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4. Rynek pracy

Ćwiczenie 4.

Przeczytaj tekst. Wykorzystując zawarte w nim słownictwo, odpowiedz na pytania.



Before you are up to your eyeballs with CVs, covering letters and application forms, here are some basic steps on the path to success.

  Evaluate your skills realistically and don't be modest!

  Identify your limitations and your strengths; what makes you tick?

  Determine what is important to you in a job and what type of organisation you wish to work in.

  Learning never stops it is a lifelong process. Look for opportunities to learn.

Persuasive CVs

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the Latin for life history; your CV should be just that. A CV is vital in getting you a job so it should be persuasive, convincing and more importantly, it should sell you. Employers take about 15-20 seconds to scan a CV. So, first impressions count!

Covering Letters - Top Tips

  A covering letter is an explanation for sending your CV

  Keep your letter short no more than one side of A4 handwritten, word processed/typed.

  Make sure it is factual and accurate - always check spelling and grammar.

  Find out who your letter should be addressed to.

  Be positive about yourself emphasise your strengths and highlight skills, qualifications and experience that match the employer's requirements.

/Applications Essentials

  Photocopy the application form and use it to do a rough draft.

  Be original, don't regurgitate* company brochures.

  Always use black ink if handwriting your application and make sure your handwriting is legible and neat!

  Remember you are selling yourself, so be positive.

  Remember to take a photocopy of your completed application - it will help to refresh your memory if you are called for an interview

Successful Interviews

Being invited for an interview means you have already made a good impression! Build on this initial success. Keep your cool and sell yourself- you are the best person to do this.

  Preparation is the key to success. It will give you confidence and will help you relax and remain clear-headed.

  Do your research. Interviewers will expect you to be knowledgeable about the job and the company.

  Think of questions you are likely to be asked and rehearse possible answers. Also consider questions you might wish to ask.

  Dress - keep it simple, low-key* and professional.

  Be punctual. Aim to arrive about 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled interview time.

' Be professional - be polite, make eye contact, give a firm handshake. Speak

slowly, clearly and confidently. ' Do not be a bad loser if you don't get the job. Put it down to experience.

Learn by asking for feedback. Tomorrow is a new day!

''to regurgitate - repeat without understanding properly (bezmyślnie powtarzać)

*low-key - not attracting attention to oneself (powściągliwy, skromny)


1.   Consider a job you wish to have in the future. What individual characteristics, skills, qualifications and experience are indispensable in it? How can your individual strengths (character traits and personality) help you in getting this job?

2.   Looking for a job - along with writing a CV and covering letter, completing application forms and attending interviews - seems to be a kind of employment ritual. Why is every element of this ritual so important in actually getting a particular job? What do you think an applicant can learn about himself or herself in the process of following this ritual step by step?

Dodatkowe zagadnienia

1.              Present ideal working conditions for two jobs of your choice: a professional and
a manual worker. Consider each of the jobs from the perspectives of the employer
and the employee as well as the character of the occupation.

Consider, for example, the number of working hours per day, equipment required (if any), safety regulations, pressures of the job, salary (or wages), opportunities for promotion and career advancement.

2.    What could be the reasons why so many unemployed people decide not to look for a job but instead rather stay at home not earning their living? Present and justify your opinion. Which is better: a low but stable income or the hope for higher remuneration in the future? Why?

3.    In areas with high unemployment rates, what can be done to increase the number of jobs available? Are state authorities always responsible? Justify your opinion.

4.    To what extent do you think the job people have is an expression of their social status?

5.    Job satisfaction depends on our attitude, not on the job itself. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Justify your opinion.

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