Bishop's Journal.pdf

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Table of Contents
My name is Bishop, and I'm a Sarge-aholic!...................................................................................................................... 3
"Sarging a Songbird".......................................................................................................................................................... 5
"Banging a Blabbering Babe!" ........................................................................................................................................... 8
BISHOP'S POSTS............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Subject: Passport Pleasure...................................................................................................................................... 11
Subject: Banging a Babe in Beijing........................................................................................................................ 31
Subject: Bishop's Bookstore Babe.......................................................................................................................... 38
Subject: OH MY GOD, BISH F$#%ED JENNY!!!............................................................................................... 54
"Clean Up on Aisle 5".................................................................................................................................................. 67
Subject: "Banging a Bored Housewife" ....................................................................................................................... 71
"Making Michelle Moan"............................................................................................................................................. 76
Bishop's Success Stories Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 83
Pages 1 - 4 "Sarging a Songbird" ................................................................................................................................. 83
Pages 5 - 7 "Banging a Blabbering Babe".................................................................................................................... 84
Pages 8 - 29 "Passport Pleasure".................................................................................................................................. 84
Pages 29 - 36 "Banging a Babe in Beijing".................................................................................................................. 87
Pages 37 -45 "Bishop's Bookstore Babe"..................................................................................................................... 91
Pages 45 - 53 "Bishop's Bookstore Babe (The Dinner)" .............................................................................................. 93
Pages 53 - 60 "OH MY GOD, BISH F$#%ED JENNY!!!"......................................................................................... 95
Pages 60 - 68 "OH MY GOD, BISH F$#°/oED JENNY!" ( The Loooong ................................................................. 97
Conclusion) .................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Pages 69 - 72 "Clean Up On Aisle 5" .......................................................................................................................... 98
Pages 73 - 76 "Banging a Bored Housewife"............................................................................................................... 99
Pages 73 - 76 "Banging a Bored Housewife"............................................................................................................. 100
Pages 77 - 82 "Making Michelle Moan!"................................................................................................................... 100
Pages 77 - 82 "Making Michelle Moan!"................................................................................................................... 101
Bishop: From Dark Ages to Pink Abundance ................................................................................................................ 102
The Bishop's Sarging Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 106
Bishop's Opinion of Women .......................................................................................................................................... 107
Dressing for the Hunt ..................................................................................................................................................... 111
Bishop's Phone Sarging Strategy.................................................................................................................................... 112
"To be, or to pretend to be, that is the question." ........................................................................................................... 115
"Is It 'Excuse me, forgive the interruption... ' or 'Forgive the interruption, but... '?".................................................. 115
The "What Hypnosis Is" Pattern ................................................................................................................................ 116
The Wonderful World of ANCHORING ....................................................................................................................... 117
Bishop's Bedroom .......................................................................................................................................................... 124
Patterns and Stories ........................................................................................................................................................ 128
A Warm Fuzzy ........................................................................................................................................................... 128
The Rain of Desire ..................................................................................................................................................... 129
The Sapphire Flower .................................................................................................................................................. 130
"Pondering The Innermost Thoughts of a Butterfly" Story........................................................................................ 130
The Diamond Dragon................................................................................................................................................. 132
The Whisper of Anticipation...................................................................................................................................... 133
The Lover's Dance...................................................................................................................................................... 133
The Lover's Dance 2: To The Garden Once More ..................................................................................................... 133
The "Center of Energy" Pattern.................................................................................................................................. 134
The Lovers Ring - MASTER'S OF A.S.S. Edition .................................................................................................... 135
The "Soul Jewelry" Pattern' The MASTERS OF A.S.S. Edition ............................................................................... 135
The Star of Bishop ..................................................................................................................................................... 137
The "Adventurer vs Explorer" Pattern ....................................................................................................................... 137
"Amazing Women" Pattern ........................................................................................................................................ 138
The "Long Distance Relationship" Pattern................................................................................................................. 138
The Iced Tea Pattern .................................................................................................................................................. 139
"New Technologies" Pattern ...................................................................................................................................... 139
The "Seduction Land" Pattern.................................................................................................................................... 139
The "Secrets" Pattern ................................................................................................................................................. 140
"Companionship vs Romance" Pattern ...................................................................................................................... 140
The Mermaid and the Blowfish.................................................................................................................................. 141
My name is Bishop, and I'm a Sarge-aholic!
Since you didn't buy this book to read about me, or to read that I actually DO
respect women, or that I think 42DD is as big as I like a woman's breasts, or
that my favorite part of foreplay is going down on a babe, or that I only take a
woman to dinner if she's independent enough to pay, I won't tell you about any
of that! Instead, I'll offer some suggestions on getting the most out of this
book! Here are some suggestions, use them or ignore them, it's completely up to
1.) Read this entire book multiple times. Why? Because in these stories I am
giving you a MASSIVE amount of knowledge, ideas, and tools to use, and your mind
Just won't retain it all in a single reading. You'll be amazed how you're going
to find little nuggets of inspirational stuff that you missed the first time, or
even the third time you read the stories!
