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Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
305 A
305 (IX.1 1)
and by @“(jr) the set of thomotopy classes
of mappings in %“(f’) relative to L. The set
&O(f’) consists of a single element ‘because of
the arcwise connectedness of Y, @(f’) is non-
empty, and @‘(f’) (na 2) may be empty. Let ,f”
be an element of @“(f’). If we consider the
restriction off” to the boundary Oni1 of an
oriented (n + l)-cell (r”+’ of K, then f”: $‘+l -t
Y determines an element c(f”, on+‘) of the
thomotopy group 7~,,(Y) (- 202 Homotopy
Theory). This element gives a measure of ob-
struction for extending f” to the interior of
C?+I. We obtain an (n+ 1)-tcocycle c”+‘(f”) of
the tsimplicial pair (K, L) with coefficients in
n,J Y), called the obstruction cocycle off”, by
assigning c(fn,a”+‘) to each (n+ l)-ce11 a”+‘.
This obstruction cocycle c”“(f”) is the mea-
sure of obstruction for extending f” to R”“. A
necessary and sufflcient condition for the
extensibility is given by c”“(f”) ==0. Clearly,
c”+l (j”“) is uniquely determined for each ele-
ment f of @“(f’). The set of a11c”+‘(f”) with
S”E@“(~‘) forms a subset o”+‘(f’) of the group
of cocycles Z”‘l(K, L; n,(Y)). @“‘l(f) is non-
empty if and only if o”+l(,f’) contains the zero
element 0.
(K x 1). Given two mappings SO, fi : K-t Y
satisfying f. 1L =f, 1L, we cari defïne a natural
mapping F’ : La -) Y such that an element
F” of @“(F’) corresponds to a thomotopy
h”-’ relative to L connecting f. ( K”-’ with
fi 1K”-‘. Given an element F”E@“(F’), we
have the element P’(F”) of Z”“(Km, L”;
n,(Y)), which we identify with Z”(K, L; n,(Y))
through the natural isomorphism of chain
groups of the pair (Ko, L”) to those of the
pair (K, L). Thus we cari regard c”+‘(F”) as an
element of Z”(K, L; 7c”(Y)), which is denoted
by d”(f,, h”-‘,f,), and cal1 it the separation (or
difference) cocycle. If ,jo ( R”-l =SI ) i?‘, we
have the canonical mapping F”: L” U (Ko)
* Y, and the separation cocycle is denoted
simply by d”(fo,fi). The set of :separation
cocycles corresponding to elements of @“(Fr) is
considered to be a subset of Z”(K, L; n,( Y))
and is denoted by o”(.fO,fi). A necessary and
sufflcient condition for h”-’ to be extensible
to a homotopy on l?” is d”(f,,h”-‘,f,)=O.
Therefore a necessary and suffccient condition
for f0 1R” =fi ( R” (rel L) (i.e., relative to L) is
O~o”(f,,f,). Givenf;,f;:K”-tYwithfO[L=
.fTIL, then d”(&‘,h”-‘,f;) (~o’(f;,f;)) is
an element of Z”(K”, L; 7c”(Y)): which is also
considered to be a cochain of the pair (K, L).
In this sense, we ca11 @(SO, h” -‘, ,f,“) the sepa-
ration (or deformation) cochain over (K, L).
The coboundary of the separation cochain
d”(fl, h”-‘,,f;) coincides (except possibly for
sign) with c”“(&‘)-c”“(f,“).
For a tïxed fo E a>“( f’), any n-cochain dn
A. History
The theory of obstructions aims at measuring
the extensibility of mappings by means of
algebraic tools. Such classical results as the
+Brouwer mapping theorem and Hopf’s exten-
sion and tclassification theorems in homotopy
theory might be regarded as the origins of this
theory. A systematic study of the theory was
initiated by S. Eilenberg [l] in connection
with the notions of thomotopy and tcoho-
mology groups, which were introduced at the
same time. A. Komatu and P. Olum [L] ex-
tended the theory to mappings into spaces not
necessarily +n-simple. For mappings of poly-
hedra into certain special spaces, the +homo-
topy classification problem, closely related to
the theory of obstructions, was solved in the
following cases (K” denotes an m-dimensional
polyhedron): K”+‘+S” (N. Steenrod [SI), Knt2
4s” (J. Adem), Kntk*Y, where ni( Y)=0 for
i <n and n < i < n + k (M. Nakaoka). There
are similar results by L. S. Pontryagin, M.
