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My Dily xercise
Heiz Brnhler
My Daily Exercise
New In Chess 2007
© 2007 New In Chess
Published by New In Chess, Alnaar, The Netherlands
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from
the publisher.
Cover design: Steven Boland
Translation and supervision: Peter Boel
Proofreading: Rene Olthof
Production: Anton Schermer
ISBN-I 0: 90-5691-188-0
ISBN-13: 978-90-5691-188-1
Dear reader!
Probably you would like to improve your playing strength, or, if you are not an ac­
tive club player, at least you want to understand more of the game of chess. That's
an understandable ish, but its fulilment is connected with the investment of a
lot of time and efort. The study of the game of chess has taken on the dimensions
of a science these days.
Because of our duties at school, higher education or profession, most of us do
not have enough time, and even less energy, to dedicate ourselves intensively to
the royal game and complete a systematic training course.
But even a minimal form of training will already help us to improve our chess
and, at the same time, ncrease our mentl iness. Anyone who engages in the study
of chess tactics and technique, even for only a few mnutes daily for a prolonged
time sretch, ll gradually understnd more of the game.
For this purpose I have collected 365 exercises with easily understndable so­
lutions in this book, with the idea that the reader can solve one of them each da.
You can do this in the morning or in the evening, sitting on the train or in the bus,
during V commercials (a very proitable way to spend your time!) or during all
those other waiting periods or pauses of which even the greatest busybodies
among us have plent.
Of course it is not prohibited to solve more than one exercise in one go, or
even to rush through the entire 'training year' in a Single session. It is important,
however, to train reglrly - it's better to study one combination each day than
clench a training session into several hours once or ice a year, followed by a
long period of doing nothing!
We start with simple exercises and motifs. But do not fear -it will quickly be­
come more diicult! The aim is not only to solve exercises, but also to learn to
recognize typical techniques and motifs and incorporate them into your own
treasure-chest of experience. Please do not just jump past the irst exercises. In­
stead, proceed systematicall. Take a thorough look at the solutions (don't peruse
them supericially if you have found the right irst move of the solution qUickly)
and, if there are several diferent solutions or further variations, study all of them
carefully and try to understand them. Try to complete the solution from the dia­
grammed position in your head; this is also a good exercise in concentration and
calculation that will improve your playing strength. Even if you learn to calculate
only one move further than before, you will see quite a lot more possibilities in
blitz or tournament games; whether as an attacker or a defender.
Sometimes, of course, it will still be necessary to complete the solution on the
board or on a pocket chess set.
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