Król Edyp. Edipo re.txt

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{9914}{9973}You're here to take my place,
{9977}{10040}send me back into the void,
{10043}{10110}and rob me of all i have.
{10439}{10492}Come along, ma'am
{10794}{10858}she'll be the first thing|you steal from me
{10859}{10908}she, the woman i love.
{10908}{10956}You already steal her love.
{11152}{11190}He's asleep.
{11858}{11904}Let's go.
{12029}{12074}Stop it.
{20971}{21045}What swollen little feet!|Tied up so tight...
{21107}{21150}don't cry, don't cry...
{21763}{21793}who is it?
{21798}{21853}- He was alone on mount cithaeron.|(son of fortune)
{21857}{21954}I found him there. He was|crying, so i brought him here
{21958}{22018}- thinking you...|- give him to me, idiot!
{22076}{22125}Son of fortune.
{22157}{22230}See him? He squeals like a goat.
{22234}{22321}This son of fortune|shall be king of corinth.
{24347}{24381}Queen look!
{24410}{24445}The king! The king!
{24788}{24881}Queen, look what i've got here!
{24881}{24927}A gift of the gods!
{24927}{25008}He's cute,|his eyes look like stars.
{25039}{25094}A gift of the gods!
{25165}{25216}Why this look...
{25218}{25288}so sad and grave?|Laugh, instead!
{25302}{25382}Give thanks to the gods.|We have found a son.
{25385}{25460}Give him to me. How you hold him!|Do you want to kill him?
{25464}{25534}Without the slightest delicacy...
{25576}{25642}come, "little swollen feet".
{25646}{25726}Little oedipus, my son...
{26751}{26782}i won!
{26838}{26907}I won! Crown me!
{27037}{27091}I won!
{27098}{27156}Oedipus kicked the disk ahead.
{27159}{27205}See the mark!
{27295}{27463}Foundling! Son of fortune!|False son of your father and mother!
{28349}{28437}i had a bad dream,|but i don't remember it.
{28440}{28547}I woke up crying,|and trembling in the dark.
{28565}{28629}The gods meant|to tell me something.
{28636}{28675}But what,
{28679}{28729}if i can't remember it?
{28730}{28810}I lay awake till dawn came.
{28814}{28889}Afraid of the silence|and the darkness.
{28895}{28937}Mother, father,
{28941}{29043}i'd like to go to delphi|to ask the oracle of apollo,
{29056}{29116}about my dream,|about what i can't remember.
{29120}{29153}Of course, my son.
{29157}{29237}All make a pilgrimage|at least once in their life.
{29242}{29330}To apollo's shrine, rich and poor|to ask about their dreams,
{29333}{29373}and you haven't gone yet.
{29377}{29412}It's beautiful there.
{29414}{29484}I went there with your father|when i was young. Didn't i?
{29486}{29526}Do you remember?
{29527}{29596}It's a real feast,|better than ours.
{29600}{29679}Very well. If you want to go...
{29691}{29788}then go. You'll have|an incomparable escort.
{29795}{29848}No father. I'll go alone.
{29868}{29936}Our son is right.
{29955}{30036}The gods don't care for|display, they want sincerity.
{30055}{30084}When will you leave?
{30116}{30152}Tomorrow at dawn.
{30170}{30218}So soon? At once?
{30228}{30266}Why should i wait?
{30270}{30370}I don't want that dream|to come and torment me again.
{31156}{31237}Don't cry.|I'll be back in a few days.
{31416}{31473}Goodbye son.
{31494}{31547}Goodbye, "little swollen feet".
{31595}{31663}Goodbye father.|Goodbye mother.
{36800}{36878}In your fate it's written|you will kill your father
{36882}{36945}and will make love|with your mother.
{37230}{37303}You understand?|It's written in your fate.
{37307}{37390}You will kill your father|and make love with your mother.
{37406}{37491}This says the god,|and it'll surely come to pass.
{37533}{37576}Now go away.
{37593}{37657}Don't infect people|with your presence.
{43473}{43564}where are you going, my youth?|Where, my life?
{50926}{50967}Out of my way, beggar!
{51067}{51135}I warn you!
{51197}{51287}Off the road!|Watch out!
{65498}{65562}Boy, what happened?
{65566}{65657}Why are all these|people leaving the city,
{65667}{65752}and are camping|here like a tribe of gipsies?
{65761}{65786}Do you know?
{65791}{65885}Of course i know.|I'm messenger, i bring the news,
{65889}{65928}so i have to know.
{66001}{66035}Come with me.
{67674}{67730}That's tiresias, the prophet.
{67809}{67934}Your brothers and fellows weep|searching for salvation.
{67935}{67997}And you're here alone,|blind and singing.
{67999}{68133}I wish i were you!|You sing what's beyond destiny.
{69532}{69598}Our city's misfortune is up there.
{69630}{69734}It came up from a deep abyss|to frighten us.
{69738}{69792}We were all doing fine before.
{69805}{69857}Who could have imagined that?
{69860}{69932}Nobody dares drive it|back to the abyss,
{69936}{70009}even thought the man who does|will marry jocasta,
{70015}{70053}the queen of thebes.
{70057}{70112}And so our city's lost.
{70117}{70202}Everyone's leaving, as|there's no point in staying.