Postnikov, and S. Eilenberg and S. MacLane.
Except for the special cases already noted, it is
extremely difflcult to discuss higher obstruc-
tions in general since they involve many com-
plexities. Nevertheless, it is significant that the
idea of obstructions has given rise to various
important notions in modern algebraic topol-
ogy, including cohomology operations (- 64
Cohomology Operations) and characteristic
classes (- 56 Characteristic Classes).
The notion of obstruction is also very useful
in the treatment of cross sections of fiber bun-
dles (- 147 Fiber Bundles), tdiffeomorphisms
of differentiable manifolds, etc.
B. General Theory for an n-Simple Space Y
The question of whether two (continuous)
mappings of a topological space X into an-
other space Y are +homotopic to each other
cari be reduced to the extensibility of the given
mapping: (X x {O))U(X x {l})+ Y to a map-
ping of the product X x 1 of X and the unit
interval I= [0, 11 into Y. Therefore the prob-
lem of classifying mappings cari be treated
in the same way as that of the extension of
Let K be a tpolyhedron, L a subpolyhedron
of K, and R” = LU K” the union of L and the
+n-skeleton K” of K. Let Y be an tarcwise
connected n-simple space, and ,f’ be a mapping
of L into Y. Denote by O”(f’) the set of map-
pings of I?” into Y that are extensions off’,
305 c
of the pair (K, L) with coefficients in n,(Y)
is expressible as a separation cochain d”=
d”(fl,f;) wheref/EQ”(f’) is a suitable map-
ping such that fil R”-’ =fr” 1R”-’ (existence
Therefore if we take an element f”-’ of
@-I(f’) whose obstruction cocycle c”(f”-‘)
is zero, the set of a11 obstruction cocycles
c”“(J”) of a11 such ~“E@“(S’) that are exten-
sions off”-’ forms a subset of O”“(f’) and
coincides with a coset of Z”+‘(K, L; n,(Y))
factored by B”+‘(K, L; rcL,(Y)). Thus a coho-
mology class ?+r(f”-~)EH”+~(K, L; rrn( Y))
corresponds to an f”-’ E Qn-l (f’) such that
c”(f”-‘) = 0, and ?“+i(f”-‘) = 0 is a necessary
and sufftcient condition for f”-’ to be exten-
sible to
I?“” (first extension theorem).
For the separation cocycle, d”(f,, h”-‘,fJ~
H”(K, L;a,(Y)) corresponds to each homotopy
h”-’ on I?n-Z such that d”-‘(f,, h”-‘,f,)=O,
and 6”( f& h”-‘, fi) = 0 is a necessary and
sufficient condition for h”-’ to be extensible to
a homotopy on R” (tirst homotopy theorem).
The subset of H”+‘(K, L, K,( Y)) correspond-
ing to on+’ (f ‘) is denoted by On+’ (f ‘) and is
called the obstruction to an (n + 1)dimensional
extension off ‘. Similarly, the subset On( fo, fi)
of H”(K, L, n,( Y)) corresponding to o”( fo, fi) is
called the obstruction to an ndimensional
homotopy connecting f. with fi. Clearly, a
condition for
to be extensible to Rn+’ is
given by 0 E O”+l (f ‘), and a necessary and
sufftcient condition for f. 1K” = fi 1K” (rel L) is
given by OeO”(fo, fi).
A continuous mapping <p:(K’, L’)+(K, L)
induces homomorphisms of cohomology
groups ‘p*: H”+‘(K, L; n,( Y))+H”+‘(K’, L’,
n,(Y)), H”(K, L; w,( Y))+H”(K’, L’; n,(Y)). Then
for f’:LtY, O”“(f’ocp)~rp*O”+‘(f’), and
for f,, fi : K + Y such that f. 1L = fi ) L, On( f, o
cp,f, o cp)~ p*O”( fo, fi). Therefore we also lïnd
that the obstruction to an extension and the
obstruction to a homotopy are independent
of the choice of subdivisions of K, L, and con-
sequently are topological invariants.
