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Find Out How to Transform
Your Mental, Emotional and
Physical Health… in
If you’re searching for more energy,
more abundance, more peace, more
anything…or just relief from anxiety and
Get your own copy of the documentary
“The Tapping Solution”,
or watch the trailer, at
Explore the possibility that you could be
freed from emotional and physical blocks
in minutes with a technique that is easy
to learn and simple to apply.
Consider joining the Tapping Insiders
Club and get access to an incredible
amount of information – articles,
interviews, and video recordings – about
Meridian Tapping, Energy Psychology,
and so much more, from world leaders in
their fields.
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p
y o u r s e l f a n d o t h e r s ,
a n d o t h e r s , p l e a s e
p l e a s e v i s i t :
v i s i t :
w w w . T h e T a p p i n g S o l u t i o n . c o m
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p y o u r s e l f
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Table of Contents
Introduction and History of Meridian Tapping
By Nick Ortner
Meridian Tapping and The Law of Attraction - A Perfect Match
(Parts One and Two)
By Carol Look, PhD, EFT Master
Why is the “Choices Method” a Powerful Alternative to our
Standard Tapping Procedures?
By Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., EFT Master, EFT Cert Honors.
A Tapping Formula for Specific Trauma (Parts One and Two)
By Maggie Adkins , EFT Master
The End of All Problems!
By Margaret Munoz, EFT Practitioner
Breaking the Cycle of Self-Created Stress
By Rue Hass
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p
y o u r s e l f a n d o t h e r s ,
a n d o t h e r s , p l e a s e
p l e a s e v i s i t :
v i s i t :
w w w . T h e T a p p i n g S o l u t i o n . c o m
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p y o u r s e l f
Introduction and History of Meridian
By Nicolas Ortner, Creator of “The Tapping Solution” (formerly
“Try It On Everything”
Millions of people are settling for lives filled with poor health and
emotional baggage. Not knowing how to achieve the joyful and
satisfying lives they desire, they're stuck accepting a lifestyle of
emotional trauma, chronic physical pain, compulsions and addictions,
or perhaps just an empty feeling inside. Along with these problems
come pills to kill the pain, sleep at night, and suppress anxiety – but
this "cure" is hardly better than the disease.
If you're like many people, you feel trapped, caught in this cycle.
You're tired of feeling sad, depressed, anxious, discontent, and unwell.
You're sick of the expensive and ineffective treatments. You're fed up
with relinquishing the power over your health and happiness to
psychologists and doctors. You'd like to grow, flourish, and thrive,
putting the past in the past. You want to be your best, living a life that
is filled with peacefulness, joy, and fulfillment, from day to day and
moment to moment.
With Meridian Tapping, you can do that. You can discover the vital
secret for emotional wholeness and physical relief. You can take your
physical and emotional well-being into your own hands. It's simple for
anyone to master, and it's free.
Meridian Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional
problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post-traumatic stress
disorder, and physical diseases. While Tapping is newly set to
revolutionize the field of health and wellness, the healing concepts that
it's based upon have been in practice in Eastern medicine for over
5,000 years. Like acupuncture and acupressure, Meridian Tapping
consists of a set of techniques that utilize the body's energy meridian
points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them
with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body's own energy and
healing power.
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p
y o u r s e l f a n d o t h e r s ,
a n d o t h e r s , p l e a s e
p l e a s e v i s i t :
v i s i t :
w w w . T h e T a p p i n g S o l u t i o n . c o m
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p y o u r s e l f
Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life,
energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With Meridian
Tapping, you can take control of that power.
So, How Does It All Work?
“The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s
energy system.”
-Gary Craig, founder of EFT, a form of Meridian Tapping
This fundamental principle is the basis of Meridian Tapping. All
negative emotions are felt through a disruption of the body's energy.
And physical pain and disease are intricately connected to negative
emotions. Health problems create feedback – physical symptoms
cause emotional distress, and unresolved emotional problems manifest
themselves through physical symptoms. So, the body's health must
be approached as a whole. You cannot treat the symptoms without
addressing the cause, and vice-versa.
The body, like everything in the universe, is composed of energy.
Restore balance to the body's energy, and you will mend the negative
emotions and physical symptoms that stem from the energy
disruption. Meridian Tapping restores the body's energy balance, and
negative emotions are conquered.
The basic technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at
hand: a fear or anxiety, a bad memory, an unresolved problem, or
anything that's bothering you. While maintaining your mental focus on
this issue, use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times each on 9 of the body's
meridian points. Tapping on these meridian points – while
concentrating on accepting and resolving the negative emotion – will
access your body's energy, restoring it to a balanced state.
You may be wondering about these meridians. Put simply, energy
circulates through your body along a specific network of channels. You
can tap into this energy at any point along the system.
This concept comes from the doctrines of traditional Chinese medicine,
which referred to the body's energy as "ch'i." In ancient times, the
Chinese discovered 100 meridian points. They also discovered that by
stimulating these meridian points, they could heal. Call it energy, call
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p
y o u r s e l f a n d o t h e r s ,
a n d o t h e r s , p l e a s e
p l e a s e v i s i t :
v i s i t :
w w w . T h e T a p p i n g S o l u t i o n . c o m
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h o w y o u c a n h e l p y o u r s e l f
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