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I write to offer you the insurance indemnity as an approved volunteer for Lincolnshire County Council.  To give you peace of mind, volunteers are automatically covered by our basic accident cover but by signing this document you will also be covered against any claims made against you, subject to the exceptions set out below.


The contents of this letter are prescribed by the County Council’s insurers.  I would ask that you read it carefully and sign below before returning to the office.


This letter is to confirm that I have given approval for you to work in this establishment as an authorised volunteer.  As part of this authorisation process the County Council will, subject to the exceptions set out below, indemnify authorised volunteers against all claims (including payment of costs) made against them, and will not itself make claims against them for any loss or damage (other than claims falling within the cover provided to its volunteers under any policy of insurance taken out by the County Council, or any motor vehicle policy taken out by the volunteer) occasioned by any neglect, act, error or omission committed by volunteers in or about the pursuit of their duties on behalf of the County Council whilst acting as authorised volunteers.


The indemnity will not extend to loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or arising from:

·         Fraud, dishonestly or a criminal offence on the part of the volunteer


·         Any neglect, error or omission by the volunteer otherwise than in the course of his/her authorised activities as a volunteer


·         Liability in respect of surcharges made by the County Council’s auditors


The indemnity will not apply if a volunteer, without the written authority of the County Council, admits liability or negotiates, or attempts to negotiate, a settlement of any claim falling within the scope of this indemnity.


I realise that these provisions are written in legalistic terms, but simple put they mean that you will be indemnified against claims, other than exceptions mentioned, as long as you do not admit liability or negotiate, or try to negotiate, a settlement.


If you have any queries about this letter, please speak to me in the first instance.  Otherwise, please sign both copies of the letter below return one copy to me.


Yours sincerely





I acknowledge that I am authorised to volunteer for Lincolnshire County Council as an authorised volunteer and also that I understand the provisions of the County Council’s scheme of indemnity as set out above.










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