Ton Derks, Nico Roymans - Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity, The Role of Power and Tradition (2009).pdf

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fc omslag AAS13 V3:V3
the role of
power and tradition
Ethnic Constructs
Amsterdam University Press
in Antiquity
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Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity
   13
Editorial Board:
Prof. dr. E.M. Moormann
Prof. dr. W. Roebroeks
Prof. dr. N. Roymans
Prof. dr. F. Theuws
Other titles in the series:
N. Roymans (ed.): From the Sword to the Plough
Three Studies on the Earliest Romanisation of Northern Gaul
ISBN 90 5356 237 0
T. Derks: Gods, Temples and Ritual Practices
The Transformation of Religious Ideas and Values in Roman Gaul
ISBN 90 5356 254 0
A. Verhoeven: Middeleeuws gebruiksaardewerk in Nederland (8e – 13e eeuw)
ISBN 90 5356 267 2
F. Theuws / N. Roymans (eds): Land and Ancestors
Cultural Dynamics in the Urnfield Period and the Middle Ages in the Southern Netherlands
ISBN 90 5356 278 8
J. Bazelmans: By Weapons made Worthy
Lords, Retainers and Their Relationship in Beowulf
ISBN 90 5356 325 3
R. Corbey / W. Roebroeks (eds): Studying Human Origins
Disciplinary History and Epistemology
ISBN 90 5356 464 0
M. Diepeveen-Jansen: People, Ideas and Goods
New Perspectives on ‘Celtic barbarians’ in Western and Central Europe (500-250 BC)
ISBN 90 5356 481 0
G. J. van Wijngaarden: Use and Appreciation of Mycenean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy
(ca. 1600-1200 BC)
The Significance of Context
ISBN 90 5356 482 9
F.A. Gerritsen: Local Identities
Landscape and community in the late prehistoric Meuse-Demer-Scheldt region
ISBN 90 5356 588 4
N. Roymans: Ethnic Identity and Imperial Power
The Batavians in the Early Roman Empire
ISBN 90 5356 705 4
J.A.W. Nicolay: Armed Batavians
Use and significance of weaponry and horse gear from non-military contexts in the Rhine delta (50 bc to ad 450
ISBN 978 90 5356 253 6
M. Groot: Animals in ritual and economy in a Roman frontier community
Excavations in Tiel-Passewaaij
ISBN 978 90 8964 0 222
Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity
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This book meets the requirements of ISO 9706: 1994, Information and documentation – Paper
for documents – Requirements for permanence.
Cover illustration: Reverse of an Augustan denarius (RIC 201a), showing a barbarian in Germanic dress
who hands over a child as hostage to emperor Augustus (cf. Roymans this volume ig. 9).
Cover design: Kok Korpershoek, Amsterdam
Lay-out: Bert Brouwenstijn, ACVU Amsterdam
ISBN 978 90 8964 078 9
NUR 682
© Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2009
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may
be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the written permission of both
the copyright owner and the editors of this book.
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