Broken Lance DVDrip 1954.txt

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[1222][1254][Scoffs] A little heavier|in the shoulders, huh?
[1255][1284]Comes from swingin'|that 10-pound sledge.
[1285][1304]They all get it.
[1305][1325]It's all there.
[1338][1357]Do you mind if I look?
[1358][1377]No, it's just that...
[1378][1418]Not at all. I keep my eye on|all the stuff myself, that's all.
[1687][1707]Let's go.
[1744][1778]- Where?|- The governor wants to see you.
[1779][1808]I don't wanna see the governor.|I'm through here.
[1809][1828]Let's go, partner.
[2136][2156]- Here's your grub.|- [Rattling]
[2337][2357]Good gun.
[2383][2402]Nice balance.
[2429][2449]Come on over.
[2899][2918]Joe Devereaux.
[2919][2949][Clerk]|Oh, yes. It'll be just a minute.
[3079][3103]The governor'll see you now,|Mr. Devereaux.
[3141][3160]Good luck, Joe.
[3161][3181]Thanks, Bill.
[3250][3269]Glad you came, Joseph.
[3270][3297]I couldn't do anything else.
[3298][3317]I wanted to talk to you.
[3318][3353]The simplest way was to|bring you here. Sit down.
[3393][3414]You look different, Joseph.
[3415][3434]More mature, I guess.
[3435][3465]And, uh, changed.
[3466][3495]I suppose three years is bound|to bring some changes...
[3496][3530]Look, Governor, you're not interested|in what prison did to me.
[3531][3562]Yes, I am.|I'm very interested.
[3563][3585]Barbara still hasn't married.
[3600][3621]- Anything else?|- Yes, there is.
[3633][3652]There's considerably more.
[3653][3673]Sit down.
[3701][3730]If I told you I brought you here|to keep you from being killed...
[3731][3750]you might think me hypocritical.
[3751][3785]But for the love and respect I had|for your father and your mother...
[3786][3805]My mother?
[3806][3830]Never mind.
[3831][3860]There's been enough violence|connected with Devereaux Ranch.
[3861][3891]I don't want any more.|I won't have any more.
[3920][3941]Your brothers are in the next room.
[3942][3979]They have a proposition to make to you.|A business proposition.
[3980][3999]They assure me it's a good one.
[4000][4019]I'd like...
[4020][4044]I'd advise you to take it.
[4108][4128]Come in.
[4168][4197]- Hello, Joe.|- Joe.
[4198][4231]I told him, and I'll tell you, Ben...|I'll stand for no trouble.
[4232][4253]There won't be any trouble, Governor.
[4254][4273]We don't want any, and...
[4274][4298]I'm sure Joe doesn't.
[4299][4324]- I'll give you 10 minutes.|- Fine.
[4341][4370]Well, you look good, Joe.
[4371][4400]I'm glad to see|it wasn't too tough on you.
[4401][4425]Well, naturally,|I know it wasn't easy...
[4426][4462]The governor said you had|a proposition for me. He told me to take it.
[4463][4485]What, before you'd even heard it?
[4486][4510]He should know better than that.
[4511][4538]Besides, this is a family matter, Joe.
[4539][4558]We're still your brothers.
[4559][4582]Just tell me the proposition.
[4583][4603]All right.
[4604][4623]You see, Joe...
[4624][4658]there have been a lot of,|uh, changes since you went in.
[4659][4684]I can see some of'em right here.
[4685][4717]- What kind of remark...|- I'll do the talkin', Denny!
[4718][4737]Sure, Ben.|[Scoffs]
[4738][4762]That's one of the changes.
[4763][4794]Another is that|we run the ranch from town now.
[4795][4820]It's gotten too big|to operate from home.
[4821][4845]What did you do with my mother?
[4846][4875]Well, you know, Joe,|she doesn't like town.
[4876][4910]She went back to her own people, Joe.|That's all she wanted.
[4911][4940]Anything else, we'd have done it,|just as we will for you.
[4941][4975]But, I, uh...|I think you ought to realize...
[4976][5008]that we've got different|responsibilities now, Joe.
[5009][5038]Devereaux Ranch|isn?t just cattle anymore.
[5039][5063]We've got oil leases, mineral rights...
[5064][5083]stockholders we have to protect.
[5084][5103]Just tell me the deal.
[5124][5148]All right, I'll tell you the deal.
[5149][5178]It's Oregon.|Brand-new territory.
[5179][5208]We'll buy you a spread,|stock it for you and cover your losses...
[5209][5228]for three years.
[5229][5248]Or else?
[5249][5268]There is no "or else."
[5269][5292]That's it.
[5293][5312]I, uh...
[5313][5338]I think that'll get you started.
[5361][5385]- What if I don't like Oregon?|- You'll like it.
[5386][5420]I hear it's real nice country|up there, Joe.
[5421][5450]We worked it out for you|the best we could, Joe...
[5451][5481]but, uh, if there's something else...
[5482][5506]There is something else.
[5507][5526]Three years.
[5527][5546]Three years out of my life.
[5547][5584]Three years I spent in that stinkin' jail.|Can you give me back those?
[5585][5620]No. Not even if I|had 'em to give you.
[5621][5666]I lost mine sweatin' out chores for Pa|before you were ever born.
[5680][5709]I'm not crying about 'em.|I'm just telling you.
