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581530824 UNPDF
For All
part 3 f 8
of the Pandora’s Ph.D.
Strategy Series
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Universal conversation fundamentals
Emotion over logic
Men and women communicate in different ways, because they have different
reasons for why they are communicating. Since men and women play different
roles in sexual relationships, and sex is the foundation of underlying romantic
relationships, it makes since that women would be looking for different things
in men, then men look for in women. The same is true when it comes to
Men tend to focus on informational sharing, persuasion, and problem solving.
Because of this, men tend to focus on facts, observable and provable. But
women tend to focus on empathy – on emotional understandings. Women
are more interested in exploring ideas and feelings, and sharing emotions –
positive or negative.
This is why it can be dificult, even frustrating, for men to talk to women.
There doesn’t seem to be any goal or purpose, and the conversation seems
to go on and on, or falters awkwardly if the man is incapable of shifting to a
more emotion-based mindset.
The good news is that men and women have a lot in common as well – we are
both humans, and our needs aren’t that much different. More so, men can use
a structured, goal-oriented approach to satisfying the emotional needs women
have in conversations. We can make the “non-goal” a goal in itself with the
proper understandings.
Relating over problem solving
We could say that the biggest difference between men and women, conversa-
tionally, is that men are more concerned with competition and asserting status,
while women are more focused on empathy and exploring emotions.
As men, we can understand how women think because we do it with our very
best friends. The way you interact with your closest friends is the way women
prefer to interact all the time. Think about how you converse with your buds,
alternating between joking and ribbing each other, listening intently and shar-
ing your deepest thoughts, hopes and fears, and even the moments of comfort-
able silence – this is what you should do with women you just met.
This is the way charming men interact with people – they are uncensored and
unafraid to show vulnerability because they are secure in themselves, and
know that we can all relate. They like to joke and play with others, making fun
of themselves as much as anyone else. And they know how to relax and let go
of needing to say anything – just making small talk is ine, or not talking at all
is sometimes the best way to demonstrate a connection.
Inner Process Statements and Questions
There are two fundamental elements of a conversation – statements and ques-
tions. Duh. But the way to make these elements interesting is by incorporating
inner-process language. If you’re telling a story, include details about how
you felt, or what you thought throughout the sequence of events. Talk about
the kind of person you are, and how your personality traits played a role in the
If you are making an observation, include your impressions and inner dialogue
concerning the topic. Always speaking with passion – be expressive and use
your tone, facial expressions and hand gestures to emphasize the feelings you
are experiencing. A good way to think about conversing with women is that
you are not talking as much as you are communicating.
Just as there is no one way to communicate with technology today – texting,
Facebook, email, oh yeah, actually talking on the phone – the same is true
with conversation. There are a million different ways to send a message. With
women, there are a handful of messages that elicit the most important emo-
tions for taking things in an intimate direction.
Questions should be used to draw out the authentic expression of others. This
does three things. First, it makes you seem more dominant and interesting,
because you aren’t worried about what others think of you – you care about
what’s going on with them. Few people do this. Second, it helps people feel
comfortable around you, and thus crave your company. Third, once a woman
begins to share more of herself- her innermost thoughts, fears, hopes, memo-
ries and values, you then have a great reason to escalate. Your attention no
seems to come from power, rather than neediness, because she perceives it to
be a reward for her conversational effort.
Statements have the exact same purpose as questions. Most people talk to
prove their value to others. This is bad. Instead, when you tell people about
yourself, you should do so with the intention of showing them that it is safe to
be honest, vulnerable, and express your personal style. This means you can’t
“play cool.” Be a dork, be honest, and make fun of yourself and others. This
conveys conidence (dominance) because you clearly don’t care about people
rejecting you, but it also helps others come of their shells.
A disclaimer: not everyone is going to like you. The more expressive you are,
the stronger people’s opinions are towards you – look at celebrities. Some
people love Colin Farrell, some “hate” him. Look at musicians – Prince for
example. I love the 80’s Prince, but I hate the 90’s Prince. Why do I even have
such strong opinions? Because he’s expressive and “out there” so he garners
strong reactions. The more expressive and free you are with how you behave,
the more politicized people will be. Learn to accept this and not focus on it.
I always try to remind myself that one day I will be on the verge of death and
that I’ll want to look back on my life and say to myself, “I was ME all the
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