10 Easy Steps to Turning Dreams into Reality!.pdf

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10 Easy Steps to
Turning Dreams into
Vincent Grant
Visit www.concepts-of-reality.com for more!
Copyright Information
Ok, let’s get this out of the way first.
© Copyright Vincent Grant 2006 all rights reserved worldwide.
This e-guide may be either given away or sold by any person in accordance
with these two conditions:
1. This e-guide must not be edited or changed, nor may you copy parts of
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2. If you sell this e-guide, you agree to donate at least 10% of all profits to a
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Disclaimer and or Legal Notice – The author and publisher of this book and
the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this
program. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties
with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the
contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or
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That is all. Enjoy!
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Mindset vs. Knowledge
Finding Your Life Purpose
Getting Motivated
S.M.A.R.T Goals
Defining Objectives
Signposting Milestones
Setting Tasks
Success Credo
Success Questions
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Mindset vs. Knowledge
The first thing that we need to understand about turning
dreams into reality is that we will need two distinct attributes.
We need to have both the right Knowledge and a positive
Mindset . Many people forget about Mindset and consequently
are more likely to fail in their attempts to achieve what they
want, when they want.
As you can see the act of achieving anything is mostly having
the right mindset. In fact it is about ¾ Mindset and ¼
Knowledge .
Having the right Knowledge is pretty straightforward, it is
learning the skills and strategies required to carry out the tasks
you will set for yourself. The Mindset however is something
the many people struggle with.
To have a champion Mindset means that you are highly
Motivated and have the Determination and Will Power
required to make the sacrifices you will need to make.
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Finding Your Life Purpose
One of the biggest Barriers holding most people back is that
they do not have a clearly defined ideal to strive for in their
lives. That is that even though these people may state they want
a big house and a Porsche, and even go as far as setting these
items as goals, they do not realise their true purpose in life.
To work out you Life Purpose your need to ask yourself
some questions. You need to make a list of what you do and do
not want in your life. These can be feelings, people, ideas or
objects, anything you can think of.
Next make a list of Obstacles that stand in your way of
getting these things that you want in your life.
Then think about what you want your family, friends and
colleagues to say about your life after you have died. I know
that sounds a bit morbid, but thinking about your life in this
light can be very motivational.
Finally, write up your Life Purpose as a statement of a few
sentences. Print this out, pin it up in a place were you can
review it daily.
Visit www.concepts-of-reality.com for more!
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