Let fo, fi, and fi be mappings K-* Y such
that f. 1L = fi 1L = f, 1L. Given homotopies
f2 1R”-’ (rel L), then for the composite h”,;’ =
h;;’ o ht;‘, we have
general, if On( fo, fi) is nonempty, it is a coset
of H”(K, L; x,(Y)) factored by the subgroup
O”(f,, fo). Combined with the existence theo-
rem on separation cochains, this cari be uti-
lized to show the following theorem.
Assume that O”(f ‘) is nonempty. The set
of a11 elements @‘(f ‘) that are extensions of
an element of @-l (f ‘) is put in one-to-one
correspondence with the quotient group of
Hn(I?‘, L; A,( Y)) modulo On( fo, fô) by pairing
the obstruction On( fô, f “) with each f” for a
fixed fô. Among such elements of @“( f ‘), the
set off” that are extensible to @+’ is in one-
to-one correspondence with the quotient
group of H”(R”+1
,L; ~n(Y))=H”(KL; G(Y))
modulo the subgroup On( fô”, f$+‘), assuming
is extended to fo”+’ (fkst classification
C. Primary Obstructions
Assume that H’+‘(K, L; ni( Y))= H’(K, L; ni( Y))
this case, by consecutive use of the lïrst exten-
sion theorem and the lïrst homotopy theorem,
we cari show that each @(f ‘) (i <p) consists of
a single element and OP+‘( f ‘) also consists of a
single element Pc1 (f ‘) E HP+‘(K, L; xP( Y)). The
element CP+’ (f ‘), called the primary obstruc-
tion off ‘, vanishes if and only if f’ cari be
extended to RP+1 (second extension theorem).
When Hi+’ (K, L; ai(Y)) = 0 for i > p (for exam-
ple, when ai(Y) = 0 for p ci < dim(K -L)),
f’ is extendable to K if and only if the first ob-
struction off’ vanishes (third extension
Correspondingly, if H’(K, L; zi( Y))=
Hi-’ (K, L; rci( Y)) = 0 (0 < i < p), then for any
two mappings fo, fi : K-+ Y, f. (L = fi 1L,
Op(fo, fi) consists of a single element dP(fo, fi)
E HP(K, L; rcp( Y)), which we cal1 the primary
difference off0 and fi. This element vanishes
if and only if f0 1l@’ = fi 1&’ (rel L) (second
homotopy theorem). Moreover, when H’(K, L;
rci( Y)) = 0 (i > p), the primary difference is zero
if and only if f. E fi (rel L) (third homotopy
Assume that the hypotheses of the second
extension theorem and second homotopy
theorem are satistïed. If we assign to each
element f P of @‘(f ‘) the primary difference of
f P and the tïxed element f{, then Gi”( f ‘) is in
one-to-one correspondence with HP(RP, L;
rcp( Y)) by the lïrst classification theorem (sec-
ond classification theorem). Similarly, assume
that the hypotheses of the third extension
theorem and third homotopy theorem are
satisfîed. Iff,:K+ Y,
f’=& 1L,
then homotopy
classes relative to L of extensions f off’ are
put in one-to-one correspondence with the
and for the inverse homotopy h;;’ : f, 1Z?‘-l T
f. 1R”-’ of h”,;‘, clearly
Therefore O”(fO,fO) forms a subgroup of
H”(K, L, nnn(Y)) that is determined by the
homotopy class off0 1em1 relative to L. In
305 D
elements of HP(K, L; xp( Y)) by pairing dp(,f;fO)
with ,f (tbird classification theorem).
ferential equations by reducing the operations
of differentiation and integration into alge-
brait ones in a symbolic manner. The idea
was initiated by P. S. Laplace in his Théorie
analytique des probabilités (18 12), but the
method has acquired popularity since 0.
