that does do that, but it’s not for you!) I expect you to read and re-read this book
many times, do the exercises and follow the suggestions. Why? Because I want you to
be a hypnotist. I want you to be able to use hypnosis productively and effectively. I
want you to be safe and confident in what you are doing. I want you to know
hypnosis, not just read it. If you have bought my previous books, read the inductions
to your friends and successfully hypnotised them, you are not a hypnotist, I am, but on
that occasion I was working through you. On this occasion it’s your turn, I think you
will agree that this way is much better.
Because all hypnosis is self hypnosis you will probably have guessed that the
hypnotic subject has a pretty important role to play. Not everyone is that good at
entering trance states. Some people are fantastic, and will need very little input from
you, most people need at least a few instructions to help them along and a few people
don’t seem to be able to ‘get it’ at all. The more you learn about hypnosis the more
you will be able to help people that find it difficult to enter trance. You will develop
strategies and techniques that will make you a more versatile hypnotist, meaning that
Mindworks UK Copyright 2004 Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP)
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