{70898}{70936}Where are you going?
{70938}{70998}Don't go! It's no use!
{71009}{71054}You'll die.
{71094}{71151}Come back! What are you doing?
{71153}{71193}Come back!
{71706}{71788}There's an enigma in your life.|What is it?
{71793}{71848}I don't want to know it.
{71923}{71963}It's useless.
{71988}{72022}I don't want to see you.
{72027}{72097}I don't want to see you.|I don't want to hear you!
{72099}{72207}It's useless. The abyss where|you're thrusting me is inside you.
{72887}{72932}The sphinx is dead!
{73097}{73134}Come! Come!
{73156}{73211}The sphinx is dead!
{73862}{73915}The sphinx is dead!
{75620}{75704}Come to creon!|Come to the queen!
{75706}{75814}You killed the sphynx and|you'll become the queen's husband!
{75814}{75890}You'll be king! Come!
{76118}{76144}There she is.
{80089}{80131}My love.
{84298}{84403}These boys and i|are here to beseech you,
{84413}{84485}not because|we look upon you as a god.
{84489}{84551}When you came here,
{84555}{84613}didn't you rid us of the sphinx?
{84623}{84713}You didn't perform this act|because you're wiser than we.
{84720}{84766}But with a god's help.
{84771}{84857}Therefore oedipus, our king,|we beg you on our knees,
{84862}{84911}find a solution
{84915}{84996}whether prompted|by a god or a man.
{85007}{85060}You who are the best among us,
{85064}{85104}give life back to us.
{85121}{85199}Don't let your reign|be remembered
{85203}{85258}because you upraised us
{85262}{85314}and then let us fall again.
{85609}{85690}I am aware of|the wishes you bring,
{85694}{85741}oh unfortunate citizens.
{85745}{85795}I know how you suffer.
{85799}{85850}But no one suffers more than i.
{85854}{85940}Because your sorrow|touches one alone of you
{85944}{86028}while mine is the sorrow|of all, mine and yours.
{86052}{86106}You haven't awaken me.
{86118}{86187}I was not sleeping, i was crying.
{86198}{86252}Seeking ways to escape.
{86287}{86390}There is only one course.|I have taken it.
{86407}{86482}I have sent my brother-in-law|creon to apollo's shrine.
{86487}{86550}To learn what to do.
{86605}{86692}And having counted the time|since creon left,
{86697}{86732}i am anxious.
{86750}{86791}What's he doing?
{86819}{86889}Why is he so late?|Why hasn't he returned yet?
{87348}{87401}Creon is here.
{87664}{87757}God. May he bring us|a fate of salvation!
{87907}{87977}Creon, my brother-in-law,|my friend!
{87981}{88027}What is the answer?
{88038}{88079}Good news!
{88100}{88161}Even the most horrid|things can end well.
{88165}{88224}We want the answer.
{88262}{88340}Shall i tell it before all|or inside the house?
{88352}{88392}Before all.
{88396}{88453}I suffer for them.
{88458}{88532}"To defeat the disease|which plagues thebes,
{88536}{88600}"the man who spread it|must leave the town".
{88609}{88683}What is he charged with?|What can his sentence be?
{88697}{88755}Death or exile.
{88760}{88843}A murder is the cause|of what's happening here.
{88858}{88909}Who might the victim be?
{88934}{88991}Before you, the king was laius.
{89002}{89077}So i was told.|I never met him.
{89082}{89165}He is the victim. The gods|want his murderer to be punished.
{89165}{89231}How can we find him?
{89235}{89331}Where can we find the traces|of a crime which took place so long ago?
{89333}{89410}Here, the god said.
{89461}{89536}Here. And he added:
{89540}{89615}"What we don't want to know|does not exist,
{89615}{89676}"but what we want to know,
{89807}{89876}Was laius killed in the palace?
{89880}{89940}In the country?|Abroad?
{89948}{90003}He was going to apollo's shrine,
{90045}{90088}and he never returned.
{90091}{90161}No guard or travelling companion
{90165}{90221}witnessed the murder?
{90223}{90277}Only one escaped.
{90286}{90331}And reported one thing.
{90336}{90408}What? From one thing|others can be deduced.
{90418}{90472}Yes, there were rumours.
{90535}{90628}That he wasn't killed by bandits|but by a wayfarer.
{90636}{90674}Who could prove it?
{90679}{90738}The only living witness.
{90741}{90823}Frighten him, and he'll speak.
{90857}{90902}These are my decisions:
{90906}{90962}As you king i command
{90966}{91059}that whoever knows|who killed laius speak,
{91065}{91142}even if he knows|he'd accuse himself.
{91145}{91194}If those who know don't speak,
{91198}{91296}i forbid the men of this nation|which now is mine
{91300}{91380}to welcome him|and pray with him.
{91386}{91453}I shall avenge the slain king
{91459}{91504}as if he were my father.
{91524}{91585}Now that his power has passed to me,
{91589}{91678}and his possessions|and his wife are mine.
{98295}{98350}Tiresias! You're here!
{98352}{98425}I have sent for you,|and from you i'll know all.
{98439}{98499}How terrible knowldge is,
{98525}{98615}when to know is useless|to him who knows.
{98668}{98709}I knew,
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