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Seventy-Five Chess Problems
by John Thursby,
Trinity Coll., Camb.,
An Electronic Edition
Anders Thulin, Malmö · 2000-07-29
to the Rev. W. Thursby
Jan., 1st, 1883
It seems to be custom to say a few words to the public, when
offering a collection of Chess Problems, and this custom I
shall shortly avail myself of. The stratagems contained in this
book are a selection from the many Problems composed by
me, and published during the last six years in all the leading
journals and magazines at home and abroad.
I do not claim for my problems any especial or extraordi-
nary profundity, nor do I intend to set myself up as a rival
to other Chess authors; but I believe that any Chess-player
who takes the trouble to look through my book, will fi nd in it
amusement and pleasure. I do not pretend to be able to give
hints on construction, or to lay down dogmatic rules in Prob-
lem art.
In conclusion, I ought to state that I have always been
treated with the greatest courtesy by every Chess Editor with
whom I have corresponded, with, I regret to say, one notable
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