2.) If you have a tape recorder, or micro-recorder, have it close by, because
you never know when you'll get an idea from one of these stories (Writing it
down is too slow, so you might forget something. Besides, you'll want a recorder
to practice your tonality anyway)
3.) Don't try reading the entire book in one sitting! And take at least a 10 -
15 minute break between stories, so you can absorb the information.
4.) HAVE FUN? I didn't put together this book to make you feel like you were
in grade school again, I did it to inspire you! So don't just use what I share
in this book, allow it to inspire you to develop your own "get laid" patterns,
poems, and stories! Let's face it, if it you ain't having fun with Speed
Seduction, you're FS%#ING yourself!!!
Some pitfalls and pratfalls went into making this a book you are actually
holding in your hands, so I feel compelled to thank some people who were there
for me when a couple of little armageddons occurred, and some folks who were a
great , inspiration for me.
First, I would not be able to bring this to you if not for Ross Jeffries, who is
someone I trust and whom I'm fortunate enough to call my friend (And I neither
"trust" nor keep "friends" much)
Brother Riker was kind enough to gather some of the stories I seemed to have
misplaced, and for taking the time to be a doctor to my computer when it was
ready to give birth to this book, and complications arose.
Thanks to Yates Canipe, who on top of being a wonderful energy to be around, is
just as important for this book being available. Thanks, Yates, dinner's on me
when you're in town!
Thanks to Richard Brodie, who gave me the idea to gather my stories and publish
them. You get a free meal too, Richard, whenever you're in The L.A. area!
Thanks to Brother Rick, Mr. "Banged 5 Babes In One Night" himself! He is a freak
of seduction that has to be seen in person to truly appreciate! I just wish I
could get away with wearing the kind of shirts he does!!!
Thanks to Rene Ross, one of the most intelligent women I have ever met! (And I
swear to God she always finds a front row parking space no matter what mall
we've gone to!!!) She has a way of seeing new angles I never considered, and is
truly the best friend I have ever known. Thank you "Imzadi."
Thanks to Tabby Jean Tigress, for allowing me, a lowly human, to breathe the
same air as she does. I thank her for all, her love and purring, and for
accepting my gifts of toys and shrimp.
And finally, I want to thank Merline Forrester, a diamond in a city full of cut
Of course I don't need to mention that I thank all the Brothers on the Speed
Seduction E-Mail List, for all the input and inspiration, so l won't mention it
after this mention of not mentioning it. Oh, hey. by the way, did I mention...
Enjoy this book, have fun with what you learn, and SARGE ON!
"Sarging a Songbird"
My Brothers, here is a partial transcript from the latest success that I had.
She is a singer, so naturally I used that in my patterns. I started this
transcript at the point where she first revealed herself to be a singer, and
ended it where we both agreed on a "coffee break"
ME: "So, if I were to ask you what gives you the most fulfillment, what would
you reply?"
HER: "The most? Singing at the clubs I get booked at, without a shred of doubt!
That instant gratification of hearing their appreciation, for my singing, gives
me a rush, a legal high."
ME: "I imagine it's as if you have an incredible connection with the entire
audience. Here you are, feeling that rush, and as that feeling gets stronger,
inside, right now, you don't want to walk away from this. You know there's a
connection here." (1)
HER: "Exactly! It's like this high. I don't do drugs, but it's like a drug. It's
an addiction, a legal addiction. But I know that the only way I'm going to get
that high I'm looking for, is if I give the audience a great show. When I do
that, they reward me with their applause. So I look at it, like me and the
audience are giving each other a gift."
ME: "And isn't that an incredible gift to give? It's just like you're sharing a
private moment, with only them. I mean, in this moment, no one else exists, but
you, and whoever is right in front of you. And before you even let one single
note flow from your lips, before you allow your gift to be given, you just STOP,
and ask yourself, what would be the most rewarding feeling to have right now?
And as you allow that feeling to rise to the surface, feeling it get stronger,
and stronger, until finally, you can feel the most incredible connection, as you
look straight ahead, and give your gift to those who can really appreciate it."
HER: "Wow! That was beautiful. Please tell me you write songs! (she laughs)
ME (laughing): "If it will allow me to have even half the energy I can see
rushing through your eyes right now, I'll learn to write songs."
HER: "My eyes? That's a unique way of putting it, I like that. Most people
comment on me having a lot of energy in my smile or something."
ME: "Your smile is but a back up singer, to the spiritual song of your eyes."
HER (Smiling): "Ooh, say that again, I want to write that down." I touch her
arm, and repeat, "Your smile is but a back up singer, to the spiritual song of
your eyes." (3)
HER: "I like that. You must impress quite a few women with your words."
ME: "Only the ones who can fully appreciate, that my words rush out, based on
who is inspiring me."
HER: "I bet your girlfriend must love to hear your words."
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