Bust to the KING'S Gambit.pdf

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Bobby Fischer
The King's Gambit has lost popularity, but not sympathy. Analysts treat it
with kid gloves and seem reluctant to demonstrate an outright refutation.
The Chessplayers Manual” by Gossip and Lipschutz, published in 1874,
devotes 237 pages to this gambit without arriving at a conclusion. To this
day the opening has been analyzed romantically - not scientifically.
Moderns seem to share the same unconscious attitude that caused the old-
timers to curse stubborn Steinitz: “ He took the beauty out of chess” .
To the public, the player of the King's Gambit exhibits courage and
derring-do. The gambit has been making a comeback with the younger
Soviet masters, notably Spassky (who defeated Bronstein, Averbach and
myself with it). His victories rarely reflected the merits of the opening
since his opponents went wrong in the mid-game. It is often the case,
also, as with Santasiere and Bronstein, that the King's Gambit is played
with a view to a favorable endgame. Spassky told me himself the gambit
doesn't give White much, but he plays it because neither does the Ruy
Lopez nor the Giuoco Piano.
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The refutation of any gambit begins with
accepting it. In my opinion the King's
Gambit is busted. It loses by force.
his King and Queen reversed, Black wins
1. e2-e4
2. f2-f4
This in conjunction with Black's previous
move I would like to call the Berlin
Defense Deferred. By this subtle
transposition Black knocks out the
possibility open to White in the last note
(to move 3).
3. g1-f3
This is the key to a troublesome position, a
high-class "waiting move". At Mar Del
Plata, 1959, I played 3... g7-g5; against
Spassky, but this is inexact because it
gives White drawing chances in the
ensuing ending: e.g., 4. h2-h4 g5-g4; 5. f3-
e5 g8-f6; 6. d2-d4 e7-e6; 7. e5-d3 f6xe4;
8. c1xf4 f8-g7; and now 9. c2-c3!
(replacing Spassky's 9. b1-c3) 9. ... d8-e7,
10. d1-e2 c8-f5; 11. b1-d2 leads to an
ending where Black's extra Pawn is
neutralized by White's stranglehold on the
dark squares, especially f4.
5. d2-d4
6. 0-0
7. c2-c3
Necessary to protect the QP. 7. g2-g3 is
always met by … g5-g4.
Here there is disagreement as to Black's
best move. Puc and Rabar, Euwe, Keres,
and most analysts give the text as the main
line and mention 7. … g8-e7(!); in
Another good try, but also inexact, is the
Berlin Defense: 3. ... h7-h6; 4. d2-d4 g7-
g5; 5. h2-h4 f8-g7; 6. g2-g3 g5-g4; (also
playable is 6. … d6; 7. g3xf4 g5-g4) 7. f3-
h2 f4xg3; 8. h2xg4 (8. d1xg4 loses to 8. …
g3xh2; 9. g4-g7 d8xh4+; 10. e1-d1 h4-f6)
8. … d7-d5; 9. e4-e5 c8-f5; 10 c1-f4,
where Black cannot demonstrate any
I think 7. … g8-e7; is best because there is
no reason why Black should not strive to
castle King-side: e.g., 8. g2-g3 d6-d5!; 9.
e4xd5 f4xg3; 10. h2xg3 (if 10. f3-e5
g3xh2+!; 11. g1-h1 0-0; 12. d5-d6 d8xd6;
wins) 10. … 0-0; 11. d1-b3 d8-d6; 12. g1-
g2 e7-f5; wins. There is little practical
experience with this sub-variation.
Of course 3. … d7-d5; equalizes easily,
but that's all.
4. f1-c4
8. d1-b3
4. d2-d4 transposes, the only difference if
White tries to force matters after 4. … g7-
g5; 5. h2-h4 g5-g4; 6. f3-g5 (White also
gets no compensation after 6. c1xf4 g4xf3;
7. d1xf3 b8-c6; or 6. f3-g1 f8-h6) 6. … f7-
f6!; 7. g5-h3 g4xh3; 8. d1-h5+ e8-d7; 9.
c1xf4 d8-e8!; 10. h5-f3 d7-d8; and with
If 8. g2-g3 g5-g4; 9. f3-h4 f4-f3; 10. b1-d2
(Euwe and other analysts betray their soft-
mindedness toward this opening by giving
the inferior 10. … g7-f6(?); 11. d2xf3
g4xf3; 12. d1xf3 – “ unclear” !!). This is
yet another example of “sentimental
evaluation” - after 12. … d8-e7; followed
by c8-h3 and 0-0-0 Black wins easily.
10. h4xg5 h6xg5
11. f3xg5
The Black's Pawn on f3 is a bone in
White's throat so why force him to
sacrifice when he must anyway? 10. …
d8-e7; is the strongest move.
A wild position, but Black is still master.
12. c4xf7+ ...
The game is rife with possibilities. If 12.
g5xe4 e7xe4; 13. f1xf4 e4-e1+; 14. f4-f1
e1-h4; 15. c4xf7+ e8-d8; 16. b3-d5
c6xe5!; 17. d4xe5 g7xe5; (threatening B-
R7 and mate) 18. f1-d1 h4-g3; wins -
owing to the threat of h8-h1+.
In this last variation (instead of 10. b1-d2)
White can vary with 10. d1-b3 … but then
comes Nimzovitch's beautiful winning
line: 10. … d8-e7; 11. h4-f5 c8xf5; 12.
e4xf5 (if 12. b3xb7 a8-b8; 13. b7xc6+ e7-
d7; 14. c6xd7+ f5xd7; and Black has a
winning endgame) 12. ...0-0-0; 13. c4xf7
e7-e2; 14. b3-e6+ (if 14. f1-f2 c6xd4!; 15.
f2xe2 fxe2; wins) 14. … d8-d7!; 15. f1-f2
e2-d1+; 16. f2-f1 d1-c2; 17. b1-d2 g8-f6;
(threatening c6-d8) 18. f7-g6 (if 18. e6-b3
c2xb3; 19. f7xb3 d6-d5; with a winning
endgame) 18. … d6-d5; followed by c6-e7
with a winning game for Black.
12. … e8-d8
13. g5xe4
Not 13. g5-e6+ c8xe6; 14. b3xe6 e7xe6;
15. f7xe6 c6xd4!;
14. c1xf4
8. … d8-e7
9. h2-h4 g8-f6
14. f1xf4 also loses to 14. … e4-e1+; 15.
f4-f1 h8-h1+; 16. g1xh1 e1xf1+; 17. h1-h2
f1xf4; etc.
Again theoretical disagreement. Perfectly
good is 9. … g5-g4!; 10. c1xf4 (forced,
not 10. f3-d2 c6xd4!; 11. c3xd4 g7xd4+;
etc.) 10. … g4xf3; 11. f1xf3 - given by
analysts again as "unclear" but after g8-f6
followed by 0-0, White has nothing for the
And Black wins...
Of course, White can always play
differently, in which case he merely loses
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