2 LCCI level 3.pdf

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(Code No: 3041)
Instructions to Candidates
(a) The time allowed for this examination is 3 hours.
(b) Answer all 4 questions.
(c) All questions carry equal marks.
(d) All answers must be clearly and correctly numbered but need not be in numerical order.
(e) While formal accuracy is expected, adequate and appropriate communication is essential and
candidates must judge the length of their answers in this light.
(f) When you finish, check your work carefully.
(g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is
permitted. Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionary.
ASE 3041 1 03 1
You are employed by a small manufacturing company, Premier Products, in the city of Midville. One
of your tasks is to liaise with customers over complaints and suggestions.
You have just received the following letter:
79 Central Avenue
8 March 2003
Dear Sir or Madam
As you can see from my address, I live in the street leading to your factory and I would like
to complain about the way your staff park their cars in the street.
From about 7.30 in the morning until late at night we often cannot park outside our own
houses because your staff seem to prefer to leave their cars in the street rather than use
your car park at the back of the factory. Some cars even block our drives so we cannot get
our own cars into the garage.
I think this could even be dangerous. Often there are so many cars parked in the street that
if there was an emergency a fire engine or ambulance could not get to the houses.
Please do something about this situation, or we will have to take further action.
Yours sincerely
Adam Fischer
Adam Fischer (Mr)
You speak to the company’s manager, Mr Herman Torres, who says to you:
“Oh dear! More complaints from our neighbours. I thought we had resolved this problem when we
extended the car park inside the grounds last year.
“Please be careful what you say to Mr Fischer. We need to maintain a good relationship with the
people in the surrounding streets and we don’t want the local newspaper giving us more bad publicity
after that story about air pollution it published last year.
“But please let Mr Fischer know that there are now plenty of spaces in our car park, but some staff just
can’t be persuaded to use it. I will remind everyone once again about this but there’s little we can do.
Really we aren’t responsible for what our staff do before they start work and after they finish.
“And I wonder if some of the cars don’t belong to our staff. I suspect that some of the employees and
customers at the new supermarket in East Street are parking in Central Avenue. As you know, we
close at 6.00pm, so why would our staff leave their cars until late at night? The supermarket stays
open much later, so maybe we are getting the blame when we are innocent.
“Perhaps you could also gently remind Mr Fischer that we are the largest employer in the locality and
some of our staff live in Central Avenue. Certainly the shops in the areas are very glad of the custom
from our staff.
“I have to say, I do sympathise with him. It must be annoying to be faced with this problem. But we
are doing our best and car parking is a problem everywhere in Midville. Maybe the city council could
do more to provide car parks.”
Write a letter in response to Mr Fischer. You can assume that the company’s headed notepaper is
(25 marks)
You are employed in the local office of a government department in your area. The office deals with
sensitive and confidential information, so there is a high level of security on the site and each entrance
is staffed by a security guard who checks on cars and pedestrians entering the site.
The location of the site and the entrances is shown in the plan on the next page.
The government department is now investigating the costs of maintaining the security of the site and
has decided that it is not viable for 3 entrances to be maintained; one must be closed, and replaced by
an extension of the perimeter fence.
The management of the local office has been asked to decide which entrance to close, and you have
been given the task of writing a report with recommendations to the Office Manager, Ms Marianne
Alquist. You make some enquiries and carry out some investigations about Entrances 1, 2 and 3 (see
plan) and your notes appear below:
Staff – seem to use all 3 entrances. 1 and 2 used by cars and pedestrians – 3 mainly cars (3 used
Most staff travel from town – pedestrians use local bus (stops at corner of 4 th Avenue and Central
2 is most congested – on main road – but cars using 1 and 3 then find it difficult to get into Central
Boulevard from 4 th and 5 th Avenue.
Local school feels 3 is potential traffic hazard as it is opposite school entrance – local police prefer
car drivers to use 1 or 3 as 2 is on main road.
2 is closest to main door for pedestrians. 1 is closest to car park for car drivers.
Using the information from the map and the notes, write a report making recommendations as to
which entrance should be closed.
(25 marks)
You work for a small company in your area that has recently made the decision to trade “on-line”,
selling its products by means of the Internet. Specialists are currently setting up the various systems
but you know from your previous experience that once a company makes a substantial use of ICT
(Information and Communications Technology) it is vulnerable to computer virus infection. A virus is a
program which, when introduced into a computer system, can cause damage to the systems and
information held.
You have been asked to investigate what forms of viruses there are and what can be done when they
attack systems. You will then meet your colleagues to report on your investigations and answer their
questions. These questions follow the information you have gathered.
From: Business Information Service
You should be aware of the four main threats to on-line business. These are the main types
of viruses:
(1) The “simple” computer virus. This is a program which spreads to other programs in
your system and deletes information or causes other damage to your data. These
viruses have been in existence for many years.
(2) The mail bomb. This is a new threat. It is an e-mail message which harms the
computer itself when it is opened.
(3) The computer worm. This is a development of the “simple” virus in which a program
can re-activate itself or replicate and spread across a system.
(4) The Trojan Horse: This is an e-mail message which seems innocent or even helpful,
but when it is opened it starts to spread harmful viruses.
Advice from an insurance company specialising in computer viruses:
There’s no substitute for simple vigilance and suspicion. If anything about any e-mails or on-line
dealings just doesn’t seem right, seek assistance before you do anything.
We will probably never fully overcome the problem. Each time we develop sophisticated systems
of virus protection, even more sophisticated viruses are developed.
A sensible basic precaution is to maintain back-ups or copies of files and information stored on
computers. If a virus strikes, all is not then lost.
As well as investing in reliable equipment and software, you should ensure you have added the
most up-to-date virus protection software. This can detect when a virus has been introduced and
prevent it from spreading.
Take care with incoming e-mails or visits to your website. Do not open any files attached to e-
mails unless you are certain they are genuine, as this is the main way in which viruses are
Take particular care with “junk” or unsolicited contacts or e-mails. It is easy to ignore them and
import viruses.
When downloading from the Internet, take care and run a virus check on anything you download.
You could be importing a virus without recognising it or even realising anything is amiss until
much later.
If you are properly protected and you take these sensible measures you can reduce your risk
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