[5710][5739]All right, Joe, you've got our offer,|you've got our money.
[5740][5772]The train goes through here at 6:00|tonight. Be on it, and the deal stands.
[5849][5873]That's not very smart, Joe.
[5888][5921]But the rest of the deal stands|if you make that train.
[6025][6044]He's real hot, ain't he?
[6045][6064]He'll cool down.
[6065][6094]When he does, he'll take the deal.|He's too smart not to.
[6095][6119]- Ain't that right, Ben?|- I don't know.
[6120][6160]But anybody that throws $10,000|in a spittoon makes me nervous.
[6170][6190]Pick it up.
[6538][6570]He don't look like much, but for the price|he'll get you there and back.
[6571][6590]You sure you want that saddle?
[6591][6620]Another couple of dollars,|and I can give you a better one.
[6648][6685]- What's your hurry?|- Well, Ben said find out where he was goin'.
[6706][6725]I know where he's going.
[7079][7105]- [Gunshot]|- [Bullet Ricochets]
[7205][7228]Get on your horse, fellow, and git!
[7229][7258]- Joseph, it is you?|- Hello, Two Moons.
[7334][7359]The gods, they smile on us this day.
[7360][7379]I guess they do.
[7380][7417]You missed me by about three inches.|Or maybe you're getting old.
[7418][7447]If I want to hit you, I hit you.
[7448][7477]- You come home to stay, Joseph?|- I don't know.
[7478][7499]Your mother, she is at|the meeting place of our people.
[7500][7515]How is she, Two Moons?
[7516][7543]She is the same.|She waits for you.
[7564][7588]But there's something else|I gotta settle first.
[7589][7618]You are alone. If there is need,|I have 20, maybe 30 men.
[7619][7643]And have the rest of the tribe|wiped out? No.
[7644][7668]- Where you go?|- Up to the home place.
[7669][7698]- Good. You talk to Running Wolf...|- I'm not talking to anybody.
[7699][7728]The old man's dead. You been listening|to that medicine man stuff too?
[7729][7758]- Sometime in the night I hear wolf call.|- You always hear wolves.
[7759][7788]Pa never let anybody kill 'em.|You know that.
[7789][7809]You wanna ride in with me?
[7824][7866]- Well?|- It is fitting you go alone, Joseph.
[7867][7887]Superstitious old fool.
[8512][8542][Wind Howling]
[8811][8831]Hello, Pa.
[8844][8868]I came back.
[8869][8908]The old men said|you wouldn't rest easy until I did.
[8929][8968]I heard the medicine men think you're|running the hills nights with the wolves.
[8969][8989]Maybe you are at that.
[9013][9048]What do you want me to do, Pa? Have you got|a sign for me, or you want me to figure this out...
[9049][9072][Loud Crash]
[9216][9246][Cattle Lowing]
[9295][9322][Cowboys Shouting]
[9391][9410]Hold her still.
[9443][9473]Just brand 'em.|Don't barbecue 'em.
[9512][9541]- ?Como esta, senor?|- Muy bien, Francisco.
[9555][9574]Ah! Manuel.
[9575][9601]- Senor Matt. All goes well?|- Yeah.
[9602][9621]We'll have the other camps|cleaned up by sundown.
[9622][9636]Here too.
[9637][9672]Start driving the beef herd|toward the home place tomorrow.
[9673][9693]Now, take 'em slow, Man...
[9784][9808]They're rustlin' stock|on the east range, Pa!
[9809][9838]Johnny Red Eagle was riding herd, and|they shot his horse right out from under him!
[9839][9858]He walked into camp this morning|and told Two Moons...
[9859][9874]Ben, get a horse.
[9901][9936]- [Manuel] You want I get some boys?|- No, no, we'll handle it.
[10482][10501]Not a sign of'em.
[10502][10531]They kept to the middle|of the stream to cover.
[10532][10565]You can't tell whether|they went up or down.
[10659][10689]- Horse slipped, no?|- Which way, do you think?
[10710][10732]Let's go.
[10996][11026][Cattle Lowing]
[11037][11071]Two, three, four...|five I count, Pa.
[11140][11165]- That's Pa!|- Get outta here!
[11166][11203][Gunshots Continue]
[11391][11410]Let's go!
[11411][11435]Come on!|Get out of there!
[11465][11495]Come on, get up.|You're not hurt.
[11541][11560]Cut this steer loose.
[11561][11592]Couldn't even change the brand|without blotching it, could you?
[11605][11624]I've seen these two before.
[11625][11652]We fired 'em last year.|They're no good.
[11705][11726][Cow Moos]
[11765][11784]We didn't mean nothin', Pa.
[11785][11819]- Just a couple of little old steers.|- Uh-huh. Why?
[11820][11839]I don't know.
[11840][11859]We needed the money.|That's why.
[11860][11879]Money? You got money.
[11880][11905]You mean that lousy 40 a month|you give us?
[11918][11942]Don't you ever use|that tone with me, boy.
[11943][11972]- Pa, we didn't mean nothin'.|- No, I don't suppose you did.
[11973][11997]You just figured|you'd steal some cattle and sell 'em.
[11998][12037]Of course, anybody within a thousand miles|would know that brand, even raised.
[12038][12067]But you figured nobody would have|the guts to tell me that two of my own...
[12068][12097]- No...
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