Heaviside used it systematically in the late
19th Century to solve electric-circuit problems.
The method is therefore also callec. Heaviside
calculus, but Heaviside gave only a forma1
method of calculus without bothering with
rigorous arguments. The mathematical foun-
dations were given in later years, tïrst in terms
of +Laplace transforms, then by ap:$ying the
theory of tdistributions. One of the motiva-
tions behind L. Schwartz’s creation of this
latter theory in the 1940s was to give a sound
foundation for the forma1 method, but the
theory obtained has had a much larger range
of applications. Schwartz’s theory was based
on the newly developed theory of +topological
linear spaces. On the other hand, J. Mikusin-
ski gave another foundation, based only on
elementary algebrdic notions and on Titch-
marsh’s theorem, whose proof has recently
been much simplifïed.
In this article, we fïrst explain the simple
theory established by Mikusinski [2] and later
discuss its relation to the classical Laplace
transform method.
D. Secondary Obstructions
For simplicity, assume that ni(Y) = 0 (i< p and
p < i < q). If the primary obstruction CP+I (f’)~
(K, L; 7~,,(Y)) off’: L-t Y vanishes, we cari
detïne 04+’ (,f’) c H4+’ (K, L; 7rIq(Y)), which we
cal1 the secondary obstruction off’. When Y =
SP, q = p + 1, p > 2, the secondary obstruction
Op”(f’) coincides with a coset of HpfZ(K, L;
Z,) modulo the subgroup Sq2(HP(K, L; Z)),
where Sq’ denotes the +Steenrod square
operation [S]. In this case, if L = KP, then
Op”(,f’) reduces to a cohomology class,
Sq’(i*)-‘f’*(o) with i: L+K, where o is a gen-
erator of HP(SP, Z) (in this case (i*)m’f’*(a) #
0 is equivalent to ?“(f’)=O) [S]. Moreover,
if Sq2f’*(a) = 0, then there exists a suitable
+ Y = SP of ,f’. The set of
obstruction cocycles of all such fp” defïnes
the tertiary obstruction Op+3(
‘), which coin-
cides wit h a coset of Hp+3(K, L; Z,) modulo the
subgroup SqZ(HP”(K, L; Z,)). By using the
tsecondary cohomology operation 0 of J.
Adem, it cari be expressed as @((i*)-‘f’*(o))
(- 64 Cohomology Operations).
All the propositions in this article remain
true if we take +CW complexes instead of
polyhedra K.
B. The Operational Calculus of Mikusibski
[l] S. Eilenberg, Cohomology and continuous
mappings, Ann. Math., (2) 41 (1940), 231-251.
[2] P. Olum, Obstructions to extensions and
homotopies, Ann. Math., (2) 52 (1950) l-50.
[3] P. Olum, On mappings into spaces in
which certain homotopy groups vanish, Ann.
Math., (2) 57 (1953) 561-574.
[4] N. E. Steenrod, The topology of fibre
bundles, Princeton Univ. Press, 1951.
[5] N. E. Steenrod, Products of cocycles and
extensions of mappings, Ann. Math., (2) 48
(1947), 290-320.
[6] E. H. Spanier, Algebraic topology,
The set % of all continuous complex-valued
functions a = {a(t)} defïned on t 2 0 is a tlinear
space with the usual addition and scalar multi-
plication. %?is a +Commutative algebra with
multiplication a. b detïned by the tconvolution
{S;u(t-s)b(s)ds}. Th
e ring W has no +zero
divisors (Titchmarsh’s theorem). (There have
been several interesting proofs of Titchmarsh’s
theorem since the tïrst demonstratilon given
by Titchmarsh himself [3]. For example, a
simple proof has been published by C. Ryll-
Nardzewski (1952).) Hence we cari construct
the tquotient field -2 of the ring %. An element
of 2 is called a Mikusitiski operator, or simply
an operator. If we deiïne a(t) = 0 for
< 0 for
the elements {a(t)} in ??, then V? is a subalgebra
of %VI,which is the set of all locally integrable
(locally L,) functions in (-a, a) uhose +sup-
port is bounded below. Here we identify two
functions that coincide almost everywhere.
