13.Świat przyrody.doc

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13   Świat przyrody

Ćwiczenie 1.

Przyporządkuj wyrazy z listy do dwóch podstawowych kategorii zwierząt i roślin. Następnie wykonaj polecenia i odpowiedz na pytania zamieszczone pod tabelą.

bee, beetle, beetroot, butterfly, camel, cherry, chrysanthemum, cow, daffodil, dolphin, eagle, hen, hippopotamus, oak, palm, pear, pigeon, pine, radish, raspberry, rose, sparrow, spider, spinach

1. In the list of animals find insects and birds.             

2. In the list of plants find vegetables, fruit, flowers and trees.

3. Add any other animals and plants that you know to the lists.

4. Give names of some popular household pets and also animals that some people keep as pets, although they are not normally considered as pets.

5. Find some domestic animals in the list. What other animals can you add?

6. Find in the lists any animals and plants that you can find mostly in warm or tropical climates. Add some more that you are familiar with.

Ćwiczenie 2.

Wpisz wyrazy z listy do trzech podanych w tabeli kategorii geograficznych. Następnie odpo­wiedz na pytania zamieszczone pod tabelą.

breeze, clouds, coast, desert, drought, earthquake, flood, fog, forest, hill, hurricane, iceberg, lake, mountain range, river, storm, tidal wave, tornado, valley, volcano, waterfall, wind

1.   Which words from the lists refer to natural disasters or their causes? What other natural disasters can you add?

2.   The three categories are three of the four elements: earth, water and air. What is the fourth?

3.   Which of the natural disasters have happened or happen in Poland? In which parts of the world do they occur more frequently?

4.   What can people do to prevent natural disasters or decrease their negative effects? What can the authorities do before a distaster strikes? For example, is it enough to construct dams on rivers not to surfer the consequences of flooding? How can the costs of emergency aid be reduced? How can people prepare for hurricanes, floods or earthquakes? You can use the vocabulary from the list below.

bolt cupboards and bookcases to the wall

buy insurance (for example: flood insurance)

have a portable radio at hand (with spare batteries)

have disaster supplies ready (for example: canned food, a first aid kit, rope, warm clothes)

identify safe places in each room

install fire-proof (=flame-resistant) shingles (= wooden tiles) on the roof

install storm shutters

leave home

make evacuation plans

move valuables out of the basement

secure the roof to the walls and the foundation

teach all family members how to turn off the gas and electricity

Ćwiczenie 3.

Dopasuj do siebie odpowiednie wyrazy i zwroty, tak aby otrzymać wyrażenia odnoszące się

do zagrożenia środowiska naturalnego. Następnie odpowiedz na podane pytania.

clouds, disposal, effect, pollution, rain, species, spill, the ozone layer, the rain forest, waste

1.  acid                       6.  air and water             

2.  oil                        7.  the hole in             

3.  nuclear waste                       8.  destruction of             

4.  industrial                        9.   radioactive             

5.  endangered                     10.  the greenhouse             


1.  Which problem in the list do you think is the most serious and people should deal with first?

2.  Is there a problem that can be solved quite easily? What is needed to achieve it? Think about some other factors than money.

3.  Which environmental problems from the list have caused or may cause significant cli­mate changes?

4.  Which problems can only be dealt with by governments? Can an individual person help? How?

Ćwiczenie 4.

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.

deforestation, ecology, environmentally, eruption, evacuated, extinct, global, iceberg, pressure, recycling, rescue, resources, smog, spread, survivors, tropical

1. There are not enough              -friendly products on the market.

2. More and more species of animals are becoming              because of climate

change and pollution.

3. The disease is              quickly by mosquitoes.

4. People survived the earthquake thanks to              teams, who arrived

surprisingly fast to the area.

5. We will soon run out of natural              and we must look for other sources of energy.

6. Yellow fever, malaria and cholera are              diseases.

7. The ship hit the floating              and sank within five hours.

8.                is the study of the relationship of all living organisms in their environment.

9.              Extreme air pollution in cities is sometimes called              , i.e. the mixture

of smoke and fog.

10.    There were only a few              of the mudslide in Peru last week.

11.    The volcanic              caused many people to leave the village in panic.

12.    The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes              warming.

13.    Environmental              groups such as Greenpeace have done a lot to save

animals from extinction.

14.    Erosion of land is caused by intense              .

15.    Thousands of people are to be              from the region affected by flood.

16.    Reusing and              materials is only part of the answer to problems with waste


Ćwiczenie 5.

Podziel poniższe propozycje zaradzenia problemom związanym z zanieczyszczeniem środowiska naturalnego na te, które odnoszą się do decyzji globalnych, i te, które może wprowadzić w życie każdy z nas indywidualnie. Następnie wyjaśnij, wzorując się na przykładowym zdaniu, jakie konsekwencje dla środowiska ma każda z propozycji.

1.               conserve energy at home and at work

2.               develop clean energy cars

3.               fine companies polluting the atmosphere

4.               insulate your house

5.               put litter in a rubbish bin

6.               ride a bike or use public transport

7.               separate and recycle rubbish

8.               stop using CFCs in aerosols

9.               take short showers ratherthan long baths


10.    turn off all the lights when you are leaving a room

11.    use heating and air conditioning only when it is absolutely necessary

12.    use renewable sources of energy, e.g solar power

Przykład: Conserving energy at home and at work helps to save energy resources, like coal and oil.

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