The algebra J& has no zero divisor, and its
quotient tïeld is also 2.
The unity element for multiplication in %,
denoted by 6 = b/b (b #O), plays the role of the
+Dirac &function. It is sometimes called the
impulse function. The operator 1= { 1) ~‘6 is the
306 (X11.20)
Operational Calculus
A. General Remarks
The term “operational calculus” in the usual
sense means a method for solving tlinear dif-
306 C
Operational Calculus
function that takes the values 0 and 1 accord-
ing as t < 0 or t > 0. This operator is Heavi-
side’s function and is sometimes called the
unit function. Usually it is denoted by l(t)
or simply 1. The value l(0) may be arbitrary,
but usually it is detïned as 1/2, the mean of the
limit values from both sides. The operator I is
an integral operator, because, as an operator
carrying a into I. a, it yields
sented by
where we assume that Âo, 1,). . . , i, exhaust the
roots of the equation o(L) = 0, 1, is a multiple
root of degree 1, and a11other roots are simple
(WI = n - 1). The above formula is called the
expansion theorem.
More generally, the operator {t”-‘/I(n)} (ReÂ.
> 0) gives the Âth-order integral. The operator
s = 611, which is the inverse operator of 1, is a
differential operator. If a E +Zis of tclass C’ ,
then we have
= the integral of a over [0, t].
C. Limits of Operators
A sequence a, of operators is said to converge
to the limit a = b/q if there exists an operator
q( # 0) such that q. a, EV and the sequence
of functions q. a, converges tuniformly to b
on compact sets. The limit a is determined
uniquely without depending on the operator q.
Based on this notion of limits of operators, we
cari construct the theory of series of operators
and differential and integral calculus of func-
tions of an independent variable i whose
values are operators. They are completely
parallel to the usual theories of elementary
calculus (- 106 Differential Calculus; 216
Integral Calculus; 379 Series). A linear partial
differential equation in the function V(X,
two variables, in particular its initial value
problem, reduces to a linear ordinary differen-
tial equation of an operational-valued
Similarly, if UEW is of class C”, we have
+ . +a(O)s”-1.
The operator U+S. a cari be applied to func-
tions a that are not differentiable in the ordi-
nary sense, and considering the application of
s to be the operation of differentiation, we cari
treat the differential operator algebraically in
the tïeld 02. In particular, we have s. 1 = 6, and
this relation is frequently represented by the
A rational function of s whose numerator is
of lower degree than its denominator is an
telementary function of t. For example, we
have the relations
tion of an independent variable x.
For a given operator w, the solution (if
it exists) of the differential equation v’(1) =
w. <p(Â) with the initial condition C~(O)= 6 is
unique, is called the exponential function of an
operator w, and is denoted by ~(1) = e”“. If the
power series
s/(s2 +/32) = {cos~t}.
j. I”w”/n!
The solution of an ordinary linear differ-
ential equation with constant coefficients
C:=,, a,<p(‘)(t) =f(t) under the tinitial condition
C~“)(O) = yi (0 < i <n - 1) is thus reduced to an
equation in s by using formulas (1) and (2), and
is computed by decomposing the following
operator into partial fractions:
converges, the limit is identical to the exponen-
tial function e”‘“. However, there are several
cases in which eAWexists even when the series
(6) of operators does not converge.
For example, for w = - &, we have
e -d=
, (7)
and for w = -s, we have
whereLi=~,+l~o+~,+2~l + . .. +w~-,-~,
0 < r < n - 1. The general solution is repre-
sented by (5) if we consider the constants yo,
. . . ,yn-i or fio, . ,jI-i as arbitrary parameters.
If the rational function in the right-hand side
of (5) is M@)/L)(s) and the degree of the numer-
ator is less than that of the denominator, then
the right-hand side of (5) is explicitly repre-
where the function
takes the values 0 and
1 according as
< 1 or
> 1.
belongs to
the ring @ and is called the jump function at Â.
we have
and hence we cal1 (8) the